cutting it

1457 Words
Gina POV As soon as I closed the bathroom door, I was feeling too much. Everything hit me all at once. I can't even find the right word for how I feel, but it started to feel like I was being smothered, unable to breathe, and my whole body was shaking uncontrollable. 'Deep breaths Gina' I hear Dakote but I'm struggling 'Gina breath' but her words are muffled 'you're ok' 'take a deep breath' Gina I'm here, you're safe' she kept repeating over and over until my breathing slowed and my tears began to fall. I turned on the shower hoping it would disguise my tears and I just sat under the spray of water, letting everything out from my so called family, being sold and beat, taking in every detail of what Selene explained, the memories of my family, my hurt, anger all escaped from my eyes. I'm not sure how long I stayed there, but after a while, I could hear footsteps approach the door and then back away. I knew from his scent that it was Axel, "he's worried," Dakote said sadly, so I decided to get washed and out. I stood and washed my hair. I cried more because it no longer hurt, there was no glass, no cut, and it felt so nice. I shampooed my hair again before rinsing and conditioning. I wash and step out of the shower, wrapping the fluffiest towel around my body. I felt so much better getting clean, and the weight dissappeared that I never knew I was carrying my tears had stopped as I faced the mirror, unsure if I wanted to look. Last time I had seen myself I looked awful but this time I looked.. different, a good, healthy, different. My skin looked clear, and my blue eyes sparkled, which blew me away, but my waist length hair was just a horrid reminder of my life from before. Always being pulled, always covered in blood. My hair was always targeted when They treated me like s**t. I look around the bathroom, and in one of the cabinets, I find a brush, something I can never remember doing, really. I took the hairbrush and ran it through my long hair, but it was difficult. It kept getting caught on knots, and I hated it. My tears are running again, and yes, I know it's silly, but I can't stop. I hate it, I feel so childish. I took the scissors from the cabinet, grabbed a chunk of my hair, and snipped. I kept snipping, and it felt good. For a while anyway. Now, here I am, standing here with a sink full of hair. I'm crying because I've made a mess but cry because now my hair is near my shoulders, but it's a mess. I'm a mess. What can I do, what should I do. 'Go to mate, he will help' but I dont want him to see me like this 'no I don't want him to see me' 'he is our mate it's ok' she said again but I need someone. Paula, maybe Paula can help. I open the door slightly. "Erm.. can we get Paula, please? " I ask nervously."Of course, is everything ok? " he asks, but I can't say anything, I don't want to open the door in case he sees me "Is there anything I can help with?" he asks, and it breaks my heart to say no. "Can we just get Paula, please?" was all I could say. "Of course," he sounded hurt, and my stomach twisted horribly that I'm making him feel this way "She is on her way" he moves closer to the door "I'm here ok" I want nothing more than to open the door and hug him but the knock on the door I close the door. A small knock on the door. "Hey Gina, it's me," and I'm relieved, I open the door, pull her in, and shut it again. When I turn, she is wide-eyed, looking at me "what happened," and I start to cry again. I eventually stop crying, and Paula has been lovely to me the whole time. "Ok so spill it" she says but I just stare at her, I'm confused "spill what, I've not got anything" and she laughed, why is she laughing "no, no it's a saying. It means talk about what your thinking" ok I suppose that makes sense "so spill" she says again so I smile "ok, I got a little overwhelmed then I cut my hair" "ok, do you feel better to get it all out" I think I do "think so. Can you help me? " she squeezes me in a hug."Of course, I'll try my best with your hair while you fill me in. " I nod ok while she pulls me from the floor. "Stand here, I'm no hairdresser, but I'm sure I can make it look better than you did," she laughed. She is a breath of fresh air. "I'm sure you will too, I know it can't look any worse," we both laugh. I fill her in while listening to the scissors snipping. She totally gets me "almost done" she says and I can't wait "can I ask you something" and she nods her head yes "I know we have just met but I feel a connection with you, I sound crazy but can we be friends" 'you will learn more soon' Dakote was being cryptic but went to the back of my mind again before I could ask. "We are best friends, I feel it too," she giggled and wrapped her arms around me, filling me with so much light and love. I knew then I've met my bestie. She turned me around and wow my hair looks and feels so nice. It sits on my shoulders, feeling so soft, and I love it. My whole shittyness has been cut away, and it feels amazing. "Here, pop these on." she hands me some clothes. I take the underwear "everything is new" she says which makes me stop "I've got new clothes, these are mine to keep" I'm shocked "of course sweet" she says like it's everyday I get to wear new things. "Thank you so much." I hug her. "Axel had me get them. He would have himself, but he wouldn't leave your side." Wow, I didn't know that. I'm blown away. I dress, and it feels so good. The laugh from the room takes my attention. It sounds magical. I walk out, and wow, he's mind-blowing. His eyes take me in, and it feels good. I really need to ask Paula if she knows why his eyes darken like that. Maybe it's a wolf thing. His arms circle me in a blink of an eye, but I feel him tense and his arms loosen. I know he's worrying about being too forward, but I love this. It feels so natural. I wrap my arms around him too, so he knows I want him to stay where he is. I feel him take a deep breath in and out before hugging me tight. "Axel, what happens now?" I feel ready to take the next step of my journey. I'm beyond nervous, but I've felt useless and discarded for years, dodging death and surviving, but now I'm ready to start living a full and lovely life, a life I want. 'We will, no going back only forwards "Your hair looks beautiful, no, it looks sexy," he says, and I feel my face burn. He changed the subject when he saw my embarrassment, and I was grateful for that. "Ok there's a few things we need to discuss then we can go home" home do I have a home "home" I'm amazed "yes home" and I throw myself at him more. I know he is my home, wherever he is, I'm home. "You are my home," I whisper and inhale deeply. I finally have a life, something to look forward to. "What about Alia? She can come home too," I ask, thinking of the lost and lonely sweet girl who needs me. I'm not leaving her. "Of course, she's coming," he smiled as did I. "She is asleep at the minute, but she's excited to come see you." Paula smiles. "I hope she is ok," I think out loud. Axel leads me to the bed and I sit down "we need to talk about what we know, how we can keep you safe and our journey home, there's also a person her claiming to be your guardian" I'm totally thrown "all I know is what Selene explained" "Selene" both the man and Paula said shocked at the same time.
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