sharing information

1309 Words
Gina POV I feel on cloud nine. It's daft, really, but knowing Axel wants me just as I do him gives me so much happiness. We are walking hand in hand towards the dining room for breakfast. I don't know if it was the commotion yesterday or using our powers, but my stomach has been non-stop growling. The closer we got, the faster I walked and the louder my stomach became. We walked in, and the dining room was full. I headed straight for the food counter, I grabbed 2 bottles of water and piled my plate high with hash browns, sausage, and scrambled eggs. I made a plate up for Axel, too, as he went to the table where Shane and Paula sat. I piled his with bacon, sausage, hash browns, and fried eggs. Since being here, I know the foods he likes, so I quickly plate up and thank the cooks that have made it and walked to our table. I placed his down in front of where he stood "I was going to get mine" Axel c****d his eyebrow at me "I wanted to" and placed my plate down, and was eating it before speaking. Rude, I know. "Morning," I say between my mouthfuls. "Morning, how are you feeling?" Paula asks, making me smile. Well, try to smile, but my mouth is jammed with good food. I swallow the food. "Good, thankyou, I slept the whole night, so I feel rested but very hungry," I say, putting in another forkful. "We would never have guessed," Shane laughed and made me almost choke, as I was trying not to laugh along. Axel growled at shane slightly while rubbing my back and handing me my bottled water. "How are you two doing?" I ask them with a smile "we are great," Shane answered, bringing Paulas hand to his mouth, kissing it. They are so sweet. "Don't forget we are training this morning." Paula reminds me, and I'm happy with that. "Can't wait," I say as I finish my breakfast. I know Axel isn't keen on the idea, but it's something I need to do. "We need a meeting first." Axel says just as Nate comes in. "Morning, where are the girls?" I ask as he is alone, "I've got them sorted, fed, and dropped them at school." And I know he would take care of them. "Thank you." I smile, I felt bad as I was getting dressed that I was too drained to settle Emma in on her first night, but Axel assured me that Nate was looking after them. We waited while Nate ate his breakfast before going to the office. We walked into George, Di, Sue, and Daniel, sat talking. Something has happened. I see it in their eyes. We all take a seat. "Dad, did you find anything out yet?" Axel asks his dads eyes are sad. He shook his head, I couldn't tell if it was because he didn't have anything new or because he didn't want to share what it was "Only that the Sequoia wolf is sacred, that she was murdered at a young age, just the same as we already knew. Alpha Deavon has, however, told us something we didn't know.." he was nervous."What is it? " Axel asked now on the edge of his seat. "Well.. his great grandfather allowed a few good witches, sisiers who had lost their coven to dark witches, to live on his land. In exchange, they would help protect the pack. They have always been a smaller pack, so they were targeted too many times, but with the help from the witches, they fought back and kept the pack safe. The witches met their mates and went on to have families. They became great allies with the Allymoon pack. It is said that one of the sisiters was great friends with the Alpha and Luna, she told them about the Sequoia wolf and how, yes the ritual came from a dark witch but that said witch kept something back. She wanted the power for herself and double crossed Lileia uncle. The plan was to kill him half way through the ritual and take the power for herself but he actually did the ritual the day before they had planned because he didn't want to share the power with her" ok thats a lot more than we knew "what did she not tell him" I asked hoping it's something we can atleast be weary of. "Well, firstly, it needs to be held on a full moon. That's one of the reasons it failed, as he did it the day before not realising the significance of it. The second reason why it failed was because the witch didn't tell him that they needed another sacrifice. " he was really struggling to say it."What sacrifice? " I asked, worried it's something awful. "The ritual is of darkness and death. The dark witch was mad with greed, and it's just awful. No sane person would ever.." Di said as she started sobbing. Di is one of the most feirce, kindest, supportive, and loving women I know. This must be something terrible, and as much as I don't want to hear it, I know I must. George comforts Di and carries on talking. "The ritual is that the Sequoia wolf is restrained, under the full moon, slashed with an athame dagger, she is to be cut 444 times across her body, the witch is then to chant the spell while cutting the Sequoia face 13 time, transferring her power into a baby. She is then stabbed in the heart with the dagger. When she has taken her last breath, the ritual continues onto the baby. The same again happens to the baby as the Sequoia, but instead of stabbing the babies heart, it is cut out, and the witch consumes it" George explained with so much disgust and to be honest I would have too if I had to say it. It's hard enough to hear. What kind of sicko would do such a thing, who would even think up something so vile. The whole room is as disgusted and shocked as I am. "That is never going to happen." Axel growled out, "agreed" came from Shane. "I need to train, and also, I need to speak to Chris. Could you link him, please? " I ask Axel, who looks at me unsure. "Are you ok?" He asks me, pulling me onto his knee "yes just hearing that shittyness has made me even more determined to train, especially if it means saving a baby" I say as I feel the tears fill my eyes. "It won't come to that," he reassures me, and I'm grateful for that, but we can't be too safe. I'd rather be ready for anything than unprepared. "I know, love, I just want to be ready for anything," I say, kissing his lips. "Gina is right, we need to be prepared for her safety, even if there's no immediate threat because she is the Sequoia wolf but there might be as she is the queen" Daniel stated and that is the truth. "Ok, Paula, Nate, can you help with Ginas training. Shane, we need to ramp up on border patrol." Axel stated, and everyone got up to leave the office. s**t. I almost forgot. "Wait.." When everyone turned and looked at me, I explained, "I spoke with Selene last night briefly. She couldn't tell me much, but she did tell me that Axel and Blaze are the answer. They are the key." "Yes I think it's because the chosen ones before Gina didn't get a chance to meet their mates, so Gina is more protected" "it does make sense son, there's so much more we need to learn." Di said, giving us both a cuddle.
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