full of love

1208 Words
Axel POV Seeing my Ginas beautiful eyes open was the best feeling, a weight was lifted instantly from me and it was all down to my mate. 'She's perfect,' Blaze says, full of love for her, and our whole world is tilted at just looking at her. I've always wanted my mate, but I would never have thought I'd feel like this. It's intense, and her scent is stronger, hitting my nose and filling my lungs, driving us insane but I hold us back, I'd never want to scare her off. When her gorgeous blue eyes looked at me, I was beyond happy to see she wasn't scared of me. Instead, she was taking me in watching me like I'm about to disappear. The weird thing is that she looked at me as if she recognised me, but trust me when I say I'd definitely remember if we had met before. My eyes have never seen clearer, and I have definitely not seen beauty like her in all my life. Feeling her small, soft hand touch, my cheek was bliss. It took everything in me to hold still and keep my hands at my sides. I honestly wasn't expecting this reaction at all. I'd been telling myself and Blaze for weeks that we have to be slow, not to push her too fast and to expect it to be hard in the beginning while we build her trust in us but this had completely thrown us, especially when her arms wrapped around my neck. I could get lost in her completely without question. If that wasn't amazing in itself, seeing Gina shift was magical. Meeting her wolf was amazing, and she was just as beautiful in her wolf form. I knew I should have expected a magnificent wolf, but seeing her beautiful white fur with pink eyes took my breath away. 'Mate, I want out' Blaze howled in delight 'we can't, unfortunately we need to ask her to shift back' I could feel his fight to shift because it's what we do but we can't not yet. 'SHIFT NOW' his anger was starting to fill me, but I can't let go 'We can't, it's not safe' that made him pause for a second. Just long enough for me to block him 'I'm sorry blaze but we have no other choice' I hated the fact that I've had to ask her to wait until we are home before showing herself and going for a run and I hate that I've had to block Blaze because he was fighting to shift and meet his mate too and understandably so because it's our nature but there is more at stake than normal. She's currently in the shower, I'm wondering if I should knock on the door just to see if she is ok. She has been in there for about an hour. 'Lets go' Blaze keeps saying and I want to but what if she is just enjoying the time in the shower, we have no idea what she has been through and what exactly she is going through now and taking showers might be what she does to clear her mind. My sister takes baths, that's her thing, and it helps loads. I'm pacing.. up to the door and back to the bed. Upto the door, hesitate to knock and walk back to the bed. I hear the shower shut off finally, so that's a good thing. Surely, I move quickly to the bed to look like I've been here the whole time. I don't want her to think I'm weird or controlling. After some more time, I hear her talk through the now slightly open door. "Erm.. can we get Paula, please? " she asks nervously."Of course, is everything ok? " I ask, but I hear her sniffle. Has she been crying, I should have definitely knocked. "Is there anything I can help with" I want to do everything for her and her answer beeaks my heart "can we just get Paula please" she sniffles more and I can't say no, I want her to be ok and happy and if that means me stepping back slightly and getting Paula, I will. "Of course" was all I could say as she sniffles again 'Shane please ask Paula to come in' I link Shane hoping they are still close 'yeah bro is everything ok' his reply came but I'm not sure if everything is ok 'please hurry' was all I could say and cut the link. "She is on her way," I say, moving closer to the door . When I see her sadness, I just want to hold her. "I'm here ok" I have no clue what to say, but I hope she knows I'm here and always will be. A knock on the door takes my eyes off her, and she closes the door. Shane opens the door, and they both walk in "hey whats happening?" Shane asks. "Gina has asked for Paula," as I point to the bathroom door. Paula gives me a small nod and smiles and walks past me and knocks on the door. "Hey Gina, it's me," and Gina opens the door enough for Paula to enter. I should be the one who helps and comforts her, and I hate the fact that I'm not. I hear more crying while Shane is talking to me, but I can't take in a word he's saying. Instead, I'm stood watching the door like a hawk. Each sob rips into my soul. After a while, I hear talking, but I switch my attention to Shane because I want Gina to feel safe and have privacy, something she probably hasn't felt in a while. "I'm sure Paula will help Luna" Shane says and I agree "yeah I know bro, I just wished I was the one helping her" my heart sinks again "You will be the one there for her bro, she probs just needs a friend at the minute" he is probably right, well I hope he is. I have let me hope to lift with the reaction of when Gina woke up, but I know I need to push it back down because this is a massive adjustment for her. Everything she has known has changed, she has changed, she is in a new place and surrounded by new people. I need to keep reminding myself that she needs time and needs space. "I can't believe we have finally found our mates, bro." Shane drags me out of my head, and as I look up at him, his smile is so infectious that I can't hold mine back. "I know finally." I can't hold my excitement back as we hug and back slap. "We need to get them home." he chuckles, and I can't agree more. "You need to speak to Paula, her family and Alpha Jim about her going home with us, then we will leave" he smiles and runs out the door with excitement but I laugh when he comes in red faced "she's in there, I'll have to wait" I burst out laughing at his embarrassment. The bathroom door opens, and both our girls walk out, smiling. How could I be so lucky.
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