new rooms

1634 Words
Gina POV Turns out there was a lot to learn, especially about the people that had paid for me. I assumed that they were dealt with in some way, but I never imagined they were out there somewhere. To be honest, I hadn't even thought of them, but I'm now worried that they could be doing the same to other girls. They had to pay for what they did to me and the girls. I'm shocked they managed to get away with the whole place surrounded by wrll trained wolves. We have all got so much to process and parted ways making plans to meet in the dining room soon for food. Axel is showing me, Alia, and Nate around the house. It's breathtaking and also filled with happiness. This is what I had always dreamt of when I thought of a proper home. There was no fear and no violence, just the sound of peoe talking and laughing, and I couldn't wait to get to know all the pack members here. After all, they are now my family. We are now at the top floor, the Alpha floor. It's huge with lots of rooms and space. We walk down the corridor pointing to a door on the right as our room then a few doors down he pointed to another door, explaining that room is Alias so we would be close by if she needed us.I throw my arms atound him thanking him for giving Alia a room and also Nate a room on our floor. I would have been worried about them on a different floor, especially Alia. I'm so happy she will be close to me because she needs to know I'm here at any time. Paula had already filled me in on Alia having nightmares, and I'd never want her to feel alone ever. Nate thanks us and goes in his room to get some rest, and we walk Alia into her room. It's beautiful. It has light grey walls, with the biggest bed I've ever seen before, which has beautiful pink bedding and pink and grey cushions. The carpet was thick, and there were 2 other doors in the bedroom. "What do you think Kiddo, you can change anything you would like but I gave mum a heads up before we left and she wanted it to be nice for you" Axel was explaining and I can't help but smile at his cute gesture and his mums. Her little face lit up as she took her room in. "Is this really for me?" and a few tears fell down Alias face, but I'm sure they were happy tears. "You can change anything you don't like" He wasn't sure what was up with her and I could see worry on his face and it made me giggle "she loves it" I hugged him. "It's beautiful," she said quietly in aww "oh and you have your own bathroom. Mums stocked it," he said, walking to the door to the right and opening it. It was so clean and tidy, a shower in the corner, a sink and toilet. I could see Di had tried to girly it up for Alia with the pink towels, a pink shower cap hanging, and a cute flamingo ornament on the small windowsill. "Oh and this is your walk in wardrobe" he said walking to the other door "mum said she has got you a few things for now until you feel upto going shopping to pick your own" Alias eyes were wide with surprise. It definitely wasn't a few things it was a lot, rows of jeans, dresses, tops, and jumpers. "Thank you," Alia said, smiling, giving us a hug. She truly does trust us, and it shows with the hug. "You get used to your room, sweetie, and we will see you soon," I say, tucking her hair behind her ear, but she is soon frowning. "You're going to leave.. what if I need you or someone comes in or.."Take a breath, sweetie. You can shower and pick something to wear. We will be in pur room, " I say, giving her a hug "and no-one will come in, but you can lock the door if you feel better, " Axel says, showing her how to lock the door "Ok.. so can I wear anything" she asked and it makes me smile "of course" I say and walk to the door "if anything at all doesn't fit we will let mum know and we can change it" Axel said as we walked out. After a few seconds of shutting the door, we hear the lock click. Axel opens the door to our room, and I can honestly say that our bed was the biggest bed I've ever seen. It makes Alias' bed look tiny. The walls were white except the wall the bed was up to, that wall is dark royal blue. The bed was dark wood with an intricate design carved into the tall headboard. Everything felt and looked so light but luxurious. "Oh, Axel, it's so beautiful" was all I could sayrunning my hand over the bedding. He smiled and walked over to the window opposite our bed, well I thought it was a window but when he pulled back the floor to ceiling curtains I realised it was a window, he slid the window back and held his hand out for me. I walked to him and took it. He led me out onto a lovely small balcony with a table and chairs out there. It was such a beautiful and serene place that was overlooking his beautiful land. I've never been this high before, and I'm nervous, but also, it felt so nice to see all around me. It was a beauty that I'd happily sit here as much as possible. The soft breeze felt nice along with the sun shining. I close my eyes and tilt my face upwards, enjoying the sun warming my face. I see Axel just staring at me. He hasn't said a word since we entered, but I can see him thinking, "What's up. You haven't said a word yet. " I smile at him, but he gulps. He's definitely nervous about something "out with it," I say as my nerves start rising. "It's just that I love watching you. You look so happy, and I need to ask something.. I don't want to spoil it. " Well, that sounds worrying. It must be something big, but I don't say anything. Instead, I wait for him to ask. "Well, errm, I know you're new to all of this, and I totally understand if it's not ok, but.." he takes a breath and gulps down his nerves, but I still stay silent."I.. I was.. errm, " but he was stuttering so much trying to find the words he wants to ask. I walk to him and place my hand on his cheek "just ask whatever it is" I smile at him "I want to be here" but his words completely baffle me "you are here" I giggle "no I mean I want to be here with you, I know you might have reservations about everything and I'd never want to make you uncomfortable but I no WE need to be here. We have searched and longed for you for so long I'm not sure I'd stand being away" he talked so fast but now I'm nervous "what you're leaving, I don't understand" I say as I could feel the tears starting to prick my eyes, I don't want to be here alone "what no. I'm making no sense" he chuckled "I meant I'd like to stay in our room with you but if your not ready for that I understand but I do wish you would say it was ok but I obviously don't want to rush you if yo-" he's rambling so I cut him of with a kiss. "I thought you would be anyway, I want to be with you but I want to take things slow" I say but it's not because I don't want to be with him completely I'm just afraid because I have no idea what is to be expected "of course my love" he said happily picking me up and spinning me around as I laugh. "Ok we don't have long before we are to meet everyone downstairs, I wanted to ask how you would feel if we call a pack meeting tomorrow and officially introduce you as their Luna" but I'm not sure "what if I do something wrong" I'm worried as I still don't know everything about being a Luna, hell I have no idea about being a werewolf. "You will be fine I promise" and his smile is infectious "ok I suppose it's got to happen at some point" and he kisses me, like a sensual slow kiss that makes me weak at the knees. We are currently knocking on Alias's door, and when she unlocks it and opens the door, she looks lovely. Her brown hair looks so soft and shiny, and her eyes are lit up with happiness. She is wearing a pair of blue jeans with an oversized grey hoody. "Ready for food, kiddo?" Axel asked, and she nodded and took my hand. We were on our way for food, and my stomach rumbled in anticipation. "I could have heard that from outside." Nate laughed, walking behind us as I rolled my eyes, and Axel chuckled. "Carry on, and I'll eat all the good stuff so you don't get a look in." I laughed, and we walked faster. I take it back, though, because seeing how much good food there was, I'd not even put a dent in it even if I tried.
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