
1008 Words
Axel POV I want to get in there but we are waiting for back up, there was a second team of warriors who left the pack an hour or so after us. We decided that the best action to take would be for the warriors to follow behind us as a big group of werewolves would draw unwanted attention especially as we are in stealth mode. We watch the shed at all times, watching and listening to anyone going in or coming out. It's strange because not one person has gone in there since we have been here. There has been no noise either. Something feels off or it could be the fact that Blaze is on edge, he's not stopped since we got here but it's not like him. He can sense something but we don't know what it could be. Maybe he's raring to get the pups out of there but it feels different to that. 'Blaze calm it down, your making me anxious' but all I got was a growl of frustration. We see movement at the side of the shed and I see a small girls crawl out. How the f**k. What the f**k. All together there are 5 girls all climbed out, they were all huddled as close as they could get to the side of the shed. What are they doing. They are stood looking at the opening there was another girl, she was unsteady on her feet. The girls were helping her. It was Paula. Shit... while we had our attention on the girls a couple of men are walking through the door. They need to move now, there is 6 girls altogether that means that there is an extra girl with them but she keeps trying to get back through the hole. What the hell is happening there.. ******* Gina POV We have made a big enough hole for us to fit through. We need to leave now. We try to wake the new girl and it has taken a while but she is up, up but unsteady, unfocused and can't speak. "If we help her we can escape, we will have to work together though" I say looking around the girls, I haven't known them for long but I feel an intense need to protect them. Especially Alia. We are in agreement and we make our move. "When you get out stay close to the shed, keep the noise down and if anything happens run. Run and don't look back" I say giving all the girls a hug, lingering a little longer squeeze to Alia "stay with the girls" I say looking in her tearful eyes as she nods her head yes "I'm coming with you, I just need you to know ok" I explain further and she hugs me again. I have no intention of not being with them but I need to make sure she knows to stay with the girls no matter what. "Please if anything happens, please look after Alia too" I say but it's just a precaution "of course we would but we will be together so it's going to be ok" I have such a weird feeling, something isn't right. Ok our plans in action. All the girls are out and Paula is the last. She is so hard to manoeuvre whilst her legs are heavy and it takes me a while and all my strength to help her out. I hear the door bang open. The boss is stood there with Georgie and a couple of others looking furious. I try to get out but my feet are grabbed knocking the wind out of me as my body slams on the floor. My head hits the floor hard making my vision blur. I hear Alia screaming, trying to get back to me. Shit... I'm flipped onto my back and the scum boss is sat on me. Holding my wrists above my head. He's screaming at his men to get the girls and I'm screaming at the girls to run. He punches me in the face hitting my head off the floor. I try to fight with all of me. I try to buck him off but he's too heavy, I can't budge him. I punches me again and again but I don't give up I try to wriggle free. He starts punching me in my ribs and stomach, winding me. All the while he's screaming in my face "YOU SLUT" "YOU THINK YOU CAN RUN" "AND TO THINK I WAS GOING TO GIVE YOU A GOOD LIFE, GIVING YOU TO MY BROTHER" "YOU'RE GOING TO PAY FOR THIS" he's so mad. Each hit causes excruciating pain, I taste blood in my mouth and my vision is starting to dull. An almighty powerful growl shakes the room. I must be dying. Allucinating things. I see a magnificent wolf stood as tall as the door. Growling.. all I can think about is if the girls made it, then darkness takes me. ******* Axel POV I see the girls holding back the other girl, the best they can. We hear movement behind us and our warriors break from the tree line. "We move now" I shout and we run at them all. A few of the men shift I guessed as much when I could smell Rogues while we have been watching. The others stood tall, looking smug while shooting their guns at us but what they obviously don't know is the bullets don't kill us, we heal too quick for us to die in such a way. They soon realised their mistake and tried running but we kill them, what they have done is disgusting and they would never walk out of her alive. I hear screaming and crying and Blazes anger takes over and we shift. His growls and howling were enough to make the ground shake. We are running and as we near the door to the shed a word I thought I'd never say came from both me and Blaze "MATE"..
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