deep trouble

1257 Words
Gina POV Aww my head is killing, whole body hurts, I try to move but I don't have enough room, I'm in a very small space, I try to stetch my legs but my knees were upto my chest and I can't move at all. My whole body is numb. My eyes are so heavy, too. I try and open them, but it's a struggle. What happened, what is happening.. Oh my god, what am I going to do, Dads going to kill me. What was I doing last? My memory is fuzzy, and I've got a splitting headache. I've been like this for some time, and I still feel s**t. My head is getting clearer, and then it comes to me with a bang.. The last thing I remember was begging not to be put in the car, begging to not be taken to his boss, then nothing, just darkness. Shit, s**t, shit... Wherever I am, it smells horrid, old stale body sweat, and something else, but I can't make out what it is. This can't be good at all. How did I pass out? I'm normally good at keeping awake. Maybe it's because of the last few days, it must have taken a toll on me. I can hear the hum of the car, the deep breathing of whoever is in this car too and also what sounded like metal scraping against metal. I'm so scared. How can I get out of this. "So what do you think Ray's going to do with the little bitches" I hear a gruff voice, my anxiety booms, my heart is racing and I'm starting to sweat, my breathing has hitched "I don't care but I better get my pick like he said cos the last b***h we picked up is mine" and I knew that voice straight away. The voice belonged to Georgie. He's no longer the softly spoken person from earlier. He sounds nothing like he did earlier, I am so naive, I can't believe I actually thought he could help me. He had me fooled that he might have helped me, "not likely especially when she finds out who you are. The bosses brother" chuckled the gruff voice. His brother.. what the f**k "she won't know because as far as she's aware she passed out, she is still passed out now and will never know I drugged her when I grabbed her arm" he laughed, actually laughed. Was he talking about me or someone else, I'm just so confused, and I can't stop the tears falling. They carry on talking, but I drone them out, trying to calm myself, but it isn't working. I'm not sure how long we were travelling for, but I feel sick, sick of what life I've had, sick of the family that I was born into, and sick of what's to come. The car stops, and the engine cuts off. My nerves spike more, and I start to shake. I hear doors opening and slamming. I can hear muffled voices and laughing, but I can't hear what is said. My eyes are open, but I can't see anything. Whatever I'm in, it's blocked out all light, and it's small. I hear another door open and people are talking "Yeah brother she's knocked out with the others so I want to take her now before she wakes" Georgie says "well I'm not sure if I should let you have that one yet" I heard another voice say "you said I could have the one I want and I want her, big brother you promised" Georgie whines and he sounds pathetic. How can he talk about owning a person like property. What a complete pig. "Fine.. get them out before they wake up and put them with the others. " his reply came, and my stomach turned. I'm guessing it's some kind of box that I'm in because it gets dragged out and lifted before being put on the floor with a bang. s**t. "Hey be f*****g careful, my girl is in one of those" Georgie says sounding pissed. He sounds like such a d**k and I hope whoever he is on about fights like hell to get away from him. I hear a lock and the lid was lifted. My eyes connect with Georgies, his went wide with surprise. "f**k" was all he said. I get lifted out of the box and next to me was another box with a young girl being lifted out, she looked asleep, her small frame looked thin she can't have been any older than 8-9years old. I start to struggle to get out of the mans arms. "Where am I" I asked still struggling "what do you want" I say but still no reply the man puts me on my feet roughly "it's ok darling, I'm going to take you away from here" Georgie says walking upto me and tried to stroke my face but I flinch and move away "no, I don't know you, I don't want to be here at all" I say still not sure where 'here' is "shhh it's ok" he tried again but I move my head. "I'm going to take you from here, you're coming home with me" he said and he's definitely delusional "I'm not going anywhere with YOU.. you're a lying peice of s**t" I say and I'm already expecting the slap so I hold myself strong as it connects. "YOU WILL DO AS YOUR TOLD" he shouts like he's the worst I've dealt with and he is seriously wrong "NO I WON'T, YOU SICK PERVERT" I scream back and his face twists in pure anger but I've had enough of everyones s**t, I'm sick of all the dickwads and their massive trippy egos, their bullying and bossing "You're no better than my family.. I ain't going anywhere with you ever" I say staring him down. I know he could over power me because who am I kidding I'm skin and bone but I'll fight every step of the way. He tried to grab my arm but I dodge him. "Stop f*****g about, you're mine" he says and it makes my anger spike "I'm not yours you f*****g i***t" again another slap but I don't go down I stay where I stand "you're a really big man ain't you, make you feel good hitting a small next to nothing girl" I say and he is getting angrier. This time he punches me and even though I'm knocked on my ass and my visions blurs I'm soon back up on my feet. Wobbling slightly but I'm up. "Big man" I say defiantly, if he kills me so be it but I'm not going quietly and without a fight. My whole life I've never spoke out of place, never fought back and I refuse to keep doing it, I refuse to live like that anymore especially if I'm about to die. He brings his hand back again but a man stops him from behind me "that's enough brother.. looks like you don't get any today. You obviously can't handle her" he laughed and Georgie stopped mid punch "yeah that's a good boy" I say still high on adrenaline but the man grabs my hair from behind me retching my head back and I felt the familiar pain of my hair ripping from my scalp "don't be too clever just yet girl, when I'm ready I'll make you pay" He whispered in my ear before pushing me to the floor. Fuck..
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