A werewolf!!

877 Words
Gina POV Ok, so I understand there are werewolves and other supernatural beings in the world. Well, that's if this isn't all in my head. It feels so real, though, so I'm not sure what to think. I've never seen the world I have lived in all my life. The only places I've seen are the inside of my families home and then waking up at that horrid place. The only places I've been have been awful, painful, and filled with sadness. It's a world I'll never miss. I feel nothing but peace and happiness since being here, and I can't wait to stay here forever. I'll never have a family, never have love or happiness, so I'm more than happy to stay here with Dakote and Selene. "I'm sorry Gina but you can't stay here, you need to go back" Selene says looking at me with sad but hopeful eyes "why not I feel better here" but she shakes her head "is there anything you have noticed here" she asks and I shake my head no while looking around "this is my realm, this is the Haven I created for my wolves. I nurture them from pups and send them to their humans when they turn 18 years old, and when they die, my wolves come back here to live in peace. People are not here and don't stay here" she explains and my head hurts, I hadn't noticed before "you probably didn't notice because your not used to being around people" Selene said in thought "I can stay here and help you" I panic I don't want to leave, I don't want to go back there. Pain, tears, and hurt are all I have to go back to. "You're here now because you are special. No other person has ever been here, but I could see you needed help, a place to heal." she smiles, but I can't stop crying. "Why am I here, I'm not special at all," I sob into Dakotes fur. She gives me some time to stop crying and calm down. "I know your scared but you belong there" but I shake my head vigorously "I don't, I've had enough of fighting, of hurting and why are you telling me about werewolves and other supernaturals, I don't understand I'm going to have to go back alone and live in pain why would you want me to live a life like that" I rant, I don't want it. 'You won't ever be alone again.' I hear the most beautiful calming voice in my head. Actually, in my head, s**t I really am cracking up, like proper crazy. A laugh makes me jump as I look up at Selene laughing. How can she be laughing at a time like this? "I apologise, child, you're not going Crazy at all. You are hearing Dakote. " her words make me look at the beautiful wolf laying on me. "Can I hear all the wolves here?" I ask, looking at midnight this time. Concentrating all I can, but I'm sure she huffs and looks away. She's a right, madam sassy pants. "No, you can't. The reason you can hear Dakote is because she is your wolf" I don't get it at all, I don't have a wolf and I certainly don't know how to care for a wolf, well care for any animal. I have no idea what to say, I mean, what can I say without upsetting her. She has been so nice but when I go back I'll have nowhere to keep a wolf. "That's not what I mean. Take a walk with me," Selene says, cutting off my overthinking. I pet Dakotes head, and she lifts it so I can stand, I follow a few steps behind Selene, taking in everything around me. We come to a stop at the side of the lake and it's then I can see that, yes it's a lake with water but it was so magical. Colours were everywhere, and with each pulse, different patterns spread out across the surface. What had my eyes so wide and stole my breath was the thousands of pictures constantly changing. Pictures of men, women, and children as well as massive wolves. Some stood with others, and some stood among the people. "Here is my life, lake. It's where I watch my people, " she explained, and I'm amazed. All I can do is nod my head. "What is it for" I ask looking at all the pictures coming and going "this is where I select the best wolf for a person and I also love to watch them all grow, having families of their own" she smiles, it sounds great. "Can you see anyone?" I ask, unsure I even want the answer. "I can mostly depending on certain circumstances." I just nod my head and wait for her to talk again. "I couldn't see you for years." Why not? I wonder, but I don't interrupt. "I'm not making much sense, so I'll go back," she says, probably from my confused face. "You are a werewolf, Gina. You have Dakote because she is your other half. " Wait, what? There's no way I'm a werewolf, I would know if I were.
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