information found

1049 Words
Axel POV We are walking through this shitty tunnel, I'm pissed at myself for letting them escape, but it won't happen again. We don't need lights to see as our vision changes with our environment. If it's dark, our sight snaps into focus. Obviously, it's not like we are in the daylight. It's still dark but not pitch black. We can see we are coming to an end. It's not a door but a wall with ladders. "Shh," I whisper to Shane as we near the wall. I can hear rustling about us, and I'm ready for them, but I'm positive they are not ready for me. They will regret the life choices they have made. I jump the ladders and push the door upwards before leaping through. I grab the first person I see around the throat and slam him onto the table. "Alpha" came a strained voice at the same time as I realised it was Matt. f**k. It all happened in a matter of seconds. "f**k are you ok Matt" I ask I'm more pissed I let my anger lead me because I'm not an Alpha that rules my pack with fear. "I'm fine" he coughs while rubbing his neck. "They have definitely fled" Shane says looking through the room. I take the room in and it's nothing to shout about. Plain walls with a desk, chair and a few book cases. It's an office but a shitty one. The book cases are filled with magazines, shitty ones. The whole place is shitty, shitty, f*****g shitty. "Ok lets get to work" I say pulling drawers open. There has to be something here, something to tell us their plans. We search for a while and I'm starting to to think it's a dead end. "Here" Matt says as he tries moving the book case. He's noticed something behind it. I walk next to it, nod my head to Shane and we throw it. It smashed onto the desk and magazines flew everywhere. There an inconsistency on the wall, a very small difference but we don't miss anything if we can. Matt has moved back and I'm stood infront of the wall looking, feeling for anything odd. I can feel a tiny spot of roughness under my fingertips. I push and there's a click. The wall opens up, it's a door leading into another smaller room. I head in with Shane behind me and Matt stands at the door. It's a tiny room with shelves, I'd say it was like a safe, there's a bit of everything on the shelves but what catches my eye is a stack of files. These have to be what we are looking for. I pick them up and we leave the room. "When we leave I want this f*****g place burnt to the ground". We all regroup and disappointingly have only found the files, there's nothing at all here. I give the order and the place goes up in flames. It sounds crazy I know but I don't want them having this place to come back to. The less they are left with the better and yes we have made sure the fire can't spread to the surrounding areas but doing it this way, it cuts down the places they can return to giving us a better chance of finding them. We stay until the fire dies down a bit and then start our journey back. I'm disappointed we have left empty handed, except the files, but I'm also happy to get back to my mate. I just hope we find something useful in the files. Wr could have gone through them while the place was burning but I wanted our focus on our surroundings incase they came back or was hiding close by. We make it back in good time, I can't wait to see Gina 'me too' Blaze says sadly and then blocks himself in the back of my mind. He's happy to find our mate but he's also struggling with sensing his mate but can't reach her. She has been bound for a reason unknown to us. We have so many questions and no answers, well not until Gina wakes up. 'We are back, is there any updates' I link Rod 'no updates or changes Alpha' and thats a good thing 'ok I need to have a meeting with Alpha Jim, I'll be there shortly' I say and cut the link. I put the files on Jims desk and I want to get through them now, get it out the way. "These files are odd" Jim says and I agree. They only contain 1 peice of paper in each and each file contains information on each pup. Name Age Gender Species Where they are from All addressed to someone called Oliver, well they say property of Oliver on each file. Oliver must be the one that got away. At least we have a name now. Shane looks uncomfortable with the file he is reading he keeps looking away and taking a deep breath. "Shane, what is it" I ask but he can't look me in the eye, he's avoiding looking at me at all "Shane" "he looks at me for a brief minute "you don't need to read this one, bro" he says but it just annoys me more "SHANE" I say this time using me Alpha tone. He bares his neck and hold the file out to me. It can't be that bad. I open it and it's Ginas file. First page. Name: Gina Age: around 18years old Gender: female Species: human Bought for £10,000 They paid for her and they think she is human. I can't contain my growls. Sold like she belong to someone, sold as if she has no say in her own life or choices. I take a few minutes to try calm down, there's another page in this file that I need to read but I need to be calm first. I turn the page and I feel like ripping something to pieces but I also feel sick to my stomach. It has only 2 peices of information on her and both are making me want to shift and destroy all involved including her family. Information. Bought for her virginity. Sold by family.
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