moving forwards

2286 Words
Gina POV I still feel bad that we used our power, not that I meant to it just sort of happened. I saw the look of hurt in Axels eyes, and that was not my intention, but I need them to know that even though I might be new to all this, I mean what I say. I'm supposed to be a queen and protect werewolves, but that to me means all werewolves. If I'm honest, I didn't even know there were 2 types of weres, and I know I've got a lot to learn, but I'm here for everyone, not just pack weres. I've spent years not being heard, and I refuse to live like that now. What kind of queen would that make me. I feel an unbelievable pull to Axel and I'd do anything for him, I couldn't imagine being without him and yes I know it sounds absolutely crazy because we have just met but I can't even think of losing him because it causes my heart to hurt but that being said, I also refuse to lose myself now I'm finally free, I'm finally feeling complete. 'Mate understands,' Dakote says, full of love, and all I can do is smile. I walked out of the room to go have a meeting with Alpha Jim, and I'm attacked with hugs and giggles of happiness. I'd be lying if I said that I didn't jump. "Oh girls, I'm so happy you're safe." I'm not sure if I'm crying or laughing. I'm now on my knees, hugging them all tight. "Gina we are happy you're ok" Charmaine says and now they are all crying "Thankyou for helping us" Lucinda cried "and Thankyou all for helping me and Alia too" I hugged them all again and thats when I saw the parents stood behind them "Luna Gina Thankyou for helping our girls, we will forever be in your debt" a man says as they all bow slightly and bare their necks. I don't feel like I helped them at all. They helped us. "They helped me more, and I'm so happy to have met them all. You should be very proud of them. They all stuck together and cared for one another and even cared for me and Alia when we needed it most, even though they hadn't met us before. They truly are kindhearted and some of the most beautiful souls I've ever met" and I hug each of them again showing them how grateful I am that they have learnt their sweet girls, that helping people is important I'm not sure where me and Alia would be if not for the girls and that's a reflection on them "Thankyou" I said to each as I'm sure they wasn't sure what to do. "The girls are amazing, aren't they?" Alia smiles at Paula. she is just as thankful as me. I really need to have a talk with her, try and find out how she ended up at that awful place. I'll wait while we are here, though, because I want her to know she can trust me, trust us. We have a lot to discuss before we head for home. HOME, it's so weird to think about because even the house I grew up in wasn't my home. It never felt like home at all as I always felt like I didn't belong there and couldn't wait to escape. I just hope everyone likes me and are nice 'we are their Queen of course they will' Dakote said full of confidence 'I don't want them to know straight away, I want to make friends and get to know everyone before they find out' but she doesn't get it 'but why when we are Queen of course they will like us' she was baffled at me 'I know they will but I want to know they like me for me without my title, I need to know I can trust them' I try and explain 'ok' she replied with a little huff and goes to the back of my mind. "Here we are," Axel says, coming to a stop outside a closed door. I've been so lost in my thoughts that I hadn't noticed anything around me. Axel knocks and a mans voice can be heard "come in" as soon as we enter the man and woman both get up from their seats and kneeled infront of me baring their necks "my Queen" they said as one but I'm not sure I've even earned my title yet "please you don't have to do that" but they both stay as they are "please, I'm still new to everything and you don't have to" they both stand and I walk upto them "my Queen, I'm Alpha Jim and this is my mate Luna Kim, we are at your service" they both still have their necks bared. I look behind me and only see Axel. The others must have stayed outside. He gives me a smile melting me from the inside out. I walk forward and put my hands on Jim and Kims shoulders "I'm at your service, you helped save us with my mate and I'll forever be grateful for that" both heads snapped up in surprise. "My Quee-" but I cut her off. "Gina, my name is Gina, and you get to call me that, always. You helped save all the girls including Alia, you kept her safe here, fed and healthy and for that we are friends" I explain and the smiles say it all and thats when I feel a massive surge in energy 'what was that' I ask Dakote 'that was our connection forming with this pack. They are loyal to us as we are them' wow ok "do you feel it too" I ask out loud and they both smile at me "feel what" Axel asked looking worried and started checking me over "our connection formed" I explain as both Jim and Kim smile and hug each other. "That's a great thing" Axel smiled hugging me "this pack is a loyal and loving pack, lead by a fierce but loving couple it makes sense for them to become one of the first packs to join your reign" "Thankyou Axel that means a lot" Jim says as he hugs Axel and so does Kim. I feel a little left out because they nod in respect to me, probably weary of what to do or maybe it's because I'm still nervous, so I hug them both too, then I hug Axel. The knock at the door takes our attention. "Come in," Jim says, still smiling. In walks Paula, Shane, Alia and 2 other men. As soon as my eyes meet the eyes of the younger of the 2 men, it clicks. I feel a bond snap into place, I see him as a child training all the way up to the point of him saying his farewells to his family and pack, it's a very strange thing getting to know everything about someone I've never met. "Nate" I say as he steps forward and kneels down infront of me, his hand on his heart "I Nate of The Eminence pack pledge my allegiance to my Queen, I give my life to protect you and will spend my life in your service" I'm smiling "I accept" as I place my hand on his shoulder I feel a power fill me but also some pass onto Nate. "Welcome to our pack, Nate," Shane said while I went back to hugging Axel. We have now said our goodbyes and are on our way home. We are in Axels' car, and Jim has borrowed us one of his. I'm sat in the passenger seat while Axel was driving, Alia, Nate, and Chris were in the back. The car behind was being driven by Shane with Paula in the passenger seat and Rod and Matt in the back. We have been on the road for about 3 hours, and I've enjoyed talking and laughing with everyone. Chris seems really nice and is looking forward to seeing his mate and pups. He explained it's been hard being away from them, but he understands why and is also honoured to protect his Luna and Queen Axel wasn't going to tell anyone yet, but I know the men with him deserve to know I'm Queen. They have been in a different pack training them and also protecting me, away from their own pack and families. Axel made it clear that no one is to know about me being Queen, even families, until we know it's safe to do so. He has already been thinking of every possibility and has also been in contact with his family. His dad jas been looking after the pack in Axels absence, but it sounds like all is fine. They are expecting us today, and if I'm being honest, I'm a ball of nerves about going to Axels pack. It's a massive responsibility to be a Luna. Hell, it's a humongous responsibility to be Queen, especially when I have no idea about anything. I need to train and learn as much as I can, plus I don't want to embarrass Axel. "Hey what's up" his soothing vouce pulls me from my thoughts, I shrug my shoulders not sure what to say "everything will be ok" he tried to reassure me but my anxiety was climbing "I need some air" I say quietly and he pulls over and before I can unbuckle he has opened my door and is down at my level "whats wrong" Alia small voice asks but that made me panic more "Gina just needs some fresh air" he reassures her as he holds his hand out for me to take "stay in the car" he says and shuts the door, his eyes changed a little and Shane gave a nod from the car that was parked behind us. I take it and we stand on the path while taking lungs full of fresh air "what if they don't like me, what if they know I have no idea what I'm doing, what if your mum doesn't like me, what if all your family don't like me, what if I fail" I was ranting and his kiss cuts me off, his lips feel amazing and my whole body erupts with sparks. I moan and want more only for him to pull back with a smile. My first kiss and it was so good, not sure what I was expecting but that was way better "wow" I say breathless while touching my lips "wow indeed, I had to stop or I wouldn't have been able to" he said shyly "wow" was all I could mutter again "I.. I.. I've never -" his eyes went wide."s**t, was that you're. You know your" he was struggling to say it "first kiss yes" I smiled but he looked gutted "s**t I'm sorry I didn't realise" but I'm confused as to why he's apologising unless I didn't do it right. s**t this is bad "did I not-" but he must have seen it in my face what I was thinking "no, goddess no that was amazing, you were amazing I just wished I'd have known, you know to make it more memorable for you" and releif took hold of me causing me to smile "that was memorable, it was amazing" I smiled wven bigger and jumped on him pressing my lips to his. I've never felt like this before, ever. We part, and my body is on fire for him. He holds me and is so gentle with me. "My family will love you. The whole pack will love you, especially my sister." Well, that makes me feel better, and I really hope it's true. "I hope so" and he leads me back yo the car "wait I need to quickly speak to Paula" I say as he nods ok and walks to his side and gets in the car shutting the door. I walk to Paulas side and tap on her window. She's wrapped up in Shane, well, lips locked with him. She opens the window. "Is everything ok?" she asks, "But I shake my head no, she winds her window back up and gets out the car. We make our way to the wall and whisper "I've just had my first kiss" I say all giddy "that's great, I take it from looking at you it was good" she giggled and wiggled her eyebrows causing me to laugh. "Can we talk later about it but I wanted to see how you're feeling, I'm scared out of my mind but I'm new to everything but you are leaving your family, who by the way is awesome but I want you to know that I'm here" I'm rambling now because of my nerves but she hugs me putting me at ease "I'm more than ok, we grow up from a young age learning about mates and destiny so we know it's a very big possibility that we would move packs. I'm going to miss my family so much but I'm walking on the stars with my mate and I'm excited about building a life with him" she has so much happiness in her eyes and I'm happy for them. "Ok I'm so happy that you're happy bestie, can I talk about a few things with you later please" I ask as I've got so many questions running around my mind "of course" she smiled as we hugged and parted ways to separate cars. And we are off, and the conversation starts back up, and it feels good once again.
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