
1342 Words
Gina POV She says it like I'd know who she is, Selene, or at least I should know. Moon goddess, I'm not sure what to say. She just keeps smiling at me. Can I ask her or not, I'm dreaming obviously, but it feels so real. Maybe I should just ask her, it's not like this is real. "You can ask anything" she breaks me from my thoughts, my face must have given me away "not your face dear" she chuckled and I'm clueless until she started tapping her temple, still chuckling. Omg she can't be serious. "Oh child, I certainly am," and laughed, actually laughed. "Ok, I'm totally confused. Am I dying, or is this a dream. I mean I don't feel any pain at all so it must mean that because that's all I felt" I keep talking, rambling on because I'm nervous but I stop when I see her beautiful face frown. A frown definitely didn't belong on her. "Ok, let me start from the beginning," She says, waving her hand, and I jump as a table and chairs appear behind us. I sit but my hands are fidgety and I look everywhere but the beautiful lady in front of me. I've got a feeling deep inside me, screaming at me that whatever is about to be said will change everything. I'm trying to take everything in, but the whole place is amazing. The grass is the most greenest I've ever seen. There's all different shapes and sizes of flowers, the most gorgeous colours, swaying in a breeze that I can not feel. It almost looks like they are dancing. The wolves that are surrounding us are magnificent, too. Some are laid watching the water, others are running, and then there's a few puppy wolves tumbling with each other. I could sit here all day and watch them all. The sky is crazy but in a good way. It's got stars and moons, but on the opposite side is a sun and clouds. It's a mixture of different shades of pinks. Darker pinks around the stars and lighter pinks around the clouds. I've never seen anything real, really. I know what things look like from when I've been cleaning and my family has had the TV on. It wasn't much, but what I did see made me want to leave more and more over the years. A growl sort of noise from behind me made me jump. I turn slowly, and there laid next to the woman is a massive black wolf,not just black, though. It was black, but it looked like golden threads shimmering in the light. Its eyes were green and was watching my every move. It was laid, but its head was still higher than the womans head. It was massive. My heart beat started thumping like mad. I could feel myself starting to sweat. "It's ok, child, this is midnight, she is beautiful and gentle. She is my wolf and feels protective of me but she won't hurt you" I can't take my eyes away from the impressive wolf, I can hear everything that is said but my body is nervous and scared. I've never seen or been this close to an animal before except Dakote, but she brought me comfort. It's a comfort I've been missing all my life. I see out the corner of my eye. The woman nods her head. I feel instantly better. Dakote is lying down beside me. She licked my face and rested her massive head on my knees. I feel calmness and a sense of protection. "Feel better," the woman asks me, and I nod, running my fingers through Dakote beautiful white fur. "Ok, I'll start at the beginning," waving her hand, and this time, drinks appeared. I'm so thirsty I drink mine down in one go. She laughs and refills it. "Ok, well, where to start?" she says, thinking out loud. "I come from a long line of goddesses and gods. I have 2 sisters and 2 brothers. We are creators of magical beings. My creation is my beautiful werewolves, Midnight was my very first all those thousands of years ago. She is my wolf, my other half but in my realm we are always together. We never have to shift. Werewolves were created by me as protection for mankind and for thousands of years they lived in harmony with humans, unfortunately some weres wanted more, thought they had the right to more power and they tarnished the rest with their greed. Even though humans know nothing about my beautiful creatures, they are still well protected. Many years ago, there used to be royal weres. They held everyone in place and were a great family who led with love, fairness, and courage, but they were double crossed by one of their own. He was a horrible man who wanted everything for himself. But he didn't have the wolf strong enough to hold onto what he stole. " I'm watching her tell me the story, and I can see her emotions in her eyes. When she started telling me about werewolves and her family her eyes glowed with love and happiness but now she was angry and upset her eyes were a darker green and it looked like a storm was happening, the forest was now under intense wind and rain and every so often a flash would appear. She took a steadying breath and started to calm down. "Are you alright?" I ask, and she smiles at me "yes I just get upset by how their greed kills so many," and a tear slips from her eye. "Some people have no idea about love or compassion," I say sadly, thinking of my family. "That's true, unfortunately," she replies, and I take another drink. "What happened?" I really want to know. "So the people he was trying to rule dismissed him. He was sent running with his comrades, and he's still out there somewhere. They other packs all came together to fight for justice, and they won. All the packs now look for guidance from a strong pack who are fair and lead with their heart. They don't have the Royal wolf for strength, but they hold their own. " I'm smiling so much my cheeks are starting to hurt. Hearing how there is love, kindness, and compassion out there somewhere fills my heart with so much happiness. "Are there any questions so far?" she asks me, and I do have a few questions, so I nod my head yes "Can I ask.. what are the wolves watching, why is the sky like that, what other magical beings could there be, what are packs, what was the Royal wolf and is there really a place all this exists, ca-" but I get cut off when she puts her hand up and laughs "maybe we should save the questions until the end" I laugh too. It feels nice to laugh. I nod my head. "Each werewolf has a mate, I wanted to be sure they would never be alone. That everyone had love and happiness in their lives. A mate is your other half, a soul mate. More recently, though, not every wolf wants their mate for whatever reason. Some think they make them weaker, but that couldn't be further from the truth. A mate makes you stronger, makes you whole, but more importantly, they make you happy and loved. Some people don't know the power love holds. " I totally agree. "I'm done giving you the jist of everything. Now I'll answer your questions, " she laughed. I nod my head and slow down my questions "is all this real" I ask and I feel like I'm going insane hoping it is true and not a dream "of course" and I felt so much hope causing me to smile. "What are packs?" her smile grew. "Packs are where werewolves live. It's a family, and each pack is led by an Alpha and Luna. They guide their pack" ok.
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