getting details

1029 Words
Axel POV This is really bad, way worse than we thought. "How many she-wolves are we talking about?" Shane asks, and Jim pales, "we say females because they don't have their wolves yet." I'm totally confused. They haven't got their wolves yet. "How old are they?" I ask, and I'm pissed "we have had 4 taken all young, all taken in the last 2 months. We haven't been able to find any information on them at all, but we want them found and brought home. They are pups and need their families, " Jim explains. Pups.. "Annalise is 8 years old,Charmaine is 8 years old,Lucinda is 10 years old, and Micaela is 12 years old. We need them home, " Kim says, and I see her heartache in her eyes. "Ok, we need to move fast, we need to know of any trespassing before the abductions and where the abductions happened," I ask, looking at Jim. "Also, we need a pack meeting," I say as Jim nods his head yes, and his eyes glaze over. When his eyes clear he focuses on me "Robert, my Beta, is on his way" and there was a knock on the door "come in" Jim says and in walks Robert holding a file "Alpha" he bares his neck to Jim and hands him the file "thanks Rob stay for the rest of the meeting" he nods ok and stands to his alphas side. "Ok, Annalise was playing in the meadow to the east she was the first to be taken. Lucinda was playing hide and seek in the woods to the east when she was taken. She was taken 2 weeks after Annalise. Micaela and Charmaine were both taken at the same time they were in the meadow to the.. EAST. HOW THE f**k DID I MISS THIS CONNECTION" Jim is fuming and Kim walks to him, placing her hand on his arm "because you have been busy trying to find them, my love" but he looks devastated he rubs his hands down his face in frustration. "Was there any trespassing reported before and around these times" Shane asks, normally Beta don't ask questions because they wait to be asked questions first but Shane is a great Beta with amazing skills, tracking skills. "Erm..." Jim says flicking through the file "yes almost all of them were in the east and a few in the south" "ok we need to call a pack meeting if that's ok with you Alpha Jim" I say and he nods his head in agreement "while we hold the meeting can someone show Shane and our men to the abduction sites" I ask looking at Shane "of course Rob take our guest to where they need to be" Robert bares his neck to Jim "yes Alpha" he says and heads to the door "Shane give me updates, you know what to do" him and my men bare their necks "yes Alpha" they say as one and follow Robert out the door. "Our people are moving to the hall for the meeting," Kim says sadly as her eyes clear. "It's going to be ok, Shane is the best tracker there is. He will find something, " I reassure them. "Before we get to the hall I'd like to run a few things by you" I say and Jim nods for me to carry on "when you have spoke I'd like to speak too, I also think it's best to put a curfew on your pack until this is resolved, all wolves are to stay in groups, pups must be accompanied by an adult at all times and we need to train with your warriors and set up a defence and patrol around the territory" I reel off and they both look at me stunned. "We have already set a curfew no-one is to be out after dark," Jim says "ok great.. maybe no one is to go to the south and east too, " I say, and he bods ok. The hall is a big building with lots of windows and well looked after as is the rest of the pack. We walk in and it's packed, we are stood on a small stage, I can see the families that pups are missing they look devastated and I'll do everything to bring them back "Thankyou for your time, we have Alpha Axel from the Redwood pack, here to help with the missing pups. There are a few rules to be set in place... No one is permitted to go to the South and the east of our pack, no one out after dark, no pups are to be left unattended by an adult, and everyone is to stay in groups. These rules are for all of your safety and I expect you all to adhere to them" he explains "yes Alpha" and everyone starts chattering between themselves " please welcome Alpha Axel" he introduces me and I step forward and everyone goes silent again "Thankyou Alpha Jim, we are here to help. I've got the best tracker there is out there as we speak and we will find your missing pups and punish everyone involved, if anyone would like to add anything the time is now" I say and a hand shoots up in the middle of the crowd "yes" I say and the crowd parts slightly "I want to help, I'm not an official warrior but I'm well trained" she doesn't look very old maybe 16years old which confused me "we need good fighters but ones with wolves so we don't have to worry if there is a fight"she bares her neck, she looks mad "I mean no offence but I'm 18 years old Alpha. I have been training with my dad since I was a small pup so I'm one of the best warriors in our pack, I haven't been able to try out for a warrior position because there has not been any trials since the disappearances but I can help" she says and I raise my eyebrow "wait and see me after the meeting. She is determined, and I like that. They make the best warriors.
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