
1459 Words
Gina POV I thought I'd be fine, but my stomachs in knots. I'm entering the observation room, and I'm nervous. 'Don't be, I'd kill him before he hurt you,' Dakote said, giving me courage. It's daft, I know, but that dreaded feeling creeped into me, knowing we would be close to a person like my so-called dad. A man that beats and starves a defenceless child. 'You're not a child anymore.' Dakote soothes me, and I'm so thankful to her for that. Axel is sat opposite Kev, and I can see Axels shoulders are tense. He explained, walking in how he needs to keep his anger in check because he's the Alpha, and he needs to hear everything from Kev as he's going to be put on trial. I take a deep breath and steady my own nerves. "Start from the beginning," Axel says with no room to argue. "I'm sorry, Alpha, I let it get out of hand," was his reply, but Axel stayed silent, waiting for him to carry on talking. He was sweating and fidgeting. He obviously knows he's been found out for hurting Emma. "Where is Julie?" he asks, but Axel growls, cutting him off and shutting him up. "That isn't of your concern. Get talking," he growled out and kev paled. "Yes, Alpha.. I know I should have stopped it and I wish I had, I've never been in this kind of situation before, I wasn't sure how to handle it and I apologise for that" "you should have been caring for Emma, a responsibility that you volunteered for" Axel said with hatred in his voice. But his reply made Kev frown. "It wasn't my idea, Alpha," he explained. He genuinely looks confused. "we have already heard everything from Julie," Axel growled out, not liking being lied to. "Is she ok?" he asks Axel, but it is just making Axels anger flare. "Why would you treat a child this way, you have spent years being a role model and great teacher just to throw it all in the bin" Axel asks and Kev shook his head "I've never hurt Em-" "DON'T LIE" Axel was starting to lose his temper "TELL ME THE TRUTH NOW" Axel was in his Alpha mode. His tone changed, and Kev was trying to keep it in, but wolves have to listen to their Alpha. "Please, Alpha, please don't make me say it." he looks scared now, but I also see what looks like shame, too. "NOW," Axel said again, and I saw a tear fall from Kevs eye. Something isn't right. "Please, she isn't a bad person, please Alpha, I can help her." he started rambling in a panic. "Emma is a great kid," Axel growled out and had Kev pinned against the wall by his neck. "Gi.. you need to go in, " Paula said, placing a hand on my arm. But I'm afraid. 'We need to do this. This is our opportunity to face a monster, the same kind from your childhood and show we are no longer afraid. We are strong and can do this' and I know we need to do this, but my stomach is twisted up in knots, and I'm starting to sweat a little. The slight tremor of my hands is showing my fear, enough for Paula to place her hand on mine. "Sweet.. please go and calm down your mate. It wouldn't be good for him if he killed that son of a b***h before the trial" I give her a small nod yes and take a few deep breaths. I open the door and enter the hallway. Trying to calm myself enough to enter the other room. 'Show no fear, head up and face them head on' Dakote gave me a boost of courage. 'Thankyou' I reply. I straighten myself and take another deep breath, I open the door to Kev almost passed out and Axel growling in anger. I walk to him and place my hand on his forearm. "Axel, he needs to answer for his crimes" I try to reason with my mate but my hand is still shaking and my heart is racing. Axel released him. He crumbled to the floor. Gradping for breath. "Are you ok" he asks placing his hand on my forehead. Worried I'm sick. "Yes I just got a little nervous" I try to skim over how I'm feeling. "We will talk about it later.. ok" he asks unsure and I nod my head. "Get up" Axel turned his attention to the gasping Kev. He walked towards him and he coward. Something feels off. "Please Alpha" Kev pleaded but Axel kept advancing on him. 'Somethings wrong, do you feel it' I ask Dakote 'yes' she replied and I knew we had to hear him out. "Please take a seat" I direct to Kev as I hold Axels hand. He gives me a glance but doesn't say anything. He gives me a small nod. Letting me know he's behind me no matter what my plan is. Kev scrambles of the floor and sits on the chair. His whole body is shaking and sweating. If I'm being honest I'd even say he was on the verge of tears. "Paula could you bring us a bottle of water please" I ask knowing theres some in the observation room. A minute or so later Paula opens the door, passes the bottle and leaves. I pass it to Kev. Even if he's a monster I refuse to be the same. He takes a small sip and tries to take a few deep breaths. "I understand that you enjoyed being a teacher" I smile hoping he will be more at ease and start talking. "I love being a teacher, I was born to teach" he lit up while thinking about it. "How is it you loved your job, working with kids and then Emma was in the state she was" I wonder and sadness showed in his face "I tried but I couldn't stop it" he said full of guilt. I'm talking to an abusive parent and this isnt the reaction I thought I'd get. "You're not what I was expecting" but my statement made him frown "I don't understand" "well I thought you would be more conceited" I say but he still looks the same but didn't say anything "when did you meet Julie" I ask hoping that he will open up and maybe slip up. "A few years ago" he answered "how old were you when you met" I ask "31 years old" I raise an eyebrow at that "how did you feel" I asked and he gave me a small smile "I was on cloud nine, she was everything I dreamed of and more" he said sounding happy "what made you want to take over the orphanage" I ask a more important question "Julie said it would be a good idea" well that doesn't add up with what Julie said "was you wanting pups of your own" I ask a question which should get him angry from what Julie had said but he looked more sad than anything else "we are trying we just aren't having much luck as of yet" he explains but that doesn't make sense otlr line up with Julies answers and I can see Axel realising the same but why is he lying. "Have you ever had a temper in the past" I ask but he shakes his head in disgust "never" and he seems offended. I know the people who came forward gave glowing compliments towards Kev but people don't know what happens behind closed doors. "You would think being a grown man, it would be a horrid idea to hit a defenceless pup" Axel spoke for the first time since sitting down. "I would never" again Kev seems offended. He's not making any sense at all. "You do know why you're here, what your crimes are" I ask because he seems to have no clue "yes.. I will take whatever punishments you hand me. I knew I should have come sooner and Emma should never have been that state. I deserve punishment" he sounds gutted he has left her that way but I dont get it. "No it's part of the reason but the crimes against you are as follows. Crimes against Emma.. physical abuse, starving, cruelty, neglect and mental abuse. Crimes against Julie.. physical and mental abuse" he growled at the accusations "I would never hurt my mate or a pup, you speak to Julie she will tell you that" he was disgusted that we would think of such a thing. "We have spoken to her.. our information is from her " I explain and he starts losing it.
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