making friends

1161 Words
Gina POV A man comes up behind me and grabs my arm, yanking me away towards a house, I can hear the 2 men arguing but I don't care what they're saying because I need to get out of here. If I can get free, I could run or hide maybe. I try to resist, but his fingers dig deep into my arm, to the point of it feeling like it would break. He's got to be about 6' tall and full of muscles. He's a pig. A horrible pig. How can they be ok with treating people this way. I look around me to find a possible way out, but all I see is lots of men with guns. Pacing around. How can I escape here. There's too many of them, and I feel the despair creeping in. We go around the house, and we are heading towards a building. I struggle more because there's a chance I won't get out if I go in. "Please, please, I don't want to be here." I beg still trying to break free, but he just pulls me anyway. I search around me, hoping someone will help me, but not one person here tries to help, doesn't even look our way. I'm starting to cry because I'm getting closer to the door, f**k please I need to leave. I need to get out of here. I have to fight now, I have to atleast try. It's fight time and I use what strength I have and start hitting his arm trying to get him off but if I'm honest he doesn't even flinch instead he stops still, turns to look at me and laughs, laughs in my face like I'm nothing. "You have no chance" he laughed and I slap him as hard as I can across his face. He's stunned for a second and when he hears one of the other men chuckle at him anger fills his eyes "you little b***h" he said slapping me back. My head spun and I can taste blood in my mouth. SLAPS, SLAPS, SLAPS, I'm so fed up with this s**t. I turn back to face him and slap him right back. My whole body hurts, my face and head is killing and I can feel my face swell up where I've been punched and slapped this time he smirks and throws me over his shoulder, winding me. I hit his back as he is carrying me through the door. He throws me to the ground but it's kind of soft and darkness takes me. I feel prodding on my face, and I jump up. I wish I didn't though because I go light headed and the room spins. I take deep breaths hoping it will pass. Once I'm feeling better I open my eyes and look where I was laid It's a mattress on the floor but there's no one there. I take in my surroundings and I'm in a shed of sorts. I hear a small sniffle and as my eyes adjust I see a small figure huddled in the corner. "Hello" I ask quietly and the figure flinches "hi I'm Gina" I say but there's no movement. I walk slowly towards her I get down on the floor and realise it's the girl from the other box. "Are you ok" I ask and she peeks up at me and her tear stained face breaks my heart. "Shhh it's ok, I'll try and get us out of here" I say standing and looking for anything that will help us. A loud noise came from outside and she screamed so I got back on the floor next to her "how about we be friends and help eachother" I ask and I can tell she's weary until she looks at me properly and she gives me a small nod. Ok that's a good start, I'll do what I can to get us out of here. "Ok fresh start.. hi I'm Gina" I say waiting for her to answer "I'm Alia" she said so quietly I almost missed it. "Ok we stick together and we get out of here, we need to bide our time so we don't risk our only chance to get out of here" I say and she moves closer to me I put my arm around her shoulder as she rests her head on me. We both must have fallen to sleep because the bang of the door jolts us. "UP BITCHES" the man from before shouted "just hold my hand and don't let go" I whispered to Alia as we both stood. "FOLLOW ME AND DON'T TRY ANYTHING, YOU WILL BE SHOT" he shouts again walking out the door. We clasp hands and her hold is tight as she follows me out. We follow the dickhead towards another bigger looking building. Why not just take us there first the stupid idiots. He opens a heavy door and shoves us in, shutting and locking the door behind him. There's lights in this building and looking around looks like a bedroom of sorts. Theres metal bunk beds, a small metal table and chairs in the corner and sink in the other. "Ok let me look around there must be a way out" I say as Alia lets go of my hand. I'm looking everywhere but the table and chairs are all screwed into the floor. There's literally nothing here "you won't find anything" came a small voice from the darkened corner making both me and Alia to jump. She grabs my hand and hides behind me. "Who's there" I ask trying to get a better look. 4 young looking girls step out, staying close together. "Do you know where we are" I ask but they all shake their heads no. "Ok how long have you been here, do you know how we can get out" I ask again but again they all shake their heads no "no way that we have found and I think it's been a few weeks or months I'm not sure" and my stomach dropped, they have been here that long and not found a way out. My heart hurts at the thought of us not escaping. I don't want to dies here or live here for that matter. "Ok we will figure it out" I say looking at all the scared girls infront of me. I see fear but also fire in their eyes and it gives me a jolt of energy to not give up. I'll do whatever I can to help these girls and to protect them. We are in a place a lot worse than the place I grew up and that's something I didn't know was even possible. Introductions are in need "hi I'm Gina and this is Alia" I say with a smile. "Hi this is Lucinda,Annalise, Charmaine and I'm Micaela" said one of the older girls and they all walked to us.
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