
1085 Words
Gina POV How can she just sit there? Not a word has left her mouth since we entered. Both me and Paula have sat opposite her, and she won't even lift her eyes to meet ours. Paula has asked a few questions, but still nothing. I'm starting to lose my patience with her. That happiness that filled me as I entered this room is starting to get smothered out. I have told myself I'd never let anyone make me feel this way, but she is just sat here, making me angry. "How long have you been in this pack?" Paula asks, but still nothing. "How long have you been with your mate?" Still nothing. Paula looks at me and and I can see she is losing her s**t. "Julie.. why won't you answer. Are you afraid? " I ask, and she flinched. Ok, so she is afraid of what, "What are you afraid of?" Paula asks, but nothing. Maybe.. "or is it who?" I ask, and she flinched again. "Is it your mate?" she was now fiddling her fingers nervously. "He can't hurt you here. We will protect you, but we need to know what happened," I reassure her. She loosens her shoulders a little. I know what it's like to be afraid of the people who are supposed to love and protect you. "Julie, it's ok, we can help," Paula says, and her body softens. "Start at the beginning," I say softly. I was starting to lose my patience with her, but now I know she is afraid of her mate. I totally understand. With the delicate situation with her mate, I know we need to take our time. "Well, I'm.." I can see she is struggling. It must be very hard to talk bad about a mate even if he's not the best. "Take your time. We know it must be difficult," I say gently, placing my hand on top of hers. She took a deep breath, giving a nod of her head. She started talking. "I've been with my mate for a few years, I know we were late at meeting, but I felt the connection straight away," she smiled, remembering the first time meeting him. "He was everything I'd hoped for, loving, kind and funny" she smiled wider then tears started to form "he was that way until we realised it wasn't possibpe to have a pup of our own" she cried. We let her cry and cry until she felt ready to carry on. It breaks my heart to see anyone hurting, especially at the hands of a loved one. The door opens, and shane appears with a box of tissues "Thankyou" paula smiled at him before he left again. They are watching through the two-way mirror. Julie took a few, wiping her face and blowing her nose. "What happened?" I ask, we need to get everything on record for the trial. "He started shouting at first, a lot, then he would slap me but only when he got frustrated. And then it was more, but only if I did something wrong. " she tried to make excuses for his behaviour. "It's not your fault." I try and reassure her, but the tears fall again. "I know it's difficult, but I need to ask what sort of things he has put you through, we need as much information as possible for the trial," Paula grimaced, hating to ask. Julie gives a nod and deep breath. "He doesn't mean to, he just gets angry because we can't have a pup of our own, he's so sorry after and that's the mate I love, when he's caring. He loves me. I know he does. " she really does love her mate even though he hurts her, and it takes me right back to my so-called family. I did everything for them, hoping they would change, but I know now thats not possible. "I don't want to talk about what he.. he did please, " and she cried again."Of course, " I gave her a small smile. She is as much of a victim as Emma. "I should have come to you sooner.. If I could have given him a pup, we would have been ok, we heard about what happened to Emmas parents, and they needed someone to take over the orphanage. He said it would be good for us, but not long after we were there, he started going back to his old self. I should have gotten help sooner. How is Emma? " she cried again, blaming herself. "It's ok, Emma is safe now and will heal." Paula soothes her. "How did you meet" I ask curiously "he visited our pack, it was when my pack asked for help with schools and border training" she explained "what is your original pack" Paula asks "The Willow pack, its a smallish pack to the east of here" she smiled "ok, Thankyou for telling us, I know it was difficult for you but I think we have enough information" I lean over and give her hand a gentle squeeze. "What happens now?" she asks, and she looks exhausted. I walk to the door. "I'll see what Alpha Axel says, but maybe we can help you." she puts her head down and sobs again. Me and Paula leave the room and shut the door. I'm pulled into Axels arms. How can a mate do this. "What are you thinking?" I ask Axel as we all walk to his office. "It sounds like she's a victim too, I wouldn't feel right to prosecute her also" he is right "I agree, she's been through enough already" his eyes glazed over "I've told Sam to release Julie, we will discuss it further with her but there's no need for her to be held" I stop and give him a hug, I really am a lucky girl to have him. We enter the office "I would like to be in on Kevs interview please, whens it set for" I ask but I can see Axel isn't pleased about that "I'm not sure, I don't want it to upset you" but I'm not having it "I need to, I want to be there when he realises his mask has slipped and we know what he has been doing" I can see he's wavering a little. "I don't want you in that room with him, how about you watch from the observation room," and I can deal with that "ok".
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