are we in time!

1100 Words
Axel POV We are running even faster. I'm way in front. My warriors are keeping up, and I'm grateful for that. I know they are warned out, but they push themselves for their Luna. I can see lights and hear noises up ahead. We are here at last. Jim must have linked as soon as we were close enough because Kim is stood looking worried with Drs, and also there was a group of people to the left, standing anxiously waiting. They must be the pups' families. I can't think of them right now, and Blaze powers through, coming to a stop in front of kim. My warriors carefully undo the tops holding my beautiful mate in place on Blaze, and as soon as she is off us, we shift back. Kim hands me some shorts I hadn't noticed she had, and I slipped them on. Taking my mate from Rod, I finally speak, "we are losing her." I panic. Her heart is fainter, and I'm afraid she won't last long at all. A Dr tried to take her, but Blaze growled "sorry Alpha, please follow me." he bared his neck and quickly walked off. We practically sprinted to the pack clinic, and her colour got worse. Her face started going clammy and greyish, her lips turning blue, and she was struggling to breathe. SHIT... SHIT.... SHIT.... "I'm sorry Alpha, no-one is permitted to enter here" but I couldn't let go, I couldn't physically let her go "Alpha Axel, please allow our Drs to help this is the only thing that is going to save her" Kim said placing her hand on my shoulder and we know she is right. I kissed her forehead and placed her on a bed that was waiting, and as soon as I let go, they wheeled her into the room. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE BE OK!!! I'm pacing, and all I want to do is go to her. A few seconds after she was taken into the room, the outer door opened, and in walked Shane, carrying Paula and Chris holding a young girls hand. "Alpha" was all that was said it was the next sentence that stopped me pacing "Where's Gina" the girl asked, she was afraid I could hear her heart speed up she was sweating and she wouldn't lift her eyes but she was desperate to know enough to ask. To be honest, I hadn't taken note of how she was, and now I feel s**t for it. She was small, very thin, pale, and dirty. She had a few bruises on her face, new and old. Chris is trying to lead her to the nurse standing near the desk, but she doesn't want to move. I take a step towards her, and she flinched. I got down to her level trying not to intimidate her. "The Drs are helping her, I'm not sure how she is," I explain. A few tears escape her eyes, and she gives me a little nod "Thankyou" she said quickly and walked to the nurse. The nurse takes her hand and leads her to another room. I'm back to my pacing, pacing, and more pacing. We have been here so long that Paula is now 100% drug free. She is sat on Shanes knee. Much to her attempts to sit on the chair next to him, he can't bring himself to let her go, and as sad as it sounds, I'm jealous. I'm jealous that I want to be the one with my mate on my knee. The young girl who's named Alia sits nervously in the corner curled up on a chair. Paula walks to her with a blanket and pillow she has just gotten off the nurse. "Here, sweetheart, you can sleep. I'll watch over you and wake you if there's any news. " she puts the pillow under her and covers her over with the blanket. I can see that the girl is filled with nerves but is also exhausted. Paula sat next to her and, after a few minutes, started stroking the girls hair. That takes me back to my mum. She used to do the same to me and my sister when we were younger. Withing 10 minutes, the girl couldn't fight it any longer and fell to sleep. Shane just kept watching his mate with so much love and admiration, and all it was doing was sending me over the edge. I need to know what the hell was happening. How can anything be taking this long? She is a werewolf and should have healed by now, even just a little bit. The outer door opened, and in came Jim and Kim walk in. They come straight to me, sadness filling their faces, and I know that whatever they are going to say can't be good. "Any news?" Kim asked, giving me a hug, and I shook my head no. Could we speak to you about what the girls have told us or would you prefer to wait Axel? " Jim asks, and I need something to take my mind away from that room. "Ok," I say, and I know I have to keep calm. "The girls were taken to where we found them. They were not hurt in any way, food and water was brought often along with clean clothes ect" ok so far it doesn't sound as bad as I was expecting because no sane person would take pups. I can't say anything as my mind is going a million miles an hour but I can also see Jim start to falter "just say it" I say looking at him "the girls said that when Gina and Alia was brought to the room, they looked different, they were thin and pale and not in good shape" ok but there must be more to it "Gina had already got a lot of injuries, her face was swollen and bruised, her lip split and her eye swollen shut" Kim said and we are livid, we try to keep it in as we don't want to disturb the girl, she has been through enough. I want to kill them all over again for hurting her, and I'll take pleasure in hearing from whoever killed them. "She was in and out of consciousness but helped the girls. She is the one that helped them escape. They all said she is a lovely person who helped them even when she struggling herself, " and my heart grows for her if that's even possible. Hours and hours just sitting here, feeling useless and stressed.
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