
1374 Words
Gina POV I walk into the kitchen and see Axel sat on a stool talking to Shane and both their dads "Hey.. what you up to, " I ask, wrapping my arms around my gorgeous mate, cuddling into his back. I love the feeling of the sparks when they errupt over my body. "Hey beautiful, we were discussing the trial," he replied, placing his hand on my arm. I could get lost in him and willingly. "Would you mind if I joined" I ask around the table, they all nodded and smiled at me "of course" Charles said as he scooted to another stool so I could sit next to Axel. They are all super nice here, and I'm still getting used to it. "Thanks" I smiled at him "so where are you at" I ask so I can get all the information "we were just trying to set a date, who will be the witnesses" Axel explained "what is the normal procedure for trials" because I've no idea "to be honest we haven't had to hold a trial on our land for years for our own people but usually we set a date, gather witnesses and evidence, after hearing it all we pass judgement but that ultimately is passed on through our Alpha and Luna" ok "so we have our work cut out for us" I think out loud "can I speak to Julia before we start the process" I ask hoping they would agree but Charles frowns "you do know you're the Luna, actually you're the Queen you don't need permission from us to do anything" he says confused "I'm still getting used to everything" I blush a little embarrassed as I keep forgetting like a ditz. "We can go after we finish up here," Axel says, giving my hand a reassuring squeeze. "No.. I'm going to ask Paula to go, I think we would have a better chance of her opening up" I can see he wants to object but I keep talking before he can "what are the punishments for their crimes" I'm curious Axel stays quiet probably trying to think of a way that he can talk me around but I won't let that happen "we've never had to deal with this situation before so we are not sure punishment yet" Daniel spoke "and to be honest I think we would have missed it for a long time if not for you" Charles said looking at me "I wish it never happened to her but I'm glad to have helped her. You would have noticed at some point, and that's the main thing. " I try to reassure him. "We should have noticed sooner though," he was gutted. "I only noticed because I've been through it. So you really shouldn't beat yourself down, " I explain, trying to make them feel better, but the pain in their eyes look worse. "So.. there was a reason I was looking for you, I was wondering if we could talk about where Emma is going to live" I twiddle my thumbs nervously "of course, I'm not sure who would take over the orphanage bu-" but I can't help but cut Axel off "NO" I shout horrified "I'm sorry ermm.. I was going to ask if she could live with us, we can help her in a way that I'm sure she needs, she can share rooms with Alia as her room is big enough for 2 beds. I mean, if that's ok with you or maybe we co-" but I get cut off with a kiss silencing me. I'd let him silence me this way every time. I deepened the kiss with a moan until a cough brought me back to the now. I blush furiously, but I'd blush all day if it means having kisses like that. "That's a great idea love" he smiled and I can't contain my excitement as I bounce in my seat clapping my hands and smiling before throwing my arms around Axel planting kisses all over his face saying "thankyou" inbetween every kiss all the while he chuckles "ok I'm going to tell them" I stand up and practically run to the door before realising that I'd forgotten the other reason I came to talk. I stop with the door half open and turn slightly. "I almost forgot.. I'm going to start my training in the morning. " Looking at Axels stunned face, I leave before he can protest. I run through the halls and up the stairs back up to our floor where Paula and the girls are. I burst through the door like a mad woman. I walk to our little kitchen/dining room but only Paula is here wiping around "hey Where's the girls" I ask "in Alias room, how did everything go" she asked finally looking at me "it went great. Axel agreed for Emma to stay with us but I need to speak to the girls first" I smile "wow that's great" her smile matching mine "I'll be back in a few minutes" I'm walking to the girls hoping Emma wants too but I suppose it's a big change for her. I knock on the door and walk in "hey are you two ok?" they both look up from where they are laid on the tummys on the bed reading a book. Alia smiles and says "yes" and Emma quickly sits up "I need to speak with you both" I sit down on the bed opposite them and Alia also sits up "ok" was all that was said. I take a deep breath "we know that you have been having a rough time Emma" and her eyes go wide with worry, probably scared that she is in trouble "don't worry sweet girl you're not going back there and I want you to know that isn't going to happen anymore" Her eyes are wide at me and I can see the uncertainty in them. "We have spoken and we wanted to ask you both how you felt about joining our family" both their eyes lit up "it would mean popping another bed in here and sharing the room" I add quickly so they knew what it would mean for them. Emma started crying, and my heart broke for her. I got off the bed and knelt down infront of her taking her hand in mine "sweet girl, you're safe now, we have got you always and if you want to or not we will always be here. No one will ever hurt you again, " and she throws her small arms around my neck crying. We stay like that while she cries it out "if it's ok with Alia, I'd like that" her quiet voice just loud enough to hear "fo you know what this means" Alia says with the biggest smile "what" Emma asks as we both now stare at Alia waiting for her to answer "it means you're our family now" and we all sat smiling "Thankyou" Alia said giving me the biggest hug "for what" I'm curious "for my sister" she giggled and let go of me and hugged Emma. She has the biggest brightest heart "guess what else it means" I say as they are both now looking at me "what" Alia said "it means I get to be the big sister to 2 sweet girls and we need to bed boogey to celebrate" but they both look confused "what's that" so I decide to show them I stand up on the bed and start jumping and dancing "this" making them both laugh "come on you 2 get to it" I laugh as they copy before long we are all laughing. Paula walks in, taking in us all having a good time and starts dancing and jumping around on the floor. I jump off the bed to dance with her, and we are having a blast. No music, just laughter. I'm not sure how long we were enjoying ourselves when the door opened up more, and there stood Axel and Shane. At first, they were a little shocked, but they started cheering us on. Today turned out better than I originally thought it would. Today is a good day..
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