wanting information

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Axel POV The nurse runs in after hearing Paula. "Oh my dear" she says checking Alia over in Shanes arms "bring her this way" she was heading for the door but I feel bad enough without putting her in a different room and her waking up alone "Wait.. can we get a bed brought in here" I ask and she looks taken back "I need to check her over Alpha" she explains and I realised that "I will leave while you do, I just don't want her waking up in a strange room alone" she smiles and nods, her eyes glaze over and in a few minutes a man wheels in a bed. "I'll leave while you check Alia. Shane, please follow me. There's something I want to discuss," I say, heading for the door as he lays her on the bed. "Let me know of any updates please Paula" "yes Alpha" she replied. "Rod, Chris, Matt, you guard that room and your Luna," I instruct as I walk by them. "YES ALPHA," they reply as one. I pause and walk back to them "did any of you kill the human bosses" I need to know that they suffered when they died for everything they have done "no Alpha, I hadn't killed any humans" Rod said "no me either. Oh wait, no, I did kill a couple when we first entered, " Chris explained."Same here, Alpha, " Matt said, agreeing with the others, so it's definitely none of my men then. I head outside the building and towards the office. I need to speak with Jim and Shane. Shane catches me up but stays silent. "I'm happy you have finally found your mate bro, I know it's been hectic and we haven't had time to talk" I pat his shoulder as he smiles "it's all been crazy, I just wish we had found our mates under better circumstances but I'm ecstatic we have them at last" we both chuckle and keep smiling "I thought Paula would be wanting to be with her family especially now her sister is home" I ask because Paula has been at the hospital waiting with us "her mum has been updating her, her sister has been sleeping and Paula wanted to wait for news on Gina as it was her who saved her too" ok well I suppose that makes sense "ok I was just curious" "how is Gina doing" he asks and I realise he wasn't in the room when I was updated, I stop and look at my best friend and realise I've not told him anything regarding Gina "she is in a bad way. Before she was taken there someone had given her some kind of potion to lock away her wolf, she has been treated like s**t, starved and beaten then when I got in that building a man was sat on her pinning her down with 1 hand and punching her with the other. He broke her ribs and punctured her lungs. I wanted to rip them to bits but I was tackled from behind, when I had killed them and turned around the 2 men were gone" Shane was growling, he was as fuming as me "if they weren't already dead I'd make them die painfully slow those pieces of s**t" "I know brother me too" I reply "on the upside, be thankful our mums wasn't with us, they would have gone through that f*****g place like whirlwinds" he laughed because he knew as well as I do that our mums are not to be messed with and they have been dying for us to meet our mates for years. We laugh at the thought until we reach the office. I knock, hoping Jim is here. "COME IN," he shouts, and I'm relieved he is. We are sat around Jims desk "first I want to say Thankyou for helping my mate, I'm not sure what would have happened if we didn't get back here in time" I say sadly "if it wasn't for you and your pack Axel we would never have gotten our pups back but I'm happy we were able to save Gina, we also owe her a lot" he smiled "there's so much we don't know and I'd like to try and find out what we can before Gina wakes up" I say and the others look as confused as what I am. "I want to know why humans would be taking pups, how did they know about us and what was their plans" I think out loud "it's strange isn't it" Shane said and it's crazy to even say it out loud because there is no reason for it especially when humans don't know about us "I would like to speak to your warriors, I'd like to know which killed the human bosses, they escaped the building when I found my mate" I say "ok I'll ask them to come" Jim said and his eyes glazed over "also we need to see if we can find out where Gina and Alia are from. I will destroy their Alpha for letting them be treated that way" he nodded his head ok "I agree, whoever is behind the girls state needs to be punished" I'm glad we are on the same page. "Good, I would like to speak to the girls too. I will keep it quick as I know they have been through a lot" he looked unsure and I don't blame him but I need to "I understand why you would be weary but they may know something. They may not know it's important, but I'd like to just chat to them. " he nodded ok reluctantly. His eyes glazed over. He's a great Alpha, and my dad has always been good friends with him, and I can see why. He puts his pack first.
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