
1432 Words
Gina POV I can't be a werewolf, I would definitely know. My family have never been wolves, I'm sure. I don't understand, and if I was a werewolf, what would that mean. How is it all possible. I've got a million questions running around my mind, and I have no idea where to start. "Maybe if I explain, you will understand better," Selene asks, and all I can do is nod ok. "I understand that it's a lot of information to process and it's all new but you really are a werewolf, Dakote was always destined to be yours from the moment you were born I knew you were the one" but I'm more confused "can I ask you something" she nods ok at me with a smile "you said you pair a wolf with their person when they get older and also I was the one for what" she giggles at me "I'm so happy you're keeping an open mind about everything, well normally I'd pair them just before their 18th birthday because that is when the transition happens but I paired Dakote with you from a baby, she is as special as you are and if it weren't for the circumstances you would have been able to shift from 5years old" wow that would have been amazing "I would have loved that but why didn't I know about any of this" and her face was suddenly sad, gone was the beautiful smile and was now a storm in her eyes "I'll get to that soon" she said looking away, I see her shoulders heave as she takes a deep breath and she turns back to me when she has composed herself back to her smiling beautiful self. " I could see how pure and beautiful your soul was when you were born, surrounded by love that was out of this world, I knew you would be guided and loved ensuring you would be ready for your destiny" I scoff at that causing her to stop and frown "you really have got the wrong person, I've never been surrounded by anything but hate and violence" I say quietly full of hurt "there's a lot more to explain but I want to apologise now because it will be upsetting I'm sure" okkk. I'm not sure what to say. "It can't be any worse than what I've already been through," but her silence and pitying eyes tell me it is. I take a deep breath trying to steady myself for what she is about to say and as soon as the words leave her mouth my heart truly breaks, it really does feel worse than what I've endured.. "They are not your family," and I drop to the floor, struggling to get my breath. That can't be true, no, no, no. How can that be true, I've been through hell and barely scraped out to be here, alive, and they are not my family. I had never spoken out to them, never stood up for myself, and took everything they gave because they were my family. I had clung to hope they would change if I could be different. If I could do better, then they would love me. I feel arms wrap around me and hold onto me until I've calmed down and my tears have stopped. "Where are my family now? How could they leave me there?" I whisper, how could they leave me to be beaten and starved. Growing up to believe I had done something horribly wrong that was so bad my family hated me. "They didn't leave you, if you would let me show you, you will understand better" I hear Selene stopping my thoughts and intriguing me "how can you show me" I ask unsure "my life lake, I can show you your life before everything happened. It will be upsetting, but I think you need to see, " and I nod my head ok. "Before I show you, I need you to understand everything.. ok" she says and all I can do is nod I'm not sure what else I can take but I want to know "so I paired you and Dakote together because you are both very special, your a descendant of the Royals and Dakote is midnights daughter. Your grandmother was the sister of the last queen of werewolves. When they attacked, your grandmother was already with her mate and had decided to make the choice of joining your grandfathers pack. They were a small pack, and your grandmother loved the idea of a small, quiet home. When the attack happened, they went into hiding, changing their identity in case they were targeted too. They wanted to keep their pups safe, and they were right to do so. Your mum was their youngest. When you were born, they were living a happy life. It wasn't until you were 2years old they noticed you talking to yourself. You told them you were talking to your wolf, which they thought was a cute childish game. Thinking you were copying them but when you were 3years old your mum knew it wasn't just you playing, you were the chosen one. The destined queen to bring balance back to the werewolves. To lead them with light and love but when you were 4years old they heard rumors of someone searching for them. Well searching for the missing Royal sister to the Queen so they knew they wouldn't have much time to hide you. They did the best they could by binding Dakote, you wasn't old enough to learn how to hide her, plus you would shift at 5years old. I want you to know that what happened to you was done with heavy hearts, but they knew it was the only way to save you and the only hope for the werewolf species. You need to know that you were loved unconditionally. " I wanted to know more about my family, but Selene wiped my tears before standing and holding her hand out for me. I stand and take her hand as we move closer to the water. Selene waves her hand, and all pictures go away. A big picture appeared before it started playing like a video, like I was watching a film and I'm mesmerised. A beautiful woman comes into focus she is lovingly stroking her swollen pregnant belly, singing a beautiful song when a man comes in behind her, wrapping his arms around her. The image fades, and another shows the woman cradling a newborn baby, sweat on her forehead from bringing the cute baby into the world. It fades again, and another image shows a party of sorts, all the people enjoying and celebrating a cute little girls birthday, her cute little blonde pigtails swaying as she toddles around. They all hug her, making her giggle, and everyone is so happy. The little girl is talking away to the people there and also herself. The image fades and another comes into focus this time I can hear it, the woman crying "my sweet love, she will be ok we will protect her" the man said sadly hugging her while they watch the cute girl sleep. She was a little older but her parents were worried. "I know we will I just wish she would be safe always, she's our little pudding and it's such a massive responsibility" and I can see the worry in her eyes "she will be a great Queen, she will be fair and rule with love. She brightens everyones world around her, " he says, full of love. Is that my parents, I'm definitely slow or overwhelmed because I'm only just realising it. The next image was the little girl, being given medicine and the woman and man are giving me to a man, they shower her with so much love and kisses her little cheeks, the man then takes her away. She cries for mummy and daddy the whole time until being brought to the door of the jerks I thought were my family. The man explains I'm to be brought up as one of their own as agreed and handed me and a bag over to them. They went through the bag, which was full of money. So they thought I'd be well taken care of. They didn't leave me to be beaten at all. I'm crying again for the parents I didn't know. "I know it's a lot to take in, but it's time to go back and be who you were always meant to be."
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