Chapter 10: Sona and Ha in

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Back in the past in years, the bright sun is blazing hot today. Sona tries to enjoy her food on the roof of the school. "it's hot. Ha... let's just have it at the canteen". Sona sighed as she felt heartbroken for it. But then she just walked to the canteen. Several minutes a past, she try to find the empty table to eat her lunch. But then suddenly, comes two male students who look superior than others students who follow it and tried to mocking her. "Yo, Sona. What lunch did you brings this time!". said one of the members it. Then he grab Sona lunch box and give it to their leader. The leader is Mo hyeong soo and his best friend is Ha phil Jhe. Sona is from a poor family and study in this school with school scholarship. Her results in exam in better than the leader of the student council. She tried to ignore it and continue searching the empty table. "Stupid, who do you think you are to ignore brother". said another student from the members tried to harm her. He grab Sona hair. She just silently accepted the unfair treatment. That student come close to her face, he chew a chewing gum and looking into her face with smirk. But not long, everyone there see someone try to getting close to the bullies. "Do you want to die?" . said Ha in behind them. While Jin hee holding Ha in hand trembling. Hyeong soo expecting the appearance of Ha in. One of the troublesome enemies. "Aa...isn't it Ha in?". Jin hee started to step back. Ha in also asks Jin hee to hide behind a pillar near her. Coz she doesn't want Jin hee involved in their fight. " Crazy b***h!". said Phil Jhe and starts to attack Ha in. She blocked the attack, and use sneak attack from above to throw her fist towards Phil Jhe's face. Not just that, she even grab his collar and throw a multiple fist towards his face. After that, she released her grab suddenly and make Phil Jhe's fall. Hyeong Soo look into her face while saying, "Crazy b***h". Ha in wipes her hands with the handkerchief in her shirt pocket. She looked into Hyeong Soo and smirked. "He.. then, who wants to die next?". The others members started in their fight stance try to defend their self. She throw the handkerchief into the dustbin. Then she give a deep stare to the students who still grab Sona's hair. That student started to release it, he trembling thinkin if he fight it. She's not a joke. Hyeong Soo, walk to Sona and give her lunchbox back. He stare to her eyes and said "Lucky b***h". Sona just silently nodded. She doesn't want to make more trouble than it is and she know her place. She really lucky today to meet with Ha in. Usually she always being beaten by Hyeong Soo's gang. Sometimes they even pour their food or her food to her everytime she eat at canteen. That's why she started to eat at the roof. "Let's go". said Hyeong Soo feel irritated. The others members there just follow the order, and another two members try to help Phil Jhe. While everyone there just silently seeing it. But after the Hyeong Soo's gang left the canteen. Everyone starting to clapped their hand and cheer to Ha in. Ha in just smiled politely and go to Sona. While Jin hee follow it from behind. "Are you okay?". said Ha in. Sona still feel the fear from Hyeong Soo's stare earlier. She's shaking and trembling to looking up. But then, "Sonaaa, join us". said Jin hee with her pure smile. Sona looking into their face. Their both are so kind, and her tears begin to fall. Jin hee seeing it, and give a hug. She pat Sona's head, and knew how hard it is for her to experience it without anyone to heard and help it. Sona feel a bit hard for her when this happens, and she hugging back and said "Thank you, thank you so much". Ha in sitting squat facing Sona from behind Jin hee. She even pat Sona's head and say it, "Let's us hanging out together more this time". Sona nodded and saying, "and you were so cool earlier". She praised while crying. Ha in and Jin hee giggle hearing about it. "Thank you for your praise Sonaa~". said Ha in. Several days past after that, and it's true that started that day. She were hanging out together with both of em. The next day, Ha in and Jin hee introduced their another best friend. His name is Baek Seo hyun. Day by day, her happiness filling into her heart.Thus, that day Hyeong Soo's gang never dare to touch her anymore. They eat together, studies together, hanging out to karaoke or studied outside. Not just that, sometimes they do a pajamas party together this one is not included Baek Seo hyun. Sona really enjoyed it, since for her they are her first friend and it's been two years they been in touch and be friends together. But yeah sure the happiness not last long, she feeling stab back when that night happens. When they were celebrating their tiredness after exam at karaoke. That night..."Ehm ehm, okay everyone. Today we will singing out our lung and be happy at the last for tonight. Don't hold your back just drink and singing!". said seohyun with mic in the karaoke room. Ha in, Jin hee and Sona clapping and cheer about it. They sing by turn and sometimes making a variety style of singing that sometimes looks like a comedy stage. "HAHAHA, THE HECK SEOHYUN! Wait- wait I need to go". said Ha in. "Eehhhhhh". The others three complained. "Haish, it's just the toilet". said Ha in. "Pfft,, Hahaha. Aight, aight. then go goo". said Seohyun. "Wait- let's go together!". said Sona and then they two go together to the toilet leaving Jin hee and Seo hyun. Once done, Sona and Ha in walk together while making a joke to the room. But they stopped when try to open the door when the room is to silent. Then, they heard Seohyun confess to Jin hee. "I like you, Jin hee". said Seohyun. At first Ha in and Sona excited and hold out they're smile and giggle trying to not busted. But then, "I am sorry. I'm not Jin hee". The sentence making Ha in open the door directly after it. Seohyun and Jin hee studder with them. While Sona who's seeing it feel a bit confused. But then she just brushed it with a joke and try to get the right flow. Not long after, on they way back. Suddenly, Seohyun said he have another plan after this and go another way."Sorry, i have another plan with my friends". But Sona feel weird because Seo hyun don't have another close friend. "Oh .. when did you have new friends..?". Seohyun cover it and saying goodbye to them. "my club's friends. Then, see ya ". Once he walk away, Jin hee started to have another plan. "Then sonaa, meet you at school". Sona turn her head looking to Jin hee in confused. "Oh.. okay.. , Wait- why? your home is Ha in's Hom-..". Before Sona could finish her conversation, Jin hee said good bye and go another way. "Then, see you tomorrow". Sone were confused with their behaviour. She know the confession a little awkward. But this is to much. Even Ha in from they left the karaoke store she just silent. Once they arrived at the station, Sona trying to stay in the right flow and saying good bye to Ha in. But, Ha in ignore it.
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