
1162 Words
Axel POV I'm starting to lose my s**t with this whole situation now. I'm f****d off with the constant bitching from other packs about their territory and how other wolves, mostly rogues keep trespassing. I've already been to most of the packs and trained there warriors. Most were well trained to start with they just needed help with patrol ect. I know why they come to me and it's because my pack is the strongest, we are well trained and unforgiving to those that cross us. Our territory is well guarded and we stand strong against any intruders. My father was an awesome leader and that is why our pack is the strongest now. I help other packs because that is what we have always done as my grandfather set it up. We are a family of strong believers that we stand by anyone that needs our help. It just pisses me off because it seems to be happening more at the moment. If I'm being honest though I'm not angry at them but more the fact that I'm 22years old and I've still to meet my mate. I know it sounds corny as s**t but both me and Blaze yearn for her. We have never even got a whiff of her scent and we have travelled to almost all the packs and still nothing. 'We will find her' Blaze is determined we will find her soon 'I hope so but you've been saying that for the last 4years' I reply sadly. We are a strong Alpha and shouldn't be whining about a female but that isn't how it is. My mate is my other half. She is the one to keep my wolf calm and in check, she is my one and only. I'm on my way to the River pack. They seem to be suffering the most from a whole range of atrocities. I'm currently travelling the 5hours it's going to take to get there. It would be faster in Blazes form but we can't be seen by humans. We try to keep a low profile when we can. I'm travelling with my Beta, Shane, we are best friends, more like brothers. We are also with Rod, Matt and Chris, our warriors. We are starting to get fed up with being cooped up in this car and Blaze is tightly wound. He seems more on edge than normal but it's probably because he hasn't been for a run since leaving home, he's a very out going wolf, he loves to be out running and hunting. We are a formidable fighter in both human and wolf forms, that sounds like I'm bragging but we have worked our asses off to get where we are and I refuse to down play our capabilities. "Ok lets stop ahead at the the next woods Blaze is tense and needs a run" I say and everyone sighs in happiness to finally be out this car "thank the goddess" Shanes says stretching "you can't grumble about being trapped in this car you've been asleep for the last 2 hours" I laugh " I wasn't asleep I was just resting my eyes" he replied quickly "yeah ok if you say so" and we all laugh at his sulky face. 5minutes later we are pulling up in a deep woods with the hope no-one is around. "We will have this run but we can't be too long as we have a schedule to keep" I say "yes Alpha" they reply as one "and be mindful that there could also be humans so don't go too wild, we are here to help solve problems not cause more" I say and we exit the car stretching our legs "Stay together and stay close, keep eyes and ears focused we can never be too careful" I said "yeah we are here about attacks and we aren't far from our destination" Shane said. We strip and shift and yes we get naked but that's natural for us werewolves. Nudity isn't anything new, we don't see nudity while shifting a romantic or sexy thing in any way at all. It's a different kind of naked, it's an necessity otherwise we would be buying clothes constantly. We do shift in emergency without stripping obviously but that's rare. I feel the tingle of my shift into Blaze as he happily shakes out his fur 'I'm glad to be free of that disgusting thing' Blaze growls at the car 'that is a must to keep us secret, stop complaining we are loosing time' I say and with a small howl we are off, we don't go full pelt because we as an Alpha wolf are faster. We need to stick together so we keep at their speed. To be honest though my men are not slow running at their speed is very fast. Blaze and the others are really enjoying their break. They love to run free. We have been running a while and we are almost at our hosts pack. 'Turn back we must stay on schedule' I say in our link 'yes Alpha' they replied and we were off to the car again. Another 40minute drive later and we are pulling up a dirt road that leads us to the River pack. 10 minute drive and we are pulling up to massive iron gates that is patrolled by 4 warriors. "Alpha Axel to see Alpha Jim, we are expected" Shane says and all 4 warriors begin to get flustered. One opens the gate and the others step aside. We pull up to be greeted by Alpha Jim, Luna Kim and a few others that I've not met before. The Alpha couple are great leaders I've known them since I was a pup, they are really good friends with my mum and dad that is why I decided to come in person to help instead of sending our warriors which is what I'd normally do. This pack has suffered so much in the past 5 months and it's not improving at all. "Alpha Jim, Luna Kim it's great to see you again" I say greeting them as I get out the car "Alpha Axel it's great to see you too" Luna Kim smiles and hugs me "I just wish it was under better circumstances" Alpha Jim says sadly as I shake his hand. We head inside "would you like to get settled first or go for a run before we start the meeting Alpha Jim asks "we are fine, I'd rather have the meeting first" I smile and he leads the way to his office. "So tell me everything" I say sitting opposite to Jim. "It started about 5months ago, at first it was just a few trespassers who caused no harm. Then after a while a few of our females have gone missing. We have been trying to find them but there's no trace" ok so it's a lot worse than I first thought.
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