Chapter 9: Red light and green light

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"Wait. Have you watch the movie 'As the god will'?". Said Toshiro. Everyone there pause themselves trying to remember it. Then, "Ah! That Daruma!?". Said Sona. Toshiro nodded as for the correct answer. "That's the reference for it. Since that movie itself show how the game play abnormal maybe we gonna face a same?". Xi'an Yin thinking as for it. There's a point indeed. Since they lacked information. For now they all know what games, and how many stage are it. It's just how they're gonna play it. "But, on that time the person touch the button. But all die right?". Said Ha in in direct way to them. "HELL NO!, then all of us will die?". Said the big guy need explanation. "No no, No!". That female Japanese student feel scared of it. "Calm down. Not likely. I think maybe half of us will survive. We still need to survive three stages isn't it?". Xi'an Yin tried to get rid the negative thoughts from them. "Guys, chill it out. I just said as reference not the same. Like Xi'an Yin said , it's will be different". Said Toshiro follow the Xi'an Yin thinking. Everyone feel restless thinking about it. Not long, Jin hee stood infront of them. "For now, we need to win. Likely trying to follow the rule. I just hoped we all will survived". Jin hee clasping her hands as if praying. Then, she held the hands of Ha in and Xi'an Yin, followed by Sona, the class monitor, the big guy, toshiro and that female Japanese student. They hold each other's hands around like a circle. "let's pray hoping for our survived". Jin hee said immediately and cheered together. "FIGHTING!". As they said earlier. They all started thinking about the possibility of how the next game would start. Suddenly the sound of a song was heard like the sound of an announcement at school. "Good morning, today we will move places in the school gym.The next game is "Red light, Green light". For this time, each class is categorized as a group. For example, class three is one group. It doesn't matter what year it is. It doesn't matter how many students are in a group. All you need to do is just to WIN. Before that, don't forget to use the cloth available in front to cover your eyes. Before we move places". Some of the students who heard those words became restless. They begin to think about how the game will be played. At the same time, they took the cloth and covered their eyes. Jin hee holds Ha in's hand and also Xi'an Yin. The three of them could only pray that everything would be made easier. Sona also tried to calm down after tying the cloth around her eyes. Rays of light can be seen illuminating the floor of their feet. The light is getting brighter making the atmosphere dazzle. When the bright light is getting less and less, all around the student is just the trees of the wilderness becoming the school gym. The relocation happened quickly as you can't see in slow phase. After arriving at the school gym, the bell will ring indicating a successful transfer. All the students removed the blindfold. They all looked around them, it was their school gym. In the corner in front of them, a large and tall pillar can be seen. There too, a large shadow was seen. A rather large dark shadow. "What's dat?". One by one began to talk about the shadow. "Damn..". One of the male students there began to suspect the shadow. "What the hell is that!". Another student started to shouting when she saw something on that shadow. Jin hee started looking at the shadow. Ha in held her hand, not to separate. Most of the students who saw the shadow, started to feel scared. Some tried to run away. However, the door behind them cannot be opened at all.Some tried to climb through the window above the door. All they see is black. There was not a single light or anything there. At the back of that mysterious shadow, appears an eyes on it. That one big and eerie eyes. They screamed when they saw the eyes moving. Some sat down because of fear. "s**t! What the heck did we do to be punished like that!". said one of the students back there. "mom... hic...hic... I want to go ..i miss you, forgive me. I will be a kind daughter. Please, please let me go.. hic hic". One of them was also from there, a female student with short hair. That student began to cry on her knees while rubbing both her palms as an apology in front of the eerie shadow. "Well, well, well~ is my time to SHINE!". The sound of voices echoed as the words "shine!" in front of them. Beside that horrible shadow, a man with a long hat was seen. That man had a curly hair. It's a bit unmanageable but, seems to suit his character. He is dressed like a genius man with a neat shirt. The way he spoke was very polite and elegant. "O guests who attend the game that we prepared specially for all guests. Today's game is the most noble and commendable game for all guests. It's Red light and green light, dear guests. With this, I congratulate everyone who made it to this stage. My name is George Dalm. O guest, with all due respect I will convey my appreciation about this game and the rules before starting". The end of his speech is finished with a body posture that indicates ethics like Europeans. He held his hat to his chest, and bent slightly while holding the corner of his shirt. With very friendly manners, each of them fell silent listening to the Demon's next words. Namely, George Dalm. A Demon who is very morally alert. But gives a rather eerie feeling. He's appearance almost the same like character from movie 'Alice in wonderland'. The character is 'Hatter'. That's hat and that's curly hair. Jin hee felt worried seeing the situation. At that very moment, Xi'an Yin and Ha in were standing next to him. The Demon eyes that smile with grace cause anxiety in the body and soul. His begin to speak, "O guest, shall we deviding into three beautiful villages? Our times begin to fly out of here, tired of waiting the passenger ~". A few students felt strange with his words. Sona who was standing behind them all started saying. "He asked us all to make three groups". After hearing Sona's words, they started moving to make three groups but most of the students there were confused to divide because they are all different years and also class grades. Then, the class monitor came in front of them. It looks like the class monitor has a suggestion that he wants to convey. "I think we divide into groups according to grade. It's like grade one, one group. Grade two, second group and third grade, third group. Because, like third year, first grade. Nanou alone". However, Sona interrupted his conversation. "If you follow the year, it's the same". The class monitor started thinking about it again because of the theory was so roundly rejected. "I think Monji's plan is better. When we think back, we have three years. I don't want to let the entire first year be only junior students. They are still young, we senior students should be with them". Lee yujin stepped forward trying to support monji's plan. Xi'an yin and the big guys gave a "nice" hand gesture while saying "monji" together to the class monitor for his nickname. "Monji". The class monitor cleared his throat to ignore his nickname. Lee yujin and the class monitor have been good friends since entering school. Therefore, he was used to being called "monji" with Lee yujin. Sona interrupted because their conversation made Demon George start to feel angry. With a scratchy smile that is getting more and more scary. They started moving to divide the group as planned. George Dalm began to clap his hands, when he saw that they had gathered in their respective groups. Then, he started telling about the rules and how to play. "Well. How nice to be in such a delightful day today, for now I will explain it the oath of thee honorable games. O guest, as you can see. Here the admirable of our guard here will be your center of the end and started". George introduced the dark shadow that the students were afraid of earlier. The dark shadow looked at them with big round eyes showing red veins in the eyes. The students there felt scared and horrified to see that dark shadow. Some turned their faces away. Some closed their eyes. There are also those who persevere to see it. Jin hee turned her face in the other direction. Xi'an Yin and Ha in noticed the behavior. They also hugged Jin hee to ease her fear. "Then, O guest. With all the pleasure, our admirable guard will sing a song with include red light and green light. Red light means stop with it our guest will need to be a STONE!!. O guest, we're gonna be stone until the siren of green light will been heard. If you make any flaws, the stones will crumbled". George explained the rules. At the end of his sentence, he shed tears that looked like blood flowing from his eyes. "O guest, The only chance to conquer your stones without break is to thrown past the admirable guard without flaws. Even you have one thousands or millions stones. But there only one stoned be thrown out the admirable guard range sight and success mean your village win". George explains well. Students there start to think and discuss in groups. George then smiling eerie. They planning for everyone to succeed. However, they are up against a terrifying creature. It is not impossible, someone will die. Likely, one group dies or more. The first group was led by Boksu. They have twenty five students including her. Before the election of the group leader. "Who wants to be the leader?". Ask someone in this group. No one dares to be the leader at this time. They begin worrying about the burden of being a leader that possible can bring death to oneself. Not long after, Nanou raised her hand. "If it's very difficult for you to choose a leader. I can just be the leader". The other students heard those words, feeling relieved about it. But opposed by Jay. Jay is the bully who forced Song Ja in to be the leader in the last game. She felt unsatisfied when she thought of Nanou's behavior in the last game. "I'm not. Aren't you the most dangerous to be the leader? You, you killed your class too. It's not impossible if you want to use us class too, right?". The other students heard Jay's words and began to agree with her. Nanou just ignore it. From the beginning of this game, most of the students who looked cheerful and good began to turn into evil, cruel, and selfishness. "It's up to you. As long as you don't get in away of my life. You see. Right now, we only care about our own lives. If you are told to kill your friend to live, will you do it? but I will. Even my family, I will kill it". Nanou explained the current situation to Jay. With a situation where we don't know how long we can live. All we can do is to survive. The leader is good or bad. The one who lives himself is not the leader. Her relatively close face made Jay feel scared for a moment. But, Jay still doesn't agree. She angry but try to pass on into Boksu. Boksu who was just silent thinking about her life without Ja in. When her name was thrown by Ja in. She got up to and agree. Boksu's face now looks gloomy. In this agreement is implied an evil intention. Jay who didn't notice that, just felt happy because Boksu followed her words. Nanou just let out a sigh when she saw Boksu intentions. Nanou went to Boksu and held her shoulder and said, "I don't care if you want revenge. As long as you don't involve me". Boksu looked at Nanou with a very sweet smile. That smile, indicating that boksu understood Nanou's meaning. At that time, Nanou wondered. Was that her last smile? The way Boksu smiled look empty but very sweet. Since Ja in died. Boksu doesn't say much. He always sits alone, even when going to sleep last night. Boksu sat on the edge of the tent. Dreaming alone. On that time to, Jin hee came to sit next to Boksu. "Can't sleep?". asked Jin hee with a smile. Boksu just nodded. Jin hee looks into Boksu's face. The red swelling marks under her eyes, showing how long Boksu had been crying since Ja in died. Jin hee pulled Boksu's head to rest on her shoulder while hugging her. "It's okay". Then Jin hee pat slowly Boksu's head. At first, Boksu rejects Jin hee. However, when Jin Hee started whispering something in her ear, her push stopped." It's hurt, right? it's suffocating, right? it's hard, to live on, when she's not here, right?." Jin hee whispers in Boksu's ear. Slowly and gently. Boksu started to tear up when she heard the last sentence. Then, Boksu started sobbing while hugging Jin hee back. She cried like a lost child. Her tears flowing drown hard give it hard to calm down. Jin hee pat her head slowly and gently. Is not to calm her, but to give Boksu heart space, to release the burden of her trapped feelings. Nanou who was watching it could only hold her hand tightly. She also felt sad frustrated with the situation around her during the game. The intense atmosphere, make her dilute herself as a bad one. She doesn't have another way, for her, her classmates all of it's bad students. Nanou almost shed tears. "Hiya, Jin hee is really something, isn't it?". Ha in appeared behind Nanou, her words made Nanou wipe her tears with her sleeve immediately. Ha in stood next to her. Then put her hand on Nanou's shoulder. "Do you know? Jin hee actually cries easily. She is kind-hearted, but her heart is easily broken even if there is only one crack in her heart. However, when I look at it now. How strong she is now. Her heart is restless, scared and sad but she still tries to comfort her juniors right now". Nanou clutched her hand. She felt irritated with how Ha in trying to convey. This thing has nothing to do with me.So what?". Nanou pushed away Ha in's hand that was on her shoulder. Then, she left the place. Ha in crossed arms. She shook her head with a smile. Present, The next group is led by Monji, the class leader. "Ha.., please stop calling me that. My name is Mong Jae sook". said monji tried the clean his nickname. While everyone seeing Monji, who is he talk to. "Monji, who are you talking to?". said Lee yujin. Both Xi'an yin and The big guy to. "Monji are you okay?". They started teasing him with a flat face. The second group lead by Mong Jae sook. Follow with Ha in, Jin hee, Xi'an Yin, the big guy, sona and six more students in their class. Plus, Lee yujin class total are thirty five students. The last group is led by Boa park. In his class, Toshiro and seventeen students left. Plus, Year one grade three, Ha dong in and his fifteen students to. Total thirty five students. These are the only classes and students left. "O guest, are Villagers ready to thrown? Is nice to meet such an wonderful lady and gentleman here. Shall we meet later. Adios". George left the place behind the darkness there. " I'm confused He's looking like Europe, but he's speaking French now". said The big guy while wondering. Suddenly, he was hit on the back by Jae Sook. "it's Spanish". Jae Sook said and Sona follow it to. They both gave him a flat face. The three groups all together jump into the games. They get ready at the starting line before starting to move towards the dark shadow. Jin hee being held her hands by both of her most closed friends. Xi'an Yin and Ha in. Others mostly nervous and scared at the same times. While Nanou, stand the back of all her members. Looking into each other students face. She gives a bland face and sometimes sighed alone. Jay feel refreshed with his life while thinking how obedient Boksu is. She follow all her instructions. Jay planning to use Boksu as her shield. As long she stand infront of her, she will saved. Even she moved a little. Despite all that, Boksu upfront looking all good, she's smiling with an evil intentions. They all practically arranged themselves with their plans earlier. When all good, they just need to wait for it starting. Once they jump into the game, it's take ten minutes to started. The game starting. As planned, they tried to cross the line out of the dark shadow without it noticing. The song starting and singing from the speaker infront of them. There's a big speaker up on the dark shadow. It was hanging behind the wall there. Jin hee looking behind, see if anything left out. Then, she found two digits numbered written at the sign 'Exit door' at the back door. It's looks like it's written forty. As she wants to tell others, Ha in takes her hand including Xi'an Yin also takes her hand to move out. The song began. "~ Lights turn to green Everyone starting to move ~ Is there's any people love blood? I do! I love blood ~ ~ it's thirsty, it's thirsty ~ I need blood, more and more Did you know what colour blood it is? It's Red!~". Everyone stop moving. All looks good for this round. The dark shadow looks shadowless when the song starts. But when the song stop, it's come which the big eyes earlier. It's look really eerie. A round eyes looking at it's victims. It's like watching a fishing line sway. on the eyes, the white part of the eye shows red veins. The next songs they don't realize, after this something undesirable will happen. The song starts, Boksu walked forward, followed by Jay behind her. Jay feeling a little scared and nervous, she thought. If she moves when the song ends. She will use Boksu as bait to save herself. Jay was walking in the footsteps of Boksu. The last verse of the song rang out, suddenly Boksu jumped to the left with a big step. Jay was surprised because of the suddenness, the song stopped when she lost her balance. Jay fell as the dark shadow's eyes opened. Jin hee and the others heard loud foot stomps as the song stopped. A frightened Jay, unable to calm herself down, got up and ran away. The dark shadow narrowed it eyes when it saw Jay. As she just took a few steps towards the back door, her head exploding as the dark shadow's eyes widened again. Blood spurted out and splashes from the explosion hit the students nearby. The eruption left only the body hanging from the udder. The body then fell on the floor there. Red and fresh blood was still flowing out of the neck. Some of the students there were fall down, sitting on the floor because of the situation. Especially those affected by the blood splash. A female student there also screamed because of Jay's head exploded. Because of that, it was her turn that the dark shadow exploded her head. One after the other in fear trying to run away. About seven to six students from group one died. After watching no one move. The dark shadow eye's disappeared and the song continued. Jin hee and her two best friends are still holding hands and walking together. But, the fear of seeing the heads of the students still remained. Nanou grinned not because of love but because of fear of Boksu's behavior. She believed that Boksu would do something, but she didn't expect this. Only one step, Boksu kill almost seven students. The song stop again. Everyone stay still. They still need to continue, as to save their own head. The distance between them all and the dark shadow is getting closer. There are some students there starting to feel impatient, because their distance not far. There's two boys and a girl, they started running when the song was playing. Everyone there's looking at them feel scared and nervous. Actually from their distance is still a bit far. The song indeed not to long, just one minutes song only. This students it's from second group. Their positions were close to Yu jin, and Yu jin to also did not allow them to run. As expected, due to the feeling of impatience invites death. Both male students died. His head exploded, while the female student behind survived. The female student was drenched in both of their blood. The girl survived because she was protected by the bodies of the two students. Their bodies fell on top of the woman. The girl was shocked and started screaming. But her mouth was covered by Jae Sook from behind. Apparently when the heads of the two male students exploded, Jae Sook was near them at the time. He took the opportunity to hide behind the female student. Jae Sook whispered something behind the female student. "Hold still. If you want to live Stay still". The female student's breathing hitched due to fear but she tried to hold it back so she wouldn't gasp. The dark shadow narrowed it eyes and disappeared. The song began. The girl released her breath, and breathed while calming herself. Jae Sook patted her shoulder to ask her to stand up and walk. All the students, especially the second group students, were relieved to see the situation. Even thought, they lost two students, still they managed to save one from it. The song stop. This times, everyone learn themselves to behave and follow the plans. Boksu continue the plan with her group after Jay dead. It's likely, her plans already succeed once Jay die. The song began. The game continues, but no one dies at this time. One by one managed to cross the finish line. Jin hee and his friends managed to save themselves and continue to cross the finish line. Only ten students left. It is Nanou who is in front, while the others are behind Nanou. After Nanou crossed the finish line, there were nine students left. Nanou was relieved when he crossed the line. She saw Boksu who was in front of her. Boksu smiled and said, "Good job, there". Nanou just reply back with a nod. While Ha in hugs her from behind. "Good job there! Nanou!, Hiya thanks god you survived ". Nanou was surprised when someone hugged her from behind. She didn't expect Ha in comes to hug her. In the time that she did not reject Ha in's embrace. But it's warmed up. Nanou clenched her fists and closed her eyes. Feeling sad, she didn't think there would be someone who would be willing to be a sincere friend with her. From last night, she tried to accept people's judgement of her. But not the friendship. It's just this time, she feel relieved when Ha in hug her. Jin hee hold both her hands as she praying at the remaining students. She wished for all of them to survive. As she focused on the left students, she seeing back the numbered written at the sign 'Exit door'. She's remembered, there were written forty earlier. Jin hee thinks about it again, it is possible that the number is related to the games they are playing now. Since the number drops to five. The song began and the number drop again to four. Jin hee felt strange. Then the song stopped.Then, the song continued back. The number drops to three. Jin hee is scared and afraid by what she knows now. She's comes to Xi'an Yin and others and tells them about it. Everyone looking at the number. If this is true that's mean, the remaining students who still don't pass the finishing line we're going to die. When they tried to tell the remaining students. It's looks like their voice can't be heard by them. Know the situation, Xi'an Yin began to use his hand to explain the situation. One of the students there see it, and not long others see it to. They see everyone tried hard to tell something by posing themselves to create something. "Wha.. what?". Answered one of the nine students there. Question marks began to appear in each one's heart. "What is this i***t cursing me for?". A male student there tried to guess their conversation while playing the game. "behave? be..behind? ". He's look back. There's a number drop by one when he looks. Then he look to everyone back. All of them nodding as it's true what he try to guess. He feel scared and afraid all of sudden. "Damn it..". He feel very impatient when he know what he don't need to know. While the students who are close to him, start mocking him. "Coward". The student grinned at him. Still he doesn't care what he cares about is his life itself. He started thinking about running as fast as he could to the line. All he can do is praying to pass the line. The song began. He runs as fast as he can towards the line. Everyone trying to cheer him for it, you can do it. While the remaining just left out feeling off seeing it. Thank god he luckily got to pass the line as the eyes of the dark shadow trying to appear. He fell down as the impact ran out of breath. He survived. When he and everyone looked into the remaining students. One by one heads exploded. Their face at last felt really disappointed. As for him not to tell them about it. As for him, I don't have enough time to tell them.
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