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Gina POV I asked Linzi and Chris to wait outside the office while we talked. "I know you have been instilled with the knowledge that all rogues are the same and should be kept off pack lands but surely you must see that isn't the case" I try and reason with Axel. He hasn't said a word since telling Linzi not to breathe a word about me to anyone. I understand fully it's his pack, but some weres just need help. "Just look at Julie, for instance. She's a pack wolf who abused her own mate and a pup. But that doesn't make the rest of the pack bad," and he looks at me with that. "I know it's hard to change, but please don't make me do this alone because I will. I have seen and felt so much pain that I refuse to stand by and let others suffer it. I'm here to help others in this world, and that is exactly what I'm going to do," I state and turn to leave. He needs to understand that I'm doing this with or without him. Yes, I love him so much, but I won't let my love for him decide my fate. My love for him is separate from me being a fair and loving Queen. He gently grabs my arm to stop me. He places both arms around me and snuggles his face between my collar bone and neck, taking deep breaths. "Wait, please, I'm sorry. I know we need to do this, but my whole body is screaming at me to protect you as soon as I hear rogue. It's a natural reaction. " I turn in his arms, placing my hand on his cheek "I know it is but we need to help them, please" he nods his head yes "on one condition, you need to think of your safety too" I agree because I know it will bring him peace of mind. We head for the door "when we have some time later we need to talk about an issue that has happened" I turn to face him "do you want to talk about it now" I ask but he shakes his head "no I've got shane dealing with it, we will talk later" and I nod ok "ok if your sure" I double check. he presses his lips to mine, and I get lost in him. "Come on, or I'll never want to leave." he grinned and opened the door, and we walked out to Chris and Linzi. "Ok, lead the way." I smile, and if I'm being honest, I'm a jumble of nerves and happiness. Axel takes out his phone, types something, and puts it away. By the time we get to the front door, Nate is standing there waiting for us. I elbow Axel lightly in his ribs. "He was having time with friends." I'm gutted for him, but Axel smiled. "Part of the deal is your safety." He said, and as much as I wanted to complain, I hold my tongue. Dakote is here also 'hows you' I ask 'I'm sorry about earlier, I'm just fed up' she replied 'I'm sorry too. I'll speak with him after we get back home' and her mood picks up a little. We walk to the south border and he has about 15 warriors waiting there too "really, this is a little excessive don't you think" but he smiles again "yeah, yeah my saftey" I roll my eyes. "Your safety comes first," Nate backs him up. I let go of Axels hand and walk to Linzi "how long have you been helping them" I'm curious "about 4 weeks or so" she smiled "they are all really lovely" she smiles even bigger. We walk past the border, and the whole group of warriors walk with us. "Axel take a few and leave the rest here, they are close enough to come to our aid, if we need it but I don't want to scare them" I say and I know as soon as he looks at me he wavers "ok 4 with us the rest stay here, keep vigilant" he says as 4 step forward and the rest stay put. I look at the 4 of them "hi we are here to help them, please keep that in mind as we approach, we don't want to scare them" I say but they all looked at me if I had 2 heads "your Luna has just given an order" Axel states, staring them down "yes Luna" they say as one and we keep walking. I feel bad for them, but I'd never undermine Axel in front of his warriors. I hear the laughing of pups and chattering of the adults. We come to the tree line, and before we step into view, the adults must already sense us. I hear the women gathering up the pups and running. We come into view, and they are stood behind the men, covering the pups as much as possible. The men take a quick look at us and pale. Linzi steps forward and talks, "Hi. I've brought help, " but none of them move. The pups start crying, and I can see the men get ready for whatever we might do. I walk forward, but Axel growls lowly, and both him and Nate step in front of me. Really. "Guys.." I groan in frustration."Your safety, " they both said together. If it wasn't a serious situation, I'd laugh at them. "Move aside a little then so I can see who I'm talking to," I say, and they move a tiny bit, and Axels men move to surround me, Chris is standing in front of Linzi too. We both look at each other and roll our eyes. "Harry,Martha, this is my Aplha and Luna, Alpha Axel and Luna Gina. They have come to help, " but none of them moved or spoke a word. I'm getting pissed, "right, that's enough move." I manage to pry them further away from me. "Hi, we are not here to hurt any of you, I'm Luna Gina." I introduce myself even if it sounds weird to me. "Linzi explained she has been helping you for a few weeks, and we wanted to too." I say, and the oldest womans eyes meet mine for a second. "We mean no harm, no disrespect, we will move along," she says, trying to console the youngest of the pups. "No.. There isn't any need for that. Would it be ok to talk properly" I ask I see her eyes and the older mans eyes glaze over "yes" she passes the pup to one of the younger women who already has hold of one pup and steps forward. I'm assuming her mate steps forward with her, and the two younger men spread out a little bit more trying to shield the women and pups from us. I step forward, and both Axel and Nate step with me. We are stood closer now "hi it's nice to meet you both," I say and stick my hand out to shake theirs. Axel pushes it back down "stop it" I slap his arm making him look at me "we are here to help, I'm sure if they were going to try and hurt me you would be fast enough to stop them now both of you move" I'm losing my s**t because how am I going to help anyone if I can't see them or talk to them. They both look sheepish and step aside. "I'll start again," I say side eyeing them both. "Hi, I'm Luna Gina. You will not be harmed here, and we really do want to help you," I say, holding my hand out. Martha lifts her hand shakily, and we shake hands. "Hi, I'm Martha," she replies, causing me to smile. "It's nice to meet you," I say, and she smiles back. "We didn't mean any trouble, honestly. we fled our pack, if you could call it that, and had been on the move since. Linzi is the first person to offer us help. " she smiled at Linzi, making me smile too "yes she has a gentle soul, " I say, looking at Linzi. "Wait, did you say you were in a pack?" Axel asks, confused. "Yes, me, Harry and John, our son, we left the pack." she looked at the young man who looked just like Harry but with her eyes and smiled. "How long have you been a rogue?" Axel asked, and I could see it hurt her to be called that. "we left our pack about 5 months ago. John met his mate a few months ago. Penny she was hiding with her sister, Zara, and her mate Lenny. We stuck together like glue since, " she explained as I looked at their little group. "Are the pups theirs?" I ask, but she shakes her head, not all of them no. Little Florence and Ollie are Zara and Lennys pups. Donna, is Lennys little sisiter and Eva, Rachel and Gemma are pups we have saved along the way. The group seems to relax a little bit. "Thats an amazing thing you did," I say, looking at them all. "It's what any weres would do," Martha said as if it was that simple "unfortunately not everyone would have done the same," Axel said, and I could see the guilt in his eyes. "We would like to offer you to come to the pack house with us, we will have a chat in my office then you can get cleaned up and hot food" Axel says taking my breath away. I wasn't expecting that at all, and looking around at everyone else, they didn't either. They eventually agreed, and we are now walking back towards home. Hopefully, this is the turning point for our pack to see more than just rogues.
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