waking up

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Gina POV I'm sat up and stared at all the girls' upset and worried faces. What the hell is going on? What could have possibly happened in the time for me to have a sleep and wake up. None of them will speak they are just hugging me and crying. "Ok, what has happened? Who's going to explain?" but they all stay quiet. "Come on out with it," I say, looking at Micaela as she is one of the older ones. "We didn't know what was happening. You scared us so much," but it makes no sense. "How could I scare you... I was sleeping, " I say, and I know I passed out, but I didn't want to upset the girls more. "You were not sleeping. It was more than that. You kept burning up and crying, " Lucinda cried. They must have been scared I feet awful. "3 days we have patted you with cold wet towels and dripped water into your mouth. We didn't know what to do, " Micaela said quietly as Annalise spoke."We just did what mum did for my sister, " and I'm totally confused. 3 days. 3 whole days. I look around at them all, and it breaks my heart that they had to deal with that, to have to deal with me. I take a few minutes to calm down. "It's ok, I feel so much better. It must have been the injuries I have on my body, but I feel good now, which is weird but good. " I smile, trying to put them at ease. "Ok, what should we do, we need to get out of here and soon," Micaela whispered, looking at the door. I get the bottle of water Alia is passing me. The cold water feels so good that I finish the whole bottle and the sandwich. "Ok, has anything happened while I've been sleeping?" I ask, and Micaela sits next to me. She gives me a look, and I know she doesn't want to say it in front of the others. "Ok, so what we need to do is count what bottles of water we have and if we have any food that we can take. Can you all help each other while Micaela helps me? " they all set to the tasks while I stand and move to the sink. I wash the sweat and grime away the best I can while Micaela holds a towel for me. "What is it?" I whisper. It must be bad if she doesn't want the others to hear. "I was getting the bottled water and food from the door, and I heard a couple of the guards talking," she whispered but stopped as Alia walked by us with her hands full of supplies. I give Micaela a nod to carry on. "They said they only had 4 days left of babysitting before their boss moves us to somewhere else" she looks terrified "ok don't worry we will make a start looking now ok" I say giving her a hug. We walk back to the beds where the girls are. "We have 5 bottles of water," Annalise said, "and 3 sandwiches," Alia said, but we can make that work, I'm sure, now just to find a way out. We have looked top to bottom in this room and can't find any opening. "It's ok, we can do this." I try to give the girls reassurance, so we power through the disappointment. "There. Look, " Lucinda says with a smile, pointing at a slight hole in the wall where the sun is shining through. It's where the drain is leading from the sink. "What a clever girl" and hug her. "It must be morning, and that's why we can see it." I laugh. This is just what we needed,a lifeline. We surround the sink as I get on my knees and pull at the hole, hoping something will come loose. And it does. It's a whole piece of wood that is loose, and we will have to be careful not to get caught. We can finally see our way free, a way to get the girls back to their families, a way for me and Alia to be free from harm to live our lives. A bang on the door makes us jolt. "Go," I whisper, we stand and scatter, not wanting to draw attention to the hole. In walks a man, a smug horrible man all the girls are in the dark corner and I'm stood infront of them. He walks to a bed and drops a body onto it. It's another girl. We need to leave this place now, but I also hope we can stop this happening to anyone else.
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