
898 Words
Gina POV It's so sad to see little girls trapped here, away from their families, against their will. They are losing their childhood, and that isn't right. They have told me about how happy they were before here and how much they miss their home, their families. Alia broke my heart as she said she didn't want to go back to her home. She wanted to be free from here, but she would never return to her family. She was the same as me, with a horrible family. I promised her that we would be free of everything and everyone who had hurt us and we would stay together no matter what. how can anyone sell their kids, like we are nothing. I've been here 3 days and it has been very weird I was expecting to be treated the same as home, I mean we are prisoners and locked away in this room but we have had food and drinks brought to the door. Clean clothes and towels have been brought, and we haven't been intimidated or even threatened by anyone. In fact, we haven't seen anyone at all except for the guard opening the door to bring food, etc. We still have no idea why we were taken, but it can't be good. My whole body is hurting, I keep getting severe headaches, and my left eye is swollen and sealed shut, and I feel so tired. I seem to have been sleeping more even though I've tried to fight it and stay awake. "Gina.. Gina.." I can hear but it sounds far away "Gina food is here" I'm starting to hear a little clearer now, it's Alia waking me, I pry my eye open and she looks worried. "Thanks, Alia," I say and sit up. I don't feel any better for the sleep, but I try to smile at the girls. "How are we going to get out of here?" Micaela asked, looking at the door with worry. "We will find a way," I say and stand. It hurts. Everything hurts so bad that I sit down straight away. "It's ok, we will look," Alia said as the other girls nodded in agreement. I feel so bad and useless. My vision starts to blur and before I can reply my body is heating up to a point of my skin feels like it's on fire "AHHH" I hear my screams as if they were not mine. I heard the conversation of girls, but it was like I was underwater. "What should we do?" "What's happening?" "Please, we need to help," The door bangs open "WHAT THE f**k IS GOING OFF IN HERE" I hear shouting but the girls all stay quiet "WELL SHUT HER UP OR YOU WILL ALL PAY" and the door bangs again. I can hear my screams but I can't stop it's like I can't control myself. "Shhh, it's ok" Micaela says and I feel her cold hand on my forehead "here.. scream into this" Lucinda said trying to hand me a small blanket but my hands are fisted and squeezing the blanket underneath me. Instead I felt it against my mouth. Muffling my screams the best they can before darkness takes me. ***DREAM*** I'm sat next to a clear blue pool, my body is healthy and I feel so happy sat in the warm sun. I get the feeling of familiarity. I open my eyes and staring back at me are the most beautiful piercing green eyes. Nothing else is in focus, all I can see is the eyes but it's the feeling of being near this person makes me happy. I feel love and content. I close my eyes and they won't open again. I fight to see those eyes again and when I eventually open them its dark and black vines are trying to pin me down. Trying to cover my body. I hear a noise to my side. I try with all my strength to turn my head. I manage to turn a fraction and in the corner of my eye I see just an eye, A beautiful pink eye begging for help. Whatever it is, it's covered in vines and thorns being held down and I can't make out what it is before I'm completely smothered by the same black vines and thorns. I try to scream but nothing happens, I take a deep breath and those beautiful eyes are what I'm focusing on. I want to get back there, I need to get back there. I feel a red hot cover, over my entire body. It's burning me but it also feels good. I take a deep breath in and when I release it the heat leaves my body. I can finally move. When I sit up and open my eyes, I see some of the vines holding what is trapped has dissappeared. I see 2 pink eyes that belong to a massive white wolf. All I see is the head now that it's free. I stand hoping to help the wolf to be free from the rest of the vines and I'm falling into nothingness.. ***END OF DREAM*** I sit up with a jolt and all the girls are around my bed, looking worried and crying. I no longer feel hot or tired. I actually feel more awake and energised than I've ever felt before.
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