saving Her

938 Words
Axel POV Something has had Blaze on edge, and it must have been because our mate was close by. We could only smell her scent when we entered the room. There's something odd because we can only smell her scent very faintly. We shouldn't be able to smell anything other than her, her alone, but I smell her scent so faint. The smell of her blood, along with her screams, made my blood boil, and Blaze released the most powerful growl he's ever done, drawing the attention of the men to us. As they both turned to look at us, their face paled and started sweating. They stunk of shitty excuses for men, humans. I get tackled from behind. We feel the weight on our back and teeth dig into Blazes fur. We quickly turn and snap the neck of the f*****g cowardly Rogue. I turn ready to rip those bastards to bits for hurting my mate but she is alone laid on her back passed out bleeding. The men are nowhere to be seen 'we need to find them and kill them' Blaze growls but the shallow breathing of our mate keeps my attention. 'Mate needs us Blaze' I say and we shift. I run to her and looking at my beautiful mate breaks my heart. She is bruised, her eye is black and swollen. Her body is so thin and and she has blood coming from above her right eyebrow, her nose and her mouth. Her breathing is shallow and I'm afraid I'll hurt her more if I touch her . 'SHANE... I'VE FOUND YOUR LUNA.. GET IN HERE NOW' I link him and he better hurry. Within a few minutes he came running in. "f**k" was all I heard and I growled "sorry Alpha, we need to get back to The River pack" he said inching closer, he had thrown me some shorts "what if I make her worse moving her" I say my fear out loud but his hand on my shoulder calms me a little "you need to, her breathing isn't good at all" and he does make sense. I give a small nod and put my arms under her thin frame, and lift her. She weighs nothing, but we will deal with that when she is better. "We move now. We need to save her," I say, and I walk out the door. There stood Jim, all the warriors and the girls. Shane goes and lifts Paula into his arms and looks at me "lets go" he says "Alpha Jim, my mate needs medical help, we need to leave now" my warriors get down on 1 knee and bare their necks "Luna" they said as one. "We need to leave now," I said again, and they all stood looking worried. "All warriors will carry the girls. We will run. " The warriors shift into their impressive wolves, laying on their stomachs for the girls to climb on. Shane put down Paula. "Hold on tight," he said, kissing her forehead before shifting, laying on the ground, and Paula climbed on. Ok, we are ready. My warriors don't shift and choose to run with me. We set off as fast as we can. It would be faster in Blazes form, but there's nothing more I can do now except for running. I just hope we can make it in time. We have been running for ages, and the more I look at my beautiful mate she is getting paler. My limbs start to tire a little, but I refuse to stop. 'Let us shift and we can get her back quicker' Blaze said with worry 'I would but she can't hold on Blaze' I reply and he lays down sulking in the back of my mind. "Maybe another hour, Alpha," says Matt, and all I can do is nod. My legs almost give out, and Chris steadies me. "Maybe we can help Alpha," he offers, but I growl at the thought of anyone holding my mate. We come to a stop just for a minute and a little hand reaches over and passes me a bottle of water "is Gina ok" her little voice asks "thanks and I hope so" I replied while constantly repeating "gina" in my head. "What I meant Alpha is if you shift and we lay Luna on Blaze, we can use our tops and secure her tight" Chris explains further and I suppose it could work 'do it now, you need a rest and I can power through the rest of the journey' Blaze says happy to carry our mate. "Ok" I say and pass my beautiful mate to Rod, I shift into Blaze and we lay on the ground while the others take off their tops and rip them so they would stretch and fit around mate and Blaze. When she's placed on Blazes back, we couldn't feel her weight at all. If it wasn't for the tightness of the ripped tops, I wouldn't know she was even on us. When she feels secure, Blaze nods his big head, ok. "Girls hold on even tighter. We will be running full speed," Chris says, and they all nod and grasp harder. And we were off. Blaze moves like the wind. Effortlessly and gracefully moving fast but careful, he's trying not to hurt her. 'We need to hurry,' I say in our link, and he gives me a whine, and that's when I hear it, We can feel it like it was our own. Her heartbeats are starting to slow down, and I know then that we are losing her.
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