
1562 Words
Gina POV What in the.. what is happening.. how is it possible, I've got a thousand questions twisting around in my mind. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love that I look healthy, but I'm in shock. I do look healthy. I'm not seeing things am I, maybe I'm just seeing things and at this thought I heard Dakote laugh 'No I healed you, when you woke up and we became one I made all our scars dissappear' Dakote says and I'm blown. I've hated my body for as long as I can remember. Scars everywhere, and I've always had my bones jutting out. I'm not sure how I survived everything I've been through but I'm so happy I have 'Because you're a fighter like me' Dakote chuckles 'I think you're right my beautiful wolf and Thankyou for making me healthy' she yips and jumps making me smile 'I've always got your back' she says and I believe her 100%. "What happened?" I hear my mate, taking me away from inside my head. He's worried and hot and delicious, and I really do need to ask his name. "My scars have disappeared," I say in amazement. "Can you link Alpha Jim to come here urgently?" he asked the Dr, who nodded. "I don't understand. How have her scars gone?" the nurse asks, looking at me in amazement and shock. "There is an answer, but we will wait for Alpha Jim." it all sounds worrying. Does that mean there is something wrong with me? Why are they so concerned about my scars. 'Because we are Royals we heal completely, when a wolf becomes one with their human they heal from that point on but never heal previous scars' ok that makes sense with how shocked they are. "He's on his way, Alpha," the Dr said, looking at me wide-eyed. I'm starting to feel a little uncomfortable and try to cover my body. My mate growls and stands in front of me, making a wall between me and them. A knock on the door makes me jump again. I wish I didn't jump at every noise. "You needed to see me Alpha" I heard the man say "I wondered if you could have a private word with the nurse and Dr" my mate said "about what Alpha" I looked around my mate and the mans eyes widen before he smiled at me "I'm so happy to see you're well and awake dear" he smiled more, making me smile too "about the information we found out about Gina" my mate explained but the man looked confused "we have discovered that Ginas scars have gone and I'd like them to know of the upmost importance to not breath a word of it outside this room" my mate explained further and I see the moment it clicks with the man "if you would both follow me" he said and walked out with the nurse and Dr following him. It's just the 2 of us again, and it feels so nice. "Can I ask you something?" I ask quietly, and his smile is truly beautiful. "Of course you can," he replies, making me smile. "Erm.. you know my name, not sure how, but you know my name and I.. I was, " but I can't get my words out. He's sat right next to me and he is so distracting "it's ok you can ask anything" he puts me at ease and I take a deep breath "I wanted to know your name" I smile at him as he looks so cute scrunching his face up "s**t, I'm sorry my name is Axel" mmm Axel really suits him. "Hi Axel, I'm Gina." I giggle, and he chuckles. It feels so good to actually talk to someone, just a normal conversation. "I do have some other questions, too, if that's ok." I've got a long list of questions, so I'm trying to narrow it down. "Ask away," he replies, and here goes. "Erm, Selene explained about me being a werewolf so I have a few questions about that, she also said all werewolves have mates but I'm not sure what exactly is to be expected as we are mates, I'm a little confused" he looks shocked and I can see him trying to think of what to say "it's ok if you don't know" I shouldn't have put him on the spot like that. He coughs and moves slightly. "No.. no, it's not that. When you said Selene, did you mean.." his head started nodding up towards the sky "she said she was the moon goddess, she was so beautiful" "you spoke to our goddess" he's still in shock as I nod my head yes "she was so serene and gracious, full of so much love and understanding for her werewolves" I explain as his smile grew wide "that's amazing" came his reply and all I can do is nod and smile. "Hang on a minute.. you didn't know you were a werewolf, did you not grow up in a pack, " and his words instantly filled me with sadness, my so called family filled my head. I hadn't realised that I was crying until I felt sparks on my face, his fingertips were wiping my tears away softly "I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you" I need to get a grip, I know I need to stop using my energy on that part of my life but it's hard. I'm a little upset because of everything they all put me through but what upsets me most is knowing I didn't belong with them, I should have been happy and loved and that was robbed from me. Taken because of another persons greed. "I'm just new to all of this, and I've only just learnt of who and what I am, I'm upset for the life I could have had. I was.. was with people who I thought was my family. " I try to explain, but I don't think I'm doing a good job. "I think there's a lot we need to talk about," he says as his hand strokes my cheek. "Mmm" was all I could say as I leant into his hand. It feels so strange being this close to anyone, especially without feeling any fear. "How about you go shower and get dressed and we will talk after" and I frown and look around "I don't see my clothes" well of that's what you'd call them. I hate the idea of wearing them again. "I binned them" but now I'm more confused, if he has binned my clothes what does he expect me to get dressed into "you binned them, they were the only clothes I had" and he looks sheepish before looking me in my eyes "yes I threw them in the bin but I did ask Paula to get you some more clothes" his words make me pause, it can't be the same Paula from that horrid place. s**t s**t SHIT.. "s**t, please, you need to help my friends. They were at the same place as I was. What if they suffered because of me. How could I have let this happen. Please, please, we need to help them, we need to be quick, Alia. Oh please we need to help" I'm panicking and talking so fast as I stand off the bed Axel grabs my hand "we saved them when we saved you my love" his words stop me dead in my tracks. His love sounds so good, and I'm losing myself in his eyes again. I snap myself out my daze with a smile "Thankyou so much are they all alright" "yes they are all good and waiting to see you" his answer makes me smile more and I jump into him with pure excitement. I can't wait to see them all. Especially Alia. A knock on the door takes my focus. "Come in," Axel says, still with his arms around me. The door opens and in walks Paula with a man in tow. "Paula," I say, and I know she probably doesn't remember me, but I'm so happy she is ok. She chucks the bag she is carrying to the man, and she runs to us, pulling me from my mates arms to hers, wrapping me in a hug. "Gina, I'm so happy your alright and finally awake" I feel a connection to her instantly and I hug her back "I'm so happy you're alright too and I'm sorry I couldn't help you" I feel awful that I couldn't help them and then I'd not even thought of them since waking up, I'm such a horrible and selfish person. I can't help but cry, but she hugs me tighter. "Gina, you did help us. You got us all out." I'm starting to get hot, and I'm not feeling so good, maybe from my up/down emotions, but my head and stomach are hurting. Burning like I'm going to burst into flames 'it's time, I'm sorry you didn't get more time for me to explain but you can do this, keep strong' Dakotes words puzzle me, I feel like I've not had anytime at all to wrap my head around everything and now there's something else 'time for what' I ask but the burning and the pain intensified 'to shift'...
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