
1057 Words
Gina POV I can't even think straight because the burning pain is consuming my whole being, I can hear what everyone is saying around me, but my brain just isn't taking it in. 'Gina just breath, I'm so sorry I thought we had more time' I'm trying to breath but it feels like a hot lava slithering down my throat into my lungs and back up 'help me' was all I could reply 'there's nothing I can do I'm sorry, it's something that we have to go through" I can hear her despair and I instantly feel bad 'it's ok' I can't get more words out than that, I try to get my head straight to deal with all the pain but whatever I try it doesn't seem to work. I hear a whole conversation around me, but it's like a whisper "What's happening?" "Oh my goddess, did I hurt her?" "She is burning up," "Get the Dr in here now," "What's going off?" "Oh my goddess," "Shit." "How can she go through so much, and she is still in pain it's not fair," "Shh, be quiet. She isn't breathing, right?" "Please, Selene, our beautiful moon goddess, please let her be ok, please help her." "Move back please Alpha" "I think she is shifting," "What that can't be right." "No, she must have shifted already if her wolf can be bound." "Shifting" "Oh my goddess, thank you, thank you, thank you," "Let's clear the room, all furniture out now," "We have a great clearing in the wood for shifting Alpha," "No, we can't, I'll explain later, but we need to stay in here," "Ok." I can here shuffling and scraping. "Ok, clear the room," "Yes, Alpha." "And not a word to anyone outside this room" "Yes, Alpha." If I didn't know better, I'd say my body was in flames, big burning hot flames, burning me, and everything around me. My head is pounding like my skull is splitting in half, and my brain is also on fire. "AHHH," every movement, every breath, feels like it's taking me closer to deaths waiting hands, taking me closer to becoming nothing but ash. "It's ok. I've got you," "Sshhhh, I'm here," and something cool touches my forehead "Mmmm" that feels so good. "I've got you," and the coolness is now on my cheeks, then my arms before going back to my forehead. It feels so good and just what my body was craving for. "I'm here" and the coolness was repeating and I could finally get some rest from the fire, I'm not sure how long it lasted until I felt the bone in my arm snap, well I heard it more than felt it. It was painful but not as bad as the heat. It was just bearable. I could feel my whole body breaking and itching, 'it's almost over.' Dakote beautiful voice broke through everything 'ok'. Then there was nothing. No burning. No pain. Nothing. I opened my eyes but it was strange. Beautifully strange. I could see everything so clear, from the scuff on the floor near the door to the specks of dust floating around the room. I feel him beside me as I sit up and try to speak. It came out as weird noises. Ok, not what I was expecting. I move my head to the side, trying to get to that delicious scent more. Our mate stayed with us. I sit up and have to look down into his gorgeous eyes. What is happening?'It's because we shifted into my form.' Well, that makes more sense. Now I'm not in pain. I really am a werewolf, I'm not crazy.. I hear Dakote chuckle at my thoughts. Axel stands up to look at us and smiles so wide at us. We are still taller than him but we bend our head down and lick up his face, his laugh is amazing and we nuzzle out head around him 'I want to meet mate, what's his name, how does he look' Dakote asks full of excitement. 'We will find out,' I giggle. "Wow your eyes are amazing, I've never seen any eyes that are pink before and I've also never met a white wolf before either you are beautiful" he held so many emotions in his eyes, amazement, wonder and love. 'Mate likes me.' Dakote sighed,'He loves you,' and we both get giddy. "I wish I knew your name, Blaze can't wait to meet you too, our beautiful mate," he said, and we could have melted there and then. His hand feels so good running through her soft fur. Her chest rumbles in delight. "I know you want to go for a run, and so does Blaze, but we need to keep everything under wraps until we get home. There you will be safe" he sounds full of sorrow 'I really wanted to explore but I understand the dangers' Dakote says sadly 'it won't be long' I say as I feel her sadness. "Can you shift back, and we will get you home, I promise," he says, and I don't want to shift back yet. It feels so nice. We huff, causing him to laugh. Dakote nods her head ok. 'How do we shift back, I'm not sure I can stand that pain again' I say scared of ever feeling that again 'it was just the first time shift that will be painful, it may ache but not painful" she reassures me and I feel better already 'ok what do we do' I ask but she chuckles 'you need to think of you, your body. Face. Hair, then you will shift back. I picture my blonde hair, my blue eyes, my body as best as I can. I feel and ache, but the pain is no longer there, thank god. I open my eyes as I feel a blanket being put around me. s**t I'm naked. "You go shower, and I'll wait here." I look up at my mate, but he has his eyes closed. "Ok." I nod my head and start heading towards the bathroom. "Wait. Here these are for you" he says handing me the bag Paula brought in, he was looking straight at me but his eyes were so dark, I wonder what this means "Thankyou" I say and scurry to the bathroom.
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