Kev pt 2

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Gina POV I'm not sure if Kev is more angry or devastated. It has taken him a while to calm down, but he's finally calm enough to talk. "Start from the beginning, dont leave anything out," Axel asked, still pissed but I'm starting to see that we might have things wrong and I will feel like a shitty person if we have. "How could she.. I would never" he looks absolutely devastated "take your time" I say softly and Axel looks at me in disbelief but I don't pay any attention to it, apart from placing my hand on his arm. "I didn't even really notice at first, just little things." I gave Axels arm a gentle squeeze and shook my head no slightly when I felt him tense. He kept quiet and let Kev carry on. "I'm sorry, Alpha, I know I should have reported it with Emma, but I felt stuck. I love my mate and hoped everything would stop, everything would be ok. " Again, I felt Axel tense, ready to say something."Please carry on, " I said softly to Kev. I already feel s**t. I know what is about to be said, and I also feel a fool. I automatically believed Julie, and that was my mistake. "At first, it was little things, losing her temper over how long I stayed at work, how I spoke to everyone around me, taking attention away from her. The first time, she.." he was finding it difficult to say the words, but we need him to say them so we can bring a case against Julie. "The first time what?" Axel asked, getting more confused and frustrated. "She hi.. hit me, she apologised, and I know she was getting frustrated with her not getting pregnant. Then after that it was more a less every day. When Emmas parents died, Julie begged me to take over the orphanage. I didn't want to, but I knew how much she wanted to. She promised that when we did, everything would be ok because she would be able to care for a pup. A pup is all she wanted. So I agreed, but it only got worse. She had someone to hold over me. " Axel scoff "you want us to believe you are the victim here, " which made Kev flinch but also frown "no of course not. Emma is the victim, and I'm so sorry about that, " and he looked devastated. "I tried to protect her. I gave her extra food at school and if Julie went for her I stood in front of her, I'm sorry I wasn't there the whole time and Emma was hurt" "why didn't you report it" Axel asked still not believing him "because she's my mate, the mate bond ties you to another and even if they are doing something wrong, you still try to protect them" and I'm sure any mates would be the same, well except Julie. "Do you have proof?" Axel asks, and I'm in disbelief. He wouldn't have asked Julie for proof why he would ask Kev. Before I could protest, Kev had stood up and lifted his shirt over his head. His back was littered with thin scars. They looked to have a silver tint to them. I couldn't stop the tears falling. "Fuck.." I heard Axel gasp. Kev was looking embarrassed and sat back down. "I'm sorry that happened to you" I almost sob. "It was my fault" was his reply and I felt sick to my stomach that it was actually Julie who is the monster. "Proper care would have left you scar free" Axel said with guilt written over his face. "I couldn't explain where or how I was whipped Alpha. Not without Julie being in trouble" I understand completely but it breaks my heart. "I will take whatever punishments that are handed out to me but please, Julie needs help" all of a sudden he's falling to the floor screaming, clutching his shoulder with one hand and the other hand is over his heart. "What's happening" I asked worried getting up to help him. "Paula" was all Axel said holding me back. The door opened and Paula came in and took my arm "come on we have to wait outside" but I wanted to help him "what's happening" I asked again looking between Axel and Paula as she led me out of the room. "What the hell, Paula" I'm stunned at being ushered out of the room. "I'm sorry, it seems as if he is being rejected" rejected?? I have no idea what she is talking about and it must have shown on my face as Paula starts to explain. "On very rare occasions mates can reject or be rejected. It's even rarer when they have already mated and marked because there is a high chance of the rejected going feral" but why would any sane person do that "feral" I state as we walk back into the observation room. "Yes. Alpha wanted you to leave as she-wolves being around rejected males can bring out the worst in them plus Alpha doesn't want you getting hurt" and I can't even speak. All I can do is watch as the scared man that sat before us, talking about being hurt by the one person who is supposed to love you most. Withering around on the ground in pain. His screams are so loud that I'm surprised my eardrums didn't burst. I can see smoke, that seems to be rising from off his shoulder. He's sweating and his fur is starting to protrude through his skin. It breaks my heart 'please Selene, please help' I pray on repeat. 'We can help him' Dakote said and I knew in that instant what I had to do. It was an unspoken role that I felt. It pulled me forward as if my body was on auto pilot. I moved to the door. I felt Paulas hand on my arm and as I turned to her she gasped, let go and bared her neck. I'm not sure why but I don't have time to ponder on it now. I walk out the door and into the other. Axel was obviously shocked to see me, but he didn't move a muscle towards me. I walked to kev who I could see was turning to a point of no return. His fur was thicker and his eyes had started getting red, the tattoo he had on his collar bone was now almost gone. I knelt beside him. Placing my right hand on his forehead and my left hand on his chest. I started talking. Actually both me and Dakote was talking, a little like chanting more than anything else. "It's ok, you're going to be fine but you have to want it. You have to fight for yourself. Don't let her take the last of you after everything you have been through. You're stronger than you know. You can do this and I'll help you. Focus on you and your wolf, who you were before. Happy snd free, looking after all the pups, something that gave your heart happiness. They need you. You deserve to be happy and you can be, just move towards the light not the dark" I feel a coldness seep from Kev. Dissipating into the warm air around us, his screams have stopped. He un-clenched his hands and took some deep breaths. I know it sounds crazy but I know I've healed him. Healed his wolf. 'Please grant hima second chance mate' I hear Dakote whisper. I remove my hands and close my eyes and take a deep breath also. I feel a jolt of goodness fill me. I open my eyes to see Kevs eyes open. His eyes are gold for a split second before returning his usual brown colour. He looks so much better, finally at peace. Axel helps me to my feet and hugs me. "Wow" he whispers hugging me tight. I look back at Kev and he's on his knees, neck bared with his hand over his heart. "My Queen. I'm in your debt and pledge my allegiance to you" I get a jolt of strength through my body. I turn in Axels arms and place my hand on Kevs shoulder "I'm sorry you have had to endure everything you have but I know you will do wonderful things, I do have some ideas too" I smile and his head snaps up at us "my queen.. I must have punishments for not reporting julie" he looked devastated "I think you have been through enough and Julie will pay for her crimes" I say and he has tears in his eyes "Thankyou. It will forever be my biggest mistake and I'll carry the guilt and shame always" but thats not what I want "no. I don't want that.. I want you to be happy and carrying that around will hold you back" I explain. "I've sent Dan and William to bring Julie back" Axel said and I can't wait to face her again. I've been a fool but that won't happen again. "You are free to leave" Axel said to Kev "Thankyou my king" Kev bowed slightly "wait how do you know about that" I ask confused "I felt it when you placed your hand on my forehead" he explained quietly "it is not to be discussed outside this room until we are ready" Axel used his Alpha tone "of course" Kev said and turned to leave. "Your back.. the scars have gone" I say in amazement. Kev stopped and looked back at the mirror with a massive smile on his face "Thankyou" and he left.
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