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Shane POV I leave Axel to finish off the meeting with Alpha Jim. I know what my job is, and I plan on doing it well. I have grown up with Axel, and we are more like brothers than friends. Our parents are best friends, and my dad, Daniel, was Beta to Axels dad, Charles. We were together the majority of the time, forming a brotherly bond. My family has also been great trackers. In fact, we have always been the best. My great grandad was the Royal Tracker. He was great friends with the werewolf king, King julian, along with his twin David, who was the kings beta. We have always been a strong and proud family. My tracking senses are like no-one elses. I can smell distinctive scents, and if I get in my zone, it's all my senses attuned together. I focus on only what I'm seeking. If I on the scent I smell only that, hear only my path and my eyes tune into the scents I'm smelling, the scents are like whispers of colour leading me to where I need to be. The only downside to going into my zone is that I'm vulnerable to attacks because I can't see, hear, or smell anything else around me. That is one of the reasons why Axel sent our warriors with me. They are to watch my back in case I get any clues. It's a weird gift, really, because I don't choose when to use it. It just springs on me most of the time I'm tracking. I pray to Selene to give me anything I can use to find the missing pups, but there's nothing. It's strange. Actually, I'm getting a few rogue scents, but I can smell a very faint human scent and no scent from the pups. I've searched the whole area, but I don't pick up on the pups' scents at all. I start talking as I smell Axel approaching me. "Alpha, there is no trace at all, not on..." Wait, what is that delicious smell, sweet lemon and vanilla 'MATE' Moros says, then howls with full joy. "MINE," I say and turn. Wow, she is magnificently beautiful. Her dark hair is pulled into a high ponytail and looks like melted chocolate as the sun hits it. Her big brown eyes are taking me in as I am her and wow her smile blows me away "go to mate" Moros while I'm stood gawking at her, his words snap me from the trance she has put me in. I pull her into my arms. She is only small, and I'm already on high alert to keep her safe and protected. She giggles, and I can't hold back as I touch my lips to hers. f**k. When mated wolves would go on about the mate bond and the sparks you get from your mate, I always assumed they were just exaggerating, but now I feel it myself, there's no way to describe it. The sparks are so powerful and addictive because now I don't want to stop. A cough brought us out our happiness and moros growled in my head, not happy with the disruption. Axel is stood looking at us, and I know this must be hard for him. We have waited so long for our mates but we had each other, waiting for our mates to show but now I have mine and he's still mateless, my heart hurts for my brother, for the happiness he's showing on his face but I can see the heartache in his eyes. "What have you got?" he asks in his Alpha tone, and I know it's because he doesn't want to dwell on everything. "Nothing Alpha, not a scent or anything," I explain. "Ok, next plan it is, and now it will be harder now she is your mate," I hear him say, and it was hard for me to hold moros anger back. Whatever it was, I know Axel wasn't pleased about it either. "Are you still up for helping Paula? If not, that's ok," he asks, my little mate, and she nods. Yes, I can see the determination in her, but I'm also worried. Hearing Axel call her Paula, I realise I didn't even ask her name, I could slap myself sometimes. "Firstly Curtis, this is my Beta Shane, Shane, this is Paulas dad Curtis, head warrior." Not how I imagined meeting my father in law but it is what it is I suppose. "It's a pleasure to meet you." I held out my hand with a smile, and Curtis returned it "likewise" was all he said. Before anymore could be said Axel started going over the plans. "Ok Curtis, no-one is permitted in your area, we have made the connection of this being where the intruders keep getting in. We need to clear the area and keep it clear until we figure this out. I'm sorry to ask this Paula but how do you feel about being bait" me and Curtis both start growling unhappy about this "I'm up for it Alpha, where do you need me" she said without even thinking about it, my heads in a spin because looking at her she looks fragile but she oozes strength and power. "Ok we will clear the area or should I say make it looked clear, we will hide our scents using this and then see if anyone will come" I hear what he is saying but I don't want to agree, she will be in danger. "Wait.. what happens if they take her? " I say, clinging to her in my arms, not wanting or willing to let her go."I'll be fine, " she says, but it does nothing for my nerves. "This is the only way, unfortunately. we need to find the pups and soon," Axel said, and I realise he doesn't like this idea either. I give a small nod to him and wait to hear the rest of the plans. "Annalise needs me. I'll do anything for my sister, " she said, and it all clicked into place. I'm going to kill everyone involved for upsetting my mate like this. 'We will tear them limb from limb,' Moros says, and I agree. Shit my head is so far up my ass. "When I said there was no scents at all, I meant of the pups, which is strange don't you think" I say thinking out loud "yeah it is" Axel agrees but my little mate looks confused "they wouldn't though because its been well over a month" and Curtis is nodding his head too. They would be right normally. "Shane is the best tracker there is, all wolves will smell scents upto 2weeks of the person last being there, some trackers can smell the scents 4 weeks of them being there but shane can smell scents 6months from them being there, even the slightest of scent from anything that person has touched" Axel explains and I can hear the pride in his voice. Both my little mate and her dad are looking at me shocked. "Wow" came her reply and I just smile "well actually the only scents except the warriors on patrol, is rogues and a very, very faint human scent" I explain and we are all confused. Why a human would be here is beyond all of us. "Ok, that's definitely odd," Curtis frowned. "Curtis can uou link Alpha Jim to meet us in his office," Axel asks while walking towards the pack house. "Of course, Alpha Axel. We all start walking after him. My hand is securely wrapped around Paulas. My heart finally feels full. We are all in the office. As Axel explains about the scents there, Alpha Jim looks as confused as us. "No, humans have been caught trespassing. If ever there was a human on my land, my warriors doing Patrols know the protocol, and they know it must be reported to me always. The last reported case was when I was a pup, " he says. It makes sense because our packs are hidden so well it would be difficult for any human to stumble across. "Ok, we need to be on the plan now. Get on with it so we can get the pups back," Axel says, and my grip tightens slightly on Paula hand. "Ok we need to mask Paula scent so they think she is wolfless, wait for them to grab her and then ambush them and interrogate" Alpha Jim says looking unsure "well that would be a good plan if we weren't time sensitive, we need to get the pups now before it's too late" Axel explains and I have a feeling of what he's going to say "what do uou have in mind" Alpha Jim asks. Axel looks at me then Paula "we need to not approach them and just follow, so they will lead us to them" and I feel sick 'like s**t is that happening' Moros growled "no, no I can't loose another daughter, my mate couldn't handle it" Curtis says standing up pacing. "If we get them, interrogated them, it could take days or even weeks to get the information we need, and that's time the pups might not have," Axel explains, and Curtis is torn in two. Paula stands and looks at me, giving me a small smile, then looks at her dad. "Dad,"dad Annalise needs us. " I know you're worried, but you have trained me since I was walking. I have got this. You taught me and Annalise how to defend ourselves and others. We will be fine, plus I have our Alpha, Alpha Axel, and my mate there ok, " she says, hugging him. He wavered and nodded ok "ok but please be safe" he said before letting her go "If you would allow me Alpha I'd like to go and inform my mate beforw I get back to my post" he bared his neck waiting for an answer. "Ok Curtis and I'm sorry. If there was another way.. we would, " Alpha Jim said sadly. Curtis left the room, and we set up the plan.
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