
1141 Words
Axel POV The files didn't really give us anything we can use to find the second location, so unfortunately, there's not much more we can do. The plan is to train Jims pack so they will be better guarded in case there's another attempt to kidnap any other pups. Shane is tasked with the training along with Matt, Chris, and Rod. I go to burn off steam in-between sitting with my beautiful Gina. It has been 3 weeks, and she still hasn't woken up. She is healed and is now off the ventilator, but the Dr isn't sure why she is still unconscious. I want to be here when she wakes up, I'm afraid of what she thinks or does when she wakes up. She has been through hell, and that's just what I've heard & and seen, but I know there's more that we know nothing about. I also hope and pray to Selene that my mate hasn't been violated in the worse way, she was paid for like she wasn't a person, like she was something to own and what makes it worse they paid for her virginity. It makes my stomach turn every time my mind wonders there, but I'll be there for her always. I'll give her the world, but if it takes all the time for her to be ok and accept me, I'll wait, I'll wait forever just to see her smile. She needs to know she can trust me, and I'll spend forever proving that to her. I just need her to wake up and be ok, to be happy. "Alpha" Matt drew my attention to the door and I have to hold a growl back, I know he's just doing what he's been told to do but I hate being interrupted when I'm with her. I look at him and he's sheepish "sorry Alpha there has been an issue at the border" "get Alpha Jim, this isn't my pack Matt" I say annoyed but he doesn't budge "Alpha Jim asked for you as it concerns Luna Gina, Alpha" and as the words leave his mouth I'm stood "I'll be back soon my love" I bend and kiss her forehead and then walk out "what happened" I ask as we start sprinting. I follow to where Matt is leading. "We were training border patrol defenses, and a young lad approached. One of the warriors linked Alpha Jim because he wouldn't move on and kept saying he was supposed to be here. We told him to move on, which he refused, then when Alpha Jim arrived, the man asked for Luna Gina, he was here for her. That's when Alpha Jim sent me for you. " he is here for my mate. There's no way I'll let that happen. 'We protect our mate,' Blaze growled, and I agree completely. We arrive, and he doesn't look that old and looks non-threatening, but I'm not letting my guard down. "What do you want with my mate" I was fuming at this point "I'll kill you before I let you hurt my mate" but he shakes his head confused "I'm here because I'm her protector, it's my destiny and honour" but now I'm confused and he sounds crazy "I'll protect her now I've finally found my mate, you can return to where you came from" but he laughed, he's definitely deranged because I won't take lightly at being laughed at, Shane and I growl at the same time at the disrespect and his whole demeanor changes "I mean no disrespect Alpha but I've trained my whole life to protect her, I've known my destiny since I could walk. I'm her protector which I will do until my last breath" well he's definitely determined but his statement pisses me off "so if you're her protector then where have you been, why hasn't she been protected before I got there" my question knocks him but it's true. "We need to speak privately," he said, and to be honest, I have questions I want answered. He sounds crazy but I need to know for sure. 'You three go protect your Luna, this might be a distraction, any attempt on my mate you kill them no questions asked' I link my men 'yes Alpha' they anser as one and take off back to the clinic. I'm sat in the office with Jim, Shane, and the crazy lad. "My name is Nate, I've been trained my whole life to be Ginas protector I-" "Wait, start at the beginning." I cut him off, and he nods his head ok. "I come from a very small pack. We are descendants from the original Royal pack. We have trained to be the best of the best in all fighting skills. We are known as the eminence pack" "the Royal pack was destroyed many years ago" Shane said as if the lad was lying but we knew the eminence pack because they helped us, the council, to keep peace over the werewolf species. They are formidable but fair, believing in peace and justice, but he looks on the scrawny side and too young to be anyones protector. "Yes, I know what I'm saying is hard to believe, but when our Royals were defeated, my grandfather, who was the head warrior, was on a mission with 20 other warriors. When they returned, there was hardly a pack. Some had lost a lot of family through the attack. They led the uprising, which ended HIS reign, but then most of the pack members left to join smaller packs with decent Alphas. My grandfather and the other warriors stayed together and became founders of the eminence pack, fighting for justice for everyone. When I was born my grandfather and dad both had the same dream, a calling from the moon goddess herself telling them to be ready for the return of the Queen and that I'm to train as I'm her protector" he was explaining everything and it rang true. Derek was head warrior, and my grandfather was friends with him and have helped each other in the past. If his story is true, then he will know something no one here knows. "If you are indeed who you say you are, what is the word used by our grandfathers?" I ask because only the people who know anything about a word used is our families. "Strelitzia," and I know he's truthful in who he is. "Ok, now I know your Dereks grandson, but what confuses me is the fact that you would be Ginas protector," but I have a nagging feeling why, but I need him to say it "She is the Queen, and I've been on my path to finding her for 3 weeks," he says, and I sit down. Queen, Queen of werewolves. I had no idea.
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