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Gina POV I've settled two very excited girls into their own beds, though I know they are still giggling and talking, but I love that we have been able to give them both a safe and happy home that they both deserve. Nate is in his room after half an hour of arguing the fact he needs to be with me, especially if I'm going to be left alone. I know he means well, but I'm in my home, safe. He worries too much because he's begrudgingly gone to his room, but he has left his door open, just in case. He does make me smile. He went with me to the library as he didn't want me to be alone and walked me back after. I've told him he needs to chill out, but he worries. It was Nate who suggested the library, and I'm thankful he did. If I'm honest, I had no idea what it was, but it's a beautiful place, I just wish I could read so I could enjoy it. I'm currently curled up on the settee, under a thick blanket, looking at a book I found in the small library. It explains about werewolves and packs, well that is what margret explained. She is the woman who looks after the library. I'm looking forward to learning so much, but I have to wait and ask Axel, Paula, or Nate to help as I can't read. I feel embarrassed about asking, but I want to learn all I can. I'm still wrapping my head around everything, but I love my life. It's better than I could have dreamed of. That being said, I'd love to know my family history. Which takes us to the second book that margret handed me. It's an old book all about the royals. It's a brown leather cover that is worn, but the emblem on the front is what caught my eye. It's beautiful. It's an intrcate gold design, of a wolfs head with a crown of twigs and flowers that branches off and circles the wolf. My fingers trace over the cover, trying to figure out why it looks so familiar, then it hits me. The wolf looks almost identical to midnight, and the crown is the same as selenes that she wears. I can't wait to tell Axel. Thinking of Axel, I miss him, and yes, it's only been a few hours, but my whole body and soul aches for him, 'and your wolf' Dakote giggles before dissappearing again. Axel is still in his office working on whatever he asked Shane to help with. Hopefully, he won't be too much longer. 'Dakote' I call her. Hopefully, she answers 'yes,' she replied sleepily. 'I know Axel has asked us to wait, but I'm ready to commit to being Queen. What do you think?' and I can already feel her mood lift. 'I love that Idea, I'm ready also' she yips and howls in delight. 'Ok, I'll talk with Axel later.' I smile, knowing we will finally be free. Dakote deserves to be free after so many years of being bound and locked away. 'Yes ok thanks' she got so excited making me giggle. 'I'm also want to ask you about marking our mate. Are you ready?' I ask nervously,'Of course, I've been ready since you opened your eyes.' She shocks me.'Why didn't you say anything?' I ask as she has never talked about it before. 'I didn't want you to feel rushed.' 'I really do have the sweetest wolf, but I'm ready,' I can feel my face heat up and I thought she was excited before, but now she's ecstatic, her bounding and howling are starting to give me headache but I refuse to dampen her mood. 'Oh, it's going to be magical.' She is finally calm enough to say 'I'm a little nervous.' I say quietly 'so am I, but I know everything will be good' s**t I forget it will be the first time marking her mate 'we wolves learn everything about mates so don't worry' she tries to put my mind at ease. 'Thanks Dakote, I love you, you're the bestest thing to ever happen to me' I smile 'except mate' she chides in and we both laugh 'yes except mate, he's the best too'I reply. 'He should be here soon,' I say excitedly. 'I will go rest and get ready for marking. But there's no rush just whenever you feel ready.' She giggles and goes happy to her safe place, cutting me off before I can reply, I'm not sure if that makes me even more nervous. I decided to have a nice soak in the bath and wait for Axel so we can talk things through.
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