getting on the same page!

1471 Words
Gina POV "I know we need to involve everyone, but I wanted to speak with you first," I say as I walk into the closet for clothes, I'm excited to know even a little more than we did before. it's so hard to concentrate, though, as all I can smell is Axel. Before I knew it, I was standing closer to the bathroom door. His scent is so strong, it takes over my body but I'm trying so hard to stop myself from going in, 'you know you want to' Dakote giggles 'stop it, I can't just walk in' I say as I feel my face heat up but my whole body is on fire with want and need for him 'you should' she giggled again. I'm finding it so hard to keep my mind clear of him, his gorgeous eyes staring at me, heating my body from my toes to my head. His smile, oh my his smile, makes me weak at the knees and his mouth-watering body. I get so many thoughts of him that my body moves on its own. I reach for the door handle.. "Yeah, sure, I'll be out in a minute, love," his voice breaks me out of my daydreaming daze. I quickly move away from the door and back to the bed, I hope he didn't realise I was outside the door. I sit and wait for him. He walked out of the bathroom, his nose twitched, and his eyes darkened at me. Wow. I had a girly talk with Paula when we got home about why his eyes darkened. She explained it was lust, which means he wants me, and the conversation turned into a full-scale s*x talk. I was a little embarrassed but also thankful as I would have been completely clueless. He gives me a feeling I've never had before, and I'm wet in wanting. I feel hotter the more his eyes trace me. Drops of water fall from his hair, down his body before being soaked into the towel that is wrapped around his waist. He quickly goes into the closet and comes back out dressed, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed, but I try not to show it. "So I spoke to selene," I start off saying, but his eyes go wide, "I will never get used to you saying that," He said in astonishment. "She is beautiful, inside and out." I smile. It's still strange to me that none of them have seen Selene, but I understand why. "I can imagine." he smiled, making me giggle. "She gave me a clue as such, she explained she couldn't say more, but I told her we would figure it out," I explained while he looked a little shocked still. "What did she say?" he asks, looking a tad bit nervous. "Axel and blaze are the answer. They are the key. Do you know what that means?" I asked, hoping he does, but he looks both confused and happy. If that's even possible. "I'm not 100% sure.. I realise that the others were young when they were taken from us. They were mateless even when Lileia was at an age to meet her mate but didn't have a chance before she was murdered. Maybe it's because you have us, we will protect you, " Axel said, making me feel safe, but then he always does. "I think so too, I feel so safe with you," I smile, but I'm a little nervous too. What if they can't save us. I don't say it out loud as I don't want to upset him. "Especially when we mark and mate, our connection will be set in stone, it will be the greatest feeling in the whole world" marking.. I have no idea what he is talking about. Paula explained about becoming one with your mate, but she never used the word marking. "What's that?" I ask, feeling a knot form in my stomach. He looks like he's put his foot in it and starts stumbling over his words. "s**t, I wanted to wait until you were settled in more before I approached all of this." he looked guiltily at me, but I had no idea why. I don't say a word as I wait for him to carry on. He rubbed the back of his neck, and I could swear he looked like he was blushing. "I'm not sure how much you know exactly about mates," he looks at me, waiting for me to answer. "Mates are two halves, destined to be together for life." I say what I know, but I know it's not a lot, but that's it. "Ok, I'll start at the beginning. We learn this as young pups, so we know early on what a mate is and how sacred they are. Mates were created by our moon goddess Selene. She blessed us with the ability to find our mates when we turned 18 years old and we became one with our wolves. They have the most amazing scent that drives our wolf crazy until we mark one another. The scent is unique to mates, and no others are like it. When we mark our mates, that connection is fierce, loyal and fills you with love and happiness and we have a bond that is so strong that we can feel each others emotions, pain, and also hear each others thoughts. Selene blessed us so we would feel love and happiness but never lonely. The other half of our souls completes us to a point that we feel whole." Axel explains, but now I have more questions. "That is why Paula was ok leaving her family and pack." And he smiled "yes" ok "and when I smell your scent, that's just for me." I can feel my face heat up as the thoughts enter my head again, I look down, trying to hide my face. His hand reaches out, and sparks erupt. He gently lifts my face so my eyes connect with his. "Yes, and your scent is for me," he smiled even wider. Ok. "What is marking your mate?" and his face blushes, ever so slightly. He does the thing when he's nervous, rubbing the back of his neck. He's such a cutie. "Well, erm, I'm not sure how to say it because I'm not sure what you know about.. s*x," he whispered out the last word. "I have some idea," I say more confident than I would have a week ago. Paula has explained everything about s*x, but I'm completely confused as to what that has to do with marking, and he goes even redder. Making me smile. "Mates, mark one another during sex." ok, ok.. not what I was expecting. " I know it's totally normal for mates to do that straight away after meeting. Paula and Shane have already marked each other. She has had a glow about her since "so what are your thoughts?" He ask, "well, paula explained that it's a normal but magic process of meeting your mate, but..." How can I ask him why he hasn't marked me so I shrug my shoulder not sure what to say "You don't have to worry about what you say, you can say whatever you like" he says holding my hand. I darent look him in his eyes as I ask the question that has been bugging me for weeks. "I was erm.. why haven't you?" I ask, still not looking at him, but I'm sure I'm making no sense."Why I haven't what?" He asks, sounding confused. "Well, paula explained about s*x and becoming one with your mate and that must have been the marking she was talking about which I fully understand now, but she said mates want to as soon as they meet and I understand, you know if your waiting or not ready but I was just wondering, is it something I need to do first.. I'm making no sense." I'm talking so fast, and my nerves are so high. Maybe I should have just waited. "Love," he lifted my face again to look at me with his gorgeous eyes, "I DO want you in every way, trust me.. Blaze has been going crazy to mark you. But I wanted you to know you can trust us and are waiting until you're ready. " My eyes go wide, and I feel the sting of tears. "You truly are amazing. I've known since waking up I can trust you, actually, for the last few years. I've wanted you to, so bad." I smile with a few stray tears falling down my cheeks. This news seems to have made him happy, too. "Really.. I just assumed you would need time, and to that, I kissed him. With everything I had.
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