
1219 Words
Axel POV We make our way out to the training field, and all warriors except those on patrol are to meet there. We need to go over the new patrol schedules, Jim has given me full reins on getting everyone up to scratch to defend the pack better. This pack is great. Everyone is treated fairly, and it's really well lead. They are a fairly peaceful pack, so I think that is why they are targeted. Well, that or maybe they are just the closest pack to the people responsible. What does concern and confuse me though is why they have taken pups, it seems such a heinous act I just hope we can get to them before anything bad happens, anything they can't get passed when we do get them back. My pace quickens just thinking about it "Alpha" The young woman says and my thoughts are brought back to now "I may have a job for you but I don't know yet as it's dangerous" I say as she keeps up with my pace "anything at all I can do I will. Me and Dara, my wolf, can take care of ourselves, " she says, determined, and it's sad to say that we may have to ask her of this if Shane doesn't find anything. I give a nod, and we walk on. Stood on the training field is an impressive horde of warriors. Even though they are a peaceful pack, they are well trained. "Hello all.. we have a few things to go over before I move onto my next task" I say looking around the crowd "yes Alpha Axel" they replied "ok I know your all well trained so we will be working on patrol schedules and protocols. Who are the head warriors" I ask and 4 people step forward, 1 woman and 3 men "do you normally have your own groups" I ask them when they are stood infront of me "yes Alpha, the whole group is split into 4 groups" the woman said, she has black hair in a ponytail and is about 5'8". "Can I have your names?" I ask, and they bare their necks. "My name is Janet," she says. "I'm Curtis," the tallest of the men says. He's got short brown hair and an easy 6'6" tall. "I'm Nato," said the next man with shaved head and around 6' tall. "I'm Preston," said the last man with brown hair and around 6'3" tall. "What are your groups in terms of skill levels?" I ask because all packs run differently. "We have varied skill levels in each group," said Nato, ok, so this should be easier. "Ok, great, each warrior needs to come and stand with your trainer." I shout over the crowd, and they all start walking. When everyone is ready I explain further "from now on each group will be defending the territory from each direction" and the murmurs start "Preston and your group will defend the North, Nato and your group will defend the West, Janet and your group will defend the south and Curtis and your group will defend the East" " YES ALPHA AXEL" they all said as one. "Everyone will work in pairs, I want 3 pairs of warriors on each post. So that's 9 warriors on at all times to the North, East, South and West are we clear" I want to make clear what is expected "YES ALPHA AXEL" they all say again "each pair should have a well trained warrior with a less trained warrior. It is upto the trainers to organise and provide you all with your partners and schedules, any problems come see me" hopefully now I can get to Shane "YES ALPHA AXEL" "ok you can all go back to training and organising, Curtis, Janet please follow me" I say as I walk away. "What is your name?" I ask as I realise she is sticking to me like glue "Paula" she says, and she looks behind us and pales slightly at Curtis coming up behind us. I stop "Paula, what in the Goddess are you doing here" he asks her and she looks sheepish "I'm helping dad" she says and he looks worried "you should be at home with your mother" he says looking heartbroken at the mention of his mate "I can't just sit around dad, I need to help" she says and he nods his head in defeat. "Ok shall we start, Janet no-one from the pack is permitted to the south, all pack members are to stay from that area plus any trespassers are to be caught and interrogated if possible, you can go" I say as she bares her neck "yes Alpha" she says and makes her way to her group "Curtis there's a little more to it for your border, please assign someone to start organising your group until you get back" I say and he nods his head ok and his eyes glaze over and we are off again. I can see my men ahead, but it doesn't look good at all. "Alpha, there is no trace at all, not on.... MINE" shane turns as we near and grabs Paula into his arms. Wow, really.. he's found his mate. Her dad looks mortified but doesn't move to break it up because he knows the mate bond is sacred and also wolves are territorial. Paula giggles, and it breaks my heart as a reminder that I'm still mateless. I cough to break up the kissing, and paula looks sheepish, but my brother looks proud. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for him because I know he's waited as long as I have. "What have you got?" I go all Alpha mode. "Nothing, Alpha, not a scent or anything," Shane explains, and it's just weird. "Ok, next plan it is, and now it will be harder now she is your mate," I say, and his eyes flash with Moros eyes, his wolf isn't happy, and neither am I. "Are you still up for helping Paula? If not, that's ok," I say, but she is still determined. I can see it in her eyes as she nods yes. "Firstly, Curtis, this is my Beta Shane, Shane. This is Paulas dad Curtis, head warrior." I get out the way the introductions so we can move forward with the plan. "It's a pleasure to meet you." Shane held out his hand with a smile, and Curtis returned it "likewise" was all he said. "Ok Curtis, no-one is permitted in your area, we have made the connection of this being where the intruders keep getting in. We need to clear the area and keep it clear until we figure this out. I'm sorry to ask this Paula, but how do you feel about being bait? " I ask and growls fill the area we are standing in. Growls coming from her dad and her mate. "I'm up for it Alpha, where do you need me?" she didn't bat an eye at the 2 growling men around her. She really is a great match for Shane. "Ok, we will clear the area, or should I say make it look clear, we will hide our scents using this and then see if anyone will come," I explain, and she agrees.
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