getting settled in

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Gina POV They are both locked in the dungeons for now awaiting their trial of sorts. To be honest, I have no idea what that entails. I'm fuming as I watch Emma being timid and very jumpy while she plays with Alia but also grateful that we have noticed and she has a fighting chance to leave it all behind her as she gets older. I think her and Alia will be great for each other. I've got to have a talk with them both about talking to someone and so they know they can both talk to me about anything at all. I'm fuming that they have gotten away with this abuse for months, though, and I plan on making sure they get the right punishment for that. Alia had been so talkative when I went to collect her from school, telling me about her day and how happy she was to have made a friend and that was before she had even got out the class. Her little face lit up when she asked if Emma could come to ours for a while, and I agreed, I'm so happy she has a friend. I knew Emma would be staying with us, but I wanted to wait until we had gotten back home to tell them. At first, though, Emma looked unsure saying she had to get home, but once I explained it was already sorted, her smile was small, but the happiness in her eyes made my day. I know too well what living like she has feels like, and I'm shocked to see it here. After visiting the orphanage and realising the extent of the abuse, Di is heartbroken because she appointed them, and she thought they were the best choice because of the reason given by them. What puzzles me is that they volunteered, why volunteer if they don't want the responsibility. I want to talk to Emma because we need to go through everything with her so we can hold the trial, but I know she is just enjoying being with Alia. There's also something I'd like to discuss with Axel. Axel is absolutely fuming. For generations, this pack has been a good and well cared for. It's been a safe place that Axel and every Alpha before him have made sure to lead a happy pack. "Hey stop it, she will be fine now" Paula says placing a cuppa down on the table in front of me "what" I ask still not taking my eyes away from the girls "Emma.. she will be ok. " This time, I look at her and smile because I know she is right. "Thank you," I smile. "I'm only saying the truth," she explains, making me giggle "for the cuppa." I take a sip, enjoying it more than I thought I would. It's all new since arriving here, and Paula tries to get me to try new things every day. Somethings taste amazing, and then some of them are gross. I enjoy the hot tea while watching the girls draw. I must look like a maniac just sitting here, but I don't care because it's nice to chat with Paula and relax. We have both been working so hard, so it's nice to finally have some chill time. "How's things with you?" she asks, taking my attention back to her. "I'm good. I'm still adjusting but it's a lot to learn" I say honestly "yeah I know how you feel, I love Shane but I'm still wrapping my head around being Beta female" I can see her reservations about everything but I also see determination. "We can learn it together, which reminds me I wanted to ask a favour" and I hope she agrees "what" she eyes me wearily "I want you to learn me how to fight" and she is already smiling like a mad woman "of course" she is excitedly clapping. We can't hold our excitement in as we both clap and laugh until we get interrupted. "No need, that's why I'm here. I'll protect you" Nate says grabbing an apple from the bowl on the table and I know he means well but his statement pisses me off "I will learn myself so if I need to defend myself I can" and as soon as I see his face fall I knew my tone was a lot harsher than I had intended "I just meant that I will always be here for you" he says quietly, not looking into my eyes and I instantly feel bad. "I know, Nate, but I want to learn for me. I never want to feel like I have my whole life ever again" I explain and he gives me an understanding look "ok well then looks like I'm in" he smiles before turning around munching his apple and leaves. Honestly, he gives me whiplash. One minute, he says something and changes his mind in another. "Ok, so we start in the morning. I can't wait" she says being excited again and I feel the same 'we will do great Gina' Dakote says and I feel instantly calm 'I know we will, you ok' I ask because she has been quiet for sometime 'yes just thought it would be better to go back so I wouldn't loose my temper' and I understood completely as we are trying to stay quiet until we hold the next meeting but I've asked for us to wait until I've settled in 'ok my sweet wolf' I smile as she retreats again. I know she wants to meet Blaze, and I think that's why she has been quiet. "Could you watch the girls while I go and find Axel. I just need a quick word, " I ask, and paula has already agreed before I finish. "I can't wait to mind the link again," she says, lost in thought, but I pay no mind and walk out. I'm walking towards the office, I think.. I'm still getting used to the house because it's massive, but hopefully, it won't take too long. I hope he's at the office. "Luna" I hear from down the hall and it's one of the cooks, Marie coming out of one of the doors with a tray of pots "hi Marie, have you had a good day" I think she looks a little surprised because I know her name "yes Thankyou Luna" she smiled, it was so nice to be surrounded by happy people that I could see my life here making great memories "I'm looking for Alpha Axel, don't suppose you've seen him at all" I ask. From what I've been told, I'll be able to mindlink Axel and the rest of the pack once we have mated and marked. I feel ready, but I'm not sure how to bring it up with Axel, especially with how he had been restrained because he doesn't want to push me too quickly. I'm ready, though, and yes, I know it seems soon, but I trust Axel fully, and I'm ready to take the next step of our relationship. "I'm sorry, Luna, I haven't. Would you like me to mindlink the Alpha for you?" she smiled. I nod my head as that sounds like a better plan than just searching and hoping for the best. He eyes glaze over as I wait "he is in the kitchen, Luna" she relayed back with a smile "I'll walk with you Marie, if you're going that way" I eye the tray "of course Luna" she said as we started walking and if I'm honest I would probably get lost without her. "How long have you worked in the kitchens?" I was curious about 5 years. I started working there when I was 18years old" she replied with a smile "did you want to work in the kitchen" I wasn't sure how everything worked yet so I'm hoping to learn as I go "no actually I originally wanted to work in the clinic but my wolf is a lower placed omega" but I have no idea what she means "I don't understand" was all I said hoping she would explain "well Bex is my wolf she is amazing but we are of lower class. The order is Alpha and Luna, Beta and Beta female, Gamma and Gamma female, warriors, then there is omegas who help run the pack but working in the clinic and school and jobs of that nature then there is lower omegas we cook, clean and also do the gardening. Bex is of lower omega, so unfortunately, we couldn't be a nurse as I dreamt of, " she explained, but she looked upset for a brief second before she smiled again. "That seems shitty doesn't it?" but she just giggled, not agreeing or disagreeing. It's definitely given me more to think about and definitely more to discuss with Axel "thanks Marie you've given me more to think about," and we carried on talking until we arrived at the kitchen. I have really enjoyed talking.
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