
1339 Words
Gina POV I've been sold, sold like I'm nothing by my own family. What have I ever done wrong to anyone to be treated this way. I've never felt so hurt even through all the s**t they have done to me. How the f**k am I going to escape now, my years of planning has been for nothing. I've fought to stay alive for nothing. Surely a family is supposed to surround you with unconditional love and support.. why has mine been nothing like that and now I'll never have the chance to find that for myself. Who was that man and what have I been sold into. I don't want to go. I don't want to stay what am I going to do. "DON'T f*****g STAND THERE, GET A f*****g SHOWER AND HURRY THE f**k UP" dad is screaming at me. I jump and start walking from the room when I'm punched in the face from the side. By lip popped and my vision starts going blurry "f**k, LOOK WHAT YOU HAVE DONE" mum screamed running upto my brother Alex, he's the one that has punched me. He's 22years old and is the image of Callum. "Are you really going to stand up for that b***h, she's why dad was shown up" he says angrily as he's never been told off by mum before. "Don't be ridiculous my sweet boy, the deal was no more marks or we die" she explained while moving his fridge out his eyes lovingly like a mother should. I feel someone grab my shoulders harshly I look upto my mums eyes "You fell, do you understand me" she says digging her fingers into my flesh. I wince and nod my head ok. She dragged me by my wrist up the stairs to the bathroom. Turned on the shower and left. 2minutes later she reappeared throwing a pair of black tracksuit bottoms a black tshirt, some old tattered trainers and a holey towel on the floor. "Get washed and dressed now" she said before slamming the door. It takes me all my strength to climb into the bath. The hot water hits my skin, it burns my cuts but it feels so nice.. I can't remember my last hot shower or bath. Years of muck and grimes wash away with the water making it a horrible dirty brownish colour circling down the drain. I take the shampoo putting it on my head and gently as I can I wash my hair, trying to be careful not to open up the cuts on my head. It feels like there's still bits of glass in it sending pain through my head. I rinse and see clumps of my hair hit the bath. I hope it isn't too bad and decide to shampoo again this time when I rinse it's cleaner water. I put conditioner on my hair and wash my body while the conditioner sits and does its work. I realise I'm crying. My tears mixing with the water washing down the drain. It feels good to cry it's been years since I have dared to cry. A bang on the door makes me jump "YOU HAVE 5 MINUTES TO GET FINISHED DRESSED AND DOWNSTAIRS" dad screamed through the door. I quickly stopped my tears, rinsed my hair and grabbed the towel from the radiator. It feels so nice to be clean. I quickly dressed putting on the old trainers and towel dried my hair the best I could. I cleaned down the bathroom so I wouldn't be punished and went down the stairs. I stood in the kitchen doorway with my face down holding my clothes, if you could call them that, and the towel I used. Put them in the bin and get your food" mum said sliding a bowl of noodles my way. I threw away the stuff and got the bowl "be thankful your getting anything after everything you've done" she says angrily. Probably because she has had to feed me. I eat the noodles as quickly as I can incase she decides to take them back. The warmness feels so good. My body is starting to feel better. "Wash up and then get in your room" mum said leaving the kitchen. With a full belly I wash up and go to my space and sit on the floor. I need to come up with a different escape plan. How can I get out of this, how can I get away. I lay here for I don't know how long trying to think but the food I've had has made me sleepy. I try to fight it but lost when darkness takes me. ***DREAM*** I'm sat next to a clear blue pool, my body is healthy and I feel so happy sat in the warm sun. I open my eyes and staring back at me are the most beautiful piercing green eyes. Nothing else is in focus, all I can see is the eyes but it's the feeling of being near this person makes me happy. I feel love and content. I close my eyes again and they won't open again. I fight to see those eyes again and when I eventually open them its dark and black vines are trying to pin me down. Trying to cover my body. I hear a noise to my side. I try with all my strength to turn my head. I manage to turn a fraction and in the corner of my eye I see just an eye, A beautiful pink eye begging for help. Whatever it is, it's covered in vines and thorns being held down and I can't make out what it is before I'm completely smothered by the same black vines and thorns. I try to scream but I can't move and it's getting harder to breath... ***END OF DREAM*** I wake up my forehead covered with sweat and my heart beating wildly. I take a few calming breaths. I've only ever had a dream a few times before but nothing like that. It felt so real. The bang on the door brings me to my feet ready for anything. It's time for me to look for a way out, to escape. My door bangs open and dad is stood there looking angry. "Move it b***h" he spits out at me. I follow behind him and there stood at the front door is Georgie "move it" he says and exits the house. I walk past the room and mum and my brothers are counting money. Not one of them spared me a glance, no goodbyes. Nothing. I step outside and the light is so bright. I haven't left the house in forever. The only sun I've seen is through the window but I can't remember ever feeling it on my skin. I shield my eyes because they hurt a little. "You're gping to get what you deserve" Dad whispered then shoved me out and slammed the door behind me. I felt a firm hand take my arm and I froze. I tried to adjust to the light and when I did I could see Georgie holding my arm and infront of us was a sleek big black car. "Don't worry take your time" he said quietly which shocked me. I took a steadying breath well tried to but my nerves are full throttle. He gave me a few minutes to find my feet and we were walking towards his car. My heart spiked "please stay calm I'm not going to hurt you" he was being gentle and that made me panic a little more. Why would he be nice to me. I was beginning to pull away from him but his hand was not budging what the hell am I going to do. "You have my word I'm not going to hurt you" he said and he looked pained in his eyes. "I don't want to belong to your boss.. please.. please..please just let me go" I beg and darkness takes me.
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