thinking and decisions

1050 Words
Gina POV If I'm being completely honest, today has gone a totally different way than I thought was ever possible. I know Axel has a big heart because I see how he is with his family, his pack, me and especially Alia but knowing that and the fact that Rogues have always been seen as the outsiders that bring pain and death, I honestly thought it would be harder to bring him around to helping them. He has no idea how much he made my heart grow, I didn't think it would be possible for me to love him anymore than I did because that love filled me up to the maximum already but now I see my whole being couldn't be enough to contain that love. I think it helped because he took the time to hear them out. My heart broke for them as they told us why they became rogues. I hate calling them that because from what I've heard, rogues are totally different. From what I've gathered, there are 3 types of rogues. Type 1) The Rogues that do bring destruction wherever they go. They became rogues because they lost their mate or family, and their emotions got too much and ended up turning off their humanity. Type 2) The rogues that choose to live the life of crime, they are the ones that choose to live without a pack, so they are not held within the restraints of rules and are the type of weres that are just plain old evil against anyone they see fit, without any reason. Type 3) The rogues that don't want to be without a pack but have no choice because 1- they were born Rogue, so the cycle continues. 2- they have no choice but to leave their pack like Martha and her group. I don't think any packs have given a rogue a benefit of the doubt, never actually spoke to them, and that is the worst thought. How many innocents have been killed because of ignorance and hate that has been passed down through the generations. It has given me a bigger drive to help them that need it, to seek out the rogues that have been given no choice and give them the home they deserve. Bring them some light to their darkness. I'm sitting watching Alia and Emma play, and all I can think is what happened to them. Emma is still nervous with us, but I know she will trust us with time, and Alia, my sweet Alia, brings a smile to my face every time I'm with her. Axel has gone to have a meeting with Shane. He asked if I wanted to go, but I wanted to pick Alia and Emma up from school. I wanted some time with them. A knock on the door grabs my attention, Di is here smiling. "Hi darling, I've got Travis and Gregg putting the bed in the girls' room, and I've been shopping." she smiles, and the door opens wider. In walks Mandy and Paula holding a lot of bags. They walk to where I'm sat and plonk the bags down on the table. "Girls, come look," Mandy shouts, making me smile. I stand and hug all three of them, thankful to have them in my life. Alia and Emma walk to us. Alia is holding her hand to give her comfort as Emma is nervous. "These are for you." Di smiles at them as she pats the bags on the table, and both girls' eyes light up. Mandy, Di, and Paula start taking out the items, holding them up for the girls to see. There's so many clothes. Dresses, skirts, tops, and bottoms. Socks and underwear and even shoes. Honestly, the girls have been so spoilt. "We even got you a few matching outfits." Paula smiled at the girls. "You missed a bag," Charles said at the door, holding out another 2 bags. We had just about emptied out these bags, and there's more. Wow. "I thought we were missing some." Di smiled as Charles walked in, passed her the bags, gave her a kiss, and turned to leave."You don't have to go, Charles, " I say, but he shakes his head "no I've done my bit for the month, I took these lot shopping, carried the bags and helped them in the house, I'm off for a beer with Daniel." He said without stopping or turning around and laughed while he walked out. He wasn't giving any of us room to change his mind. "These bags have nighties and pjs in." Di passed the bags to the girls. "Thank you," Alia said, still shy around them, and Emma even quieter. "Thank you." Di asked Holly and Sammy, 2 omegas that help around the pack house, to help put the girls' clothes away. The girls went to help them and were super excited to see Emmas new bed in their room. I've made us all a cuppa, and we are sitting talking. "How was your trip?" I asked Mandy as she had been away for just under a week at a different pack to look for her mate. She looked gutted. "No luck, I'll keep searching." she says, full of sadness. "You will find him." I try and reassure her, but she is now 20 years old and has been searching for 2 years. It must be upsetting knowing that you have your destined mate out there just for you, and there's no sign of him. "I'll help you. We will search every pack there is and hunt him down." I smile, causing her to laugh, I haven't had long to get to know her, actually, I've only spent a few hours with her because she left the day after I arrived but I know she is going to be a great sister. I want to help everyone I can, family included. Since I awoke from my coma and became one with Dakote, I've had a powerful feeling of protective-ness towards everyone. I'm also ready to bite the bullet of announcing that I'm Queen, and yes, I know Axel wants to wait, but if my soul mission is to protect, and bring freedom to the whole werewolf species then that starts first with Dakote.
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