
1218 Words
Gina POV 'I need to get out.' Dakote is pleading with me, and I feel awful as she has been cooped up since we first shifted. I know she longs to run, especially with Blaze, but Axel has asked us to hold off as long as possible, but that was over a week ago. 'I'll speak with Axel today.' I try and reassure her. 'Thank you' was all she said before locking herself away. Blocking me, but not before I feel how upset she is. I really need to sort it out. It's just not fair on her, and if I'm honest, I'm looking forward to it, too. I only got to be in Dakotes form for a short while. Axel is dealing with a situation while we are walking to the training ground. "Thank you both for helping me." Im so grateful to them. "You don't need to thank us," Nate smiled. He's such a sweetie "hows school?" I ask, and his smile instantly fades. "Not my thing. I learned everything they were teaching when I was growing up" My heart sinks a little for him."I was hoping you would have met some friends," but he just smiles at me. "I did, I don't need the school, but I made plans to train with some friends when the school is done" ok that makes me feel better, I really think Nate needs friends his own age. "Good, will be great for you to have friends," but he frowns at me. "I do. I have you two, " my heart soars hearing him. "Yes, we are, but you need friends outside of us too." Paula smiles, but his frown deepens. "My life is to protect Gina, I'm happy with that," he states, full of seriousness, stopping me in my tracks. "Wait, what.. your life isn't that. Your life is your own. To be happy. It is unfair for Selene to put that burden on you." He seems pissed with what I have said. "You could never be a burden," and he hugged me. "You know what I mean," I reply, hugging him back. It's strange to think how I longed to have this connection with Callum and Alex, but looking back over my life, I didn't feel a connection with any of them, not really even when I prayed and wish they would be different. The only thing I got from them was pain and self blame. Growing up, I always thought there was something wrong and horrid with me. I was always trying to do better, trying to be better so they would love me, but I know now it was all in vain. Nothing I ever could do would be good enough for them. I know now what I've been missing my whole life, and I vowed to myself I'd never, ever feel like that again. I'd never let anyone make me feel like that. "Hey, are you ok?" Nate asks, which makes me smile "yes just thinking of how lucky I am to have a brother," and I give him an extra squeeze. This brings the biggest smile to his face. "Come on," I say, pulling them both excitedly towards the training grounds. Im probably more excited than I should be, but I'm finally going to learn how to fight back and how to stand up for myself. "Ok, one more time," Paula says as I swing at Nate again. Which he easily dodges. Honestly, it feels like my legs and arms weigh a ton and are going to drop off and hit the ground any minute. "That's great. You're definitely getting better, and to say this is your first time, you're great, " Nate says, giving me a small boost. "This is the hardest hour I've ever had." I groan with exhaustion, making them both chuckle "what" I ask as nothing I said was funny. "You realise we have 35 minutes left," Paula giggled. What, surely not. "Really.. I thought we were almost done. " I'm out of breath, and my whole body is sweating. How is it possible I've only been here 20 minutes? "How are non of you sweating?" I groan more looking at them, and the pair of them laugh. Ok, two can play that game. I dont say a word and move closer to them both before jumping on them, getting my sweat over them. I laugh as they both say "gross." And then we are all laughing. "Ok, come on back to it. This time, we are going to switch from offence to defence," Paula said, standing in front of me. She is standing, looking ready to attack. I almost smile at her but hold myself back as she hates it. She hated people thinking she's small and underestimated her. She has trained with her dad since she can remember, and she is a great fighter for it. I stand in the same position as when I was on the offence. I lift my clenched hands in front of me. Nate comes to me adjusting my stance while explaining. "This foot needs to come back slightly, and bend your knees just a little so that if you're hit, you stand steady and strong." He moved my hands down, too."Your hands are to be lower and unchlench." he opened my fists to open palms."They stay open while you're in defence mode. Makes it easier to deflect hits and kicks from your opponents." Ok, it makes sense "when Paula throws a punch towards you, hit her hand away, and then tries to land a hit on her." Nate says, standing back. Paula throws a punch, and I dodge it, hit it out of the way, and then hit her shoulder. "You're making it easy," I groan, not happy hitting her because I know she slowed herself down for me. "It's just while you get used to the stance," she smiled. I nod and get back into position. We carry on that way for a while. It gets easier as we go. We have finished for the day, and I sit my sweaty self down on the ground, chugging down my water. "You did great for your first session." Paula smiled while sipping on her own water. "It didn't feel like I was doing good, I'm so slow." I groan, wishing I was better. "It takes time, but you really are a natural," Nate says, holding out his hand for me, which I take. He pulls me to my feet. "You will feel better after a hot shower," Now that sounds great. We start walking back, and Chris is waiting for us. "Hey Chris, how are you?" I ask as we get closer."Luna. Alpha Axel has linked me to meet you. Is everything ok?" He asks is all seriousness."Of course, I couldn't link you myself yet, but I wanted to set up a meeting with your mate. I got sidetracked, but I hope she wasn't too upset with me for being a no-show. " I explain,"Of course not, she will be delighted to see you." he smiled."Great, I'll just clean myself up. Shall we say an hour in Axels office?" I smile, and he agrees,"of course. " he looks happy, but I can also see he's nervous. I'm just not sure why.
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