the Sequoia wolf

1126 Words
Gina POV Walking to the office and sitting down was a blur, I felt wiped out and wanted to sleep. My whole body felt drained and achy, and I had no energy at all. Dakote explained that it was normal to feel this way the first time we merged and used our power, it would drain us the first time, but it wouldn't be too bad when we used it again. I suppose it's a little like shifting for the first time, which we both want to shift again, and I really want to experience going for a run. I didn't understand what power, but she kept on apologising. Saying she wished we had more time to talk about everything properly and to prepare me, Kev needed us, and we couldn't stand by and watch him suffer because of someone else. Being sat in the office was confusing me. Everyone looked like they were filled with shock and disbelief. But I don't understand why they all looked like it was a bad thing. I helped someone who needed help, someone in pain, and that would always be a good thing to me. Maybe I'm just not taking everything in. I want to sleep so bad. We all sat in chairs around the office, and I was sitting comfortably on axels knee. Snuggling my back into his front. The heat radiating from him soothed my aching back. His arms wrapped around me, and this has to be my favourite place in the whole world. I was starting to fall to sleep when Charles started telling us the story that had been passed down through generations, the story of how the Sequoia wolf began. ***The Sequoia wolf, told by George*** "It all started 100s of years ago. Unfortunately, it was a time of death and ruin. Our kind had been left devastated, and it changed everything. It is said that our moon goddess, Selene, had fallen into dispair, seeing her glorious creations being slaughtered, out of fear. She had created us with love, blessing us with strength, loyalty, and compassion. Giving us the ability to transform into magnificent wolves. Weres were slaughtered by humans. The very beings we were protecting. They learned about us and they were afraid. Afraid of what they didn't understand, but that fear turned into panic, and they hunted our kind down, trying to destroy what they had no idea about. That is when wolves started turning Rogue. They had mates that were murdered, some had their whole packs and families that were murdered, destroyed because of fear. This started our own kind killing each other out of rage and then greed. Humans didn't stop to learn about us. If they had, they would have known that we weren't the vicious monsters they thought we were. So, after years of death, the Sequoia wolf was blessed upon us. Almost 60% of the werewolves had been massacred at this point. Our whole species were in danger of extinction, so Selene gave us the greatest gift, a descendent of her wolf, with great powers to bring peace but the Sequoia wolf also gave us the ability to heal ourselves to a certain extent. The Sequoia wolf first appeared in Lileia. Our first healer, with untold powers that would protect us. She was just a pup who grew to love all weres and helped heal all who needed it. She got to 18 years of age, but then she was murdered by her uncle. He wanted her power for himself, but the Sequoia wolf returned to our goddess. Our world had lost a precious gift from Selene for the greed of one person. He thought that he could take her powers by doing a ritual given to him by a witch, but it didn't work, and so the world lost the purest of souls. The Sequoia wolf is said to have only appeared a couple of times since then. Each time, she was destroyed by greed. They used the same ritual, just tweeking it a little each time, hoping that it would work and each time it didn't. It is said that Selene only bestows her to the most worthy, and none of the people who destroyed her got what they wanted. They have never been worthy to have her. Instead, they left us in devestation. ***end of story*** I'm engrossed in everything that was said, my tiredness all forgotten. But I have so many questions. I could feel Dakotes pain. Her heartbreak from hearing the story. I didn't even think of how it would affect her. 'Are you ok' I ask as she whimpers in the back of my mind 'it brings back so many memories, a lot of happy ones but also bad ones' wait a freaking minute 'do you remember your past lives' I'm even more shocked when she answers 'yes.. I'm the descendent, so I have to keep my memories to learn from them.' How cruel 'I'm so sorry, Dakote. That must be so hard, "and my heart breaks for her. 'What can I do to make it better?' I ask determination filling me. 'I'm not sure because Lileia, Nincia, Kimji and Saza all paid with their lives and I know I don't want togo through that again' she whimpers even louder 'I'll fight and protect us. I promise,' I swear. 'Was there anything you learned that could help us?' I ask, hoping there's something we can do. 'Every life I've lived was done differently but all ended the same, badly' she sounds worried 'don't worry, we will figure it out,' I reassured her as she closes herself off. Shutting me out. I don't pester her, though, because I know she has things to work through, and I'm not surprised remembering all of the past. But she knows I'm here if she needs me. "Ok, so Dakote has just verified everything you said. She has shut herself away from me while she works through it. what I don't understand is why her mate didn't help, " I think out loud. "Well, that is one of the saddest parts of the story, apart from her dying. She never got a chance to meet her mate, " and my heart hurt even more for her. "Why?" But I wished I hadn't asked. "She was taken away from this world before she had the chance. She only made it to 18 years old once but was murdered just after, we don't meet our mates until we turn 18 years old. We don't get our wolves until then, " Di explained, full of sadness, but all that information just fills me with dread. I'm sure we will be fine, though. Times have changed, and we have Axel.
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