new information

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Axel POV I need to get back to Gina, I need to be there before she wakes up. Jim is leading his warriors into his office, and I'm starting to get fidgety.'Any updates' I link my men 'no Alpha' was all I got back, and I relaxed a little. I mean, I'm not sure what I'm expecting because Gina has been put in a coma to help with her healing, so it's not like she will just wake up. I'm happy in a way because this way, she won't feel any pain, hopefully. "Alpha Jim, could you mind link Paula please, to see if there are any updates?" I ask, and he nods in agreement, and his eyes glaze over. "All is ok, Gina isn't any different, Alia is awake and eating, and the girls are there with them," he explains, and I feel better. "Hey again, can you all give me a detailed account of the rescue yesterday?" I asked, looking at the group of men standing in front of me. "Alpha, my name is benji. I was fighting alongside my pack, and when we went in, we were taken aback by the number of humans there was with guns, but we took them down, " and I can see the uncertainty in his eyes. We as werewolves are learnt, generation to generation, that we steer clear of humans and if we do have to mingle with them for any reasons we don't loose our temper, we hold our wolves back and the number 1 cardinal rule is we do not kill any human. "I can see the uncertainty in you about that but we only finished what they started, any judgements or consequences for those deaths will come to nothing, they stole pups and tried to stop us from getting them back. Their deaths are on their own hands, not ours. " I can see some of the tension leave the men, and I understand why killing a human results in death. "After we took the men with guns and the Rogues down, Alpha had us rescue the girls from the side of the shed and guard them until you and Beta shane came out the building" ok so who killed the men then. "The only deaths I'm interested in is the 2 men that scarpered when I entered the building, they must have gone out the same way the girls escaped" I was looking but no-one looked like they knew who I was talking about. "One had slicked black hair, black trousers and a white shirt and gold around his neck, wrists and on his fingers, the other looked like him but younger" I gave their description and all the men stood thinking for a minute before shaking their heads no. "f**k NOOOO" I shout and all the men put their heads down. "SO THEY ARE STILL OUT THERE" I shout again. How the f**k can this be happening. 'I should have killed those fuckers' Blaze growled and I know the feeling 'but if you had Gina would not have survived' I replied sadly 'I know' he said and we know without a doubt we made the right decision. I take a few massive deep breaths to calm down, I know it wasn't the mens fault either because they did what was right too, they protected the pups. "Ok so now we have a problem Alpha Jim, we need to return to that shitty place to end them" I say and Jim frowns "we have our pups back, surely us going would constitute as murder if we attack now" his answer pisses me off, yes he is thinking like an Alpha and he's double checking that there will be no comebacks from this. "There will be no consequences as they know where your pack is and there was a reason why he was taking the pups, we need to stop them now before they can get more rogues or hire men. For what they have done they will pay" I also know there won't be any consequences because I'm head of the council that holds the weres to their actions. The council makes sure all packs are treated fairly and are being kept in the guidelines to keep our existence from humans. "We need to notify the council and make sure because I can't risk my pack" he truly is a great Alpha, I can see the anger in his eyes that the men still live but caution of the outcome of his decision to go back. "Not many people know this so it stays in this room. My family have been the head of the council since it was founded. My family were close to the Royals and that is when the council were put together, there will not be any consequences" the whole room was shocked except for Shane, of course he is on the council too. "Ok" was the only thing that was said. "Ok" Shane repeated I could see he was raring to go "I need to go back to the clinic. Can you organise a team for the mission Alpha Jim. I will only need 3men. There will be me, Shane, 2 of my warriors and 3 of yours. I need them to be fast" I explain and he nods ok. We are walking back to the clinic "we need to be fast, put an end to those fuckers and get back" I say and he's agreeing and walking as fast as me. Wanting to get back to his mate as I do mine. Sat in the Drs office obviously with no door but I apologise for that. The girls and their parents are stood looking at me with smiles. "Hello girls it's so nice to meet you" I smile "hi" a few of the girls said while the others just stare "I need to ask some questions, please answer as fully as possible" they all nod ok "ok can you tell me if anyone said why you were there" but they all shook their heads no "was anything said at all about what was happening" but they shook their heads no again "I heard something but I'm not sure it will help" said one of the older pups "can you tell us, it might help" Shane asked she shrugged her shoulders "sure" she said quietly and took hold of her mums hand "one of the men said to another that they were moving us" ok that is something "did they say where to" Shane asked but she shook her head no "no. He just said a secure location" this made me smile "What's your name" I asked and she frowned "Micaela, Alpha" she replied and my smile grew "well Micaela, you are a great observer. You did good" her parents smiled at my praise but she looked confused "I don't get it, I didn't even know where we were going. I told Gina and that gave us a push to leave when we did" she said unsure "well Micaela that information you just told lets us know there is another property. That gives us a clue" she smiled at that "before you go can I ask about Gina and Alia" I ask and the girls smile with a nod yes "great.. when did they arrive and did any of them talk about where they are from" but they looked sad "Gina and Alia came about a week or so before it was hard to keep track on days. We tried to clean them up and give them drinks and food. Gina passed out for about 3 days we did what Annalises mum did for her sister when she was ill" wow that's a lot for them to see and a big responsibility. Annalise and Paulas mum bent down and hugged her daughter "well done darling" and I've got to say I'm impressed with these young pups. "She woke up and that's when she said we were leaving. She was so poorly and we didn't know what to do" and they all started getting upset "She helped us out but they got her... oh mum we tried and they got her" Annalise cried now into her mum and then they were all crying. s**t this isn't what I wanted.
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