
1102 Words
Gina POV I've been in this cupboard for I'm guessing a few days, it's so hard to know for sure as there's no windows. I try to listen for movement in the kitchen to get a rough idea for time. The only time this door has been unlocked is to throw rubbish in here. The good side of being in here is I get left alone, and I don't have to deal with any of them. The bad side is that I've not had anything to drink except the odd little drip inside a bottle that's been thrown in here and the food I eat from the rubbish thrown in here. The food is my normal source, but I sneak the odd glass of water if the house is empty, but I've not been able to do that since the door is locked. I'm sitting here trying to eat an old pizza crust from the rubbish, but my throat is so dry I can hardly swallow it. I can't wait to escape here, and I'll never look back.. ever. My head and back are hurting me so much. I try and stay as still as possible to not tear anything. Who am I kidding? I've not gotten the strength to move much, and I know I won't last much longer in here. Death is an easy way out and would satisfy them, so I fight with my whole being to stay alive. There's so much I want to do, so much I long to try, and I refuse to lay here and give that up. They will never break me. They will never win. I want a life, a life worth living. I want to experience love, happiness, and everything in between. The door being unlocked gets my attention, and I stand just in time for mum to stand in the doorway. Hatred and disgust fill her eyes while looking at me. How can a mother look at her child like that. I wished for many years that she would look at me with the eyes full of pride and love that she gives my brothers, I have no idea of why I'm treated so differently to them, I can never remember a point where she changed towards me, no point in time I'd done anything wrong to be treated this way. Every memory I have of my family has been the same horrid hell as I'm in today. "You think it's acceptable to be a lazy slut, I've had to do your jobs while you were being f*****g lazy" she sneered at me. She knows I've not been able to leave this space but she will use it against me. I keep my eyes low and mouth shut. You would think being my mum she would not be as mean as my dad but she is just as bad. She's the one that likes to whip me and laughs while doing it, there's no maternal love for me at all, infact there's no love in this woman for me at all. I'm so ready to leave this place. "What do you have to say for yourself for making me do your jobs" she says "sorry" I say quietly it seems to pacify her "follow me" she says and walk out. My legs are so sore and stiff but I push through and keep up with her, my body won't take much more punishment. I follow her to the living room. I stop at the door as this room is a no go, off limits room. The only rooms I'm allowed to go is my space and the kitchen and every night before I have to go to my space, I get to use the toilet but only the toilet and only that 1 time a day. I have to hold myself all day and I can't wash or anything like that. The room is full, men in suits laughing with dad. Both my brothers are there trying to include themselves. Mum walks upto dad and sits on his knee. "Get in here now" my bare feet move along the carpet following mothers order. I stand infront of her wishing to get out this room and quick. "So what do you think" dad asks not taking his eyes off the man stood looking out the window. He turned around and I know in my stomach this is bad as the man runs his eyes down my body and back up. He gives nothing away with his expressions but looks at dad with a smirk "I think she is as dirty as a common rat, what exactly do you want me pay for her" my heart drops. Pay for her. Pay. for. Her. Who me, are they selling me! no that can't be right. "I want £20,000 for the b***h" dad said and as I look around the room my mum has the same look on her face as dad, greed. My brothers faces are mirrored with a smirk and the rest of the men look in disgust at me. The man near the window laughs making me jump. A whole hearted belly laugh "are you f*****g joking" he says while still laughing. He has slicked back hair a black suit, blue shirt and gold around his neck, wrists and on his fingers. He hold no amusement in his eyes just pure darkness. His men stand making me jump again. f**k, f**k, f**k. "SHE IS WELL WORTH THAT" dad shouted and the mans face twists in enraged anger. Dad quickly realised his mistake "YOU f*****g DARE RAISE YOUR VOICE AT ME" the man shouted filling the room mum, dad and my brothers flinched. Dad started sweating "my apologies Ray, that was not my intention. I'll take £15,000 for her for my behaviour" dad rambled. I've never seen my family act this way before. "I'll pay you 10grand and not a penny more and think yourself grateful" he said heading for the door "get her washed and dressed and Georgie will come back for her tomorrow" was all he said before walking out the door. "No one lifts a hand to the bosses property, anymore marks on her should appear, you will disappear and give the girl a hot meal she will need her strength for the boss" said a tall stocky man, he looked at me with kind eyes before masking them. "I'm Georgie and will be here to get you at 9am make sure your ready" he says harshly before walking out. Shit what am I going to do. f**k I'm stuck.
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