
End Games

slice of life

Jin hee just a normal girl who spend time her life with her best friend and carry out her responsibilities as a student. One day, a new student from China suddenly moved to the school.Since then, something unsual always happen around her. However, something unexpected happened more and more rapidly, after the announcement about an Unknown system. Where the elect are exiled from their world to go to the another world. Their mission is, they need to survive until the end. If they win, the unknown system will disappear forever. But if they lose. That's a "End game" for humanity.

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Chapter 1: New transfer student
The light of dawn seeped into her room. She rubbed her bleary eyes and walked to the window. There was a pearly glow in the sky. Her hair, black and straight, moves as soft prairie grass in summer wind. It gives contrast to her face, sweetly dark upon soft brown skin. "It's morning...." She stare outside of the window, looking into the street. Her face pale, her lips looks a bit dry. She touch her chest and whisper. "Yesterday, Jin hee behavior.."  Suddenly, sound of someone coming and knock into her bedroom. *knock knock Outside of her bedroom, there was a girl standing in front her door. Her hair was the brown of aged mahogany, rich and deep, yet with the subtle hues only time brings. With each stride the strands tumbled, reflecting the strengthening daylight in waves. Thought, that girl calling her name until she answer it.  "Hae in are you up now?, Is morning. Time to go to school." In the bedroom ealier a girl who been call Hae in heard it and answered it, while still looking into the window.  "Yes, I'm fully awake now. Jin hee go get ready first, I'm on my way."   Then, Jin hee leave Hae in's bedroom. She run a little down the stairs, to go to her room. While Hae in who looking into the window earlier, still feeling uneasy. Down deep into her heart she feel that's something might be happen but not in good or bad news. Her face truly show the feeling. But, then she just hold it up and will see what will happen. She start to move and get ready for the school.  (1 hours later...) Hae in and Jin hee start to wear their shoes infront of the main door. Their parent standing behind them, to see they off to school. After done wear the shoes, they stand up and waves to their parents before get going to school. At that time, somehow Jin hee let's the water fall into her cheek. Is to easy the tears come out by just waves. Is not like they going to war. But somehow Jin hee feel her heart been shattered half of it. Hae in saw it. She just pretending she not saw it. So, Jin hee not be to flustered and cover it up. She know what Jin hee been through in her life before she was adopted by her family.  (Several hours later) Sound student talking to each other to loud. Jin hee who sit on the chair, stand up and walk go through Hae in's table. She started talking as soon when Hae in looking to her face. "Hae in, are you okay?." "You face looks exhausted. Is there something bad happens to you last night?." Hae in studder. But she tried to hide that feeling with smile. She tease Jin hee about her relationship with Seohyun.  *Smile "Last night. Yeah, last night someone just left me alone after party. She got invited to go home with someone she love~." Jin hee silent. She feel so embrassing about that. Then, she scream in low voice and hit Hae in repeatly. It's show she hit Hae in, in cute ways. She just defend it with her both hand and tease Jin hee more.  "Everyone is to loud, take your sit right know. We gonna start the class."  Then, teacher coming and tell everybody to get ready for the class that wil begin. Jin hee walk a little faster to go her's table and sit.  "Okay, before we start, i want to introduce you all a new student. He from China. So, please help him if he need something. He still new here. So, can you come in and introduce yourself." The teacher explain it a little, and tell the new student to come in and introduce himself. Then, the new student come stand beside the teacher and start talking.  "I'm Xi'an Yin." "...."  He stop talking after he said his name. The teacher sigh, and tell him to take a sit beside Hae in. After that, the class begin like usual. (Several hours later) It's a rest time. Everyone go out to buy drink and food. Jin hee who been sitting all the time on the chair, start to stand up and go to the Hae in. She asking Hae in where they wil eating. While they were busy talking to each other. Suddenly the new student earlier, ask her to take him tour the school. Hae in stand up and try to ignore with she take Jin hee's hand try to go away. But then, Jin hee hold her , to make Hae in stop walking. She said that is okay for her to take the new student for tour. Hae in insists to not get to close with the new student. That new student give weird vibe. He don't give any reaction like others give. He alway have a same reaction. That's make Hae in afraid if he a bad guy and try to get close with someone he interested. That's because from the time he come to the class he ignore all students who try to talk to him, and suddenly he ask just Jin hee to bought him tour the school. While they were whisper to each other. Someone come, and said that, President student council want to meet her right now. She feel so frustrated. But she can't blame it. Hae in one from the member of Student council. Then, she tried to rid her worried feeling. Hae in pull out her phone from her skirt's pocket and text Seohyun. She ask Seohyun to follow Jin hee. After that, she go follow that student , after patting Jin hee's head to ease her heart. She smile, a less that's full with worries. Jin hee just wave and smile brightly while saying a motivation words.  "Fighting!" Jin hee know her only friend that already be her family right now is worried about her. She nodded and said to herself a motivation words to give a positive mood when doing tour. Then, she tell the new student that they going the tour before the rest time over. "Let's go, before the rest time end, Xi'an Yin" *Smile Xi'an yin the new student earlier look her with a blank face like always. He stand up and follow her by walk beside her. They go to each buildings and room that near with their class.  (In Student council room) "Have everyone understands what i explain earlier?" Said the President of the student council. Then Hae in take out her phone after the meeting over. She text Seohyun to know about Jin hee. Several minutes later, a new message coming. She tap the button to see what Seohyun text her. Unfortunately, the text doesn't give her a good news at all. Seohyun said that he can't accompany Jin hee because he need to help the teacher cleaning the pool. Hae in feel so frustrated. She grab her phone titely and run a little while searching Jin hee through the way to the canteen. She ask some student there to know whereabout these two students. She feel so worriedly that make her step stop but then she heard someone calling her name from behind. (On rooftop school building) "I'm sorry about Hae in." "You know there some insiden why she behave like that, she don't have bad intent." *Smile Said Jin hee to Xi'an Yin. He look into her face then he looking into the sky. He reach out his hand to the sky. Like he was try to hold something up there but can't reach it. Jin hee looking into him. She observe what he doing. Her eyes that have a slightly bright brown turn a bit more bright when watching Xi'an Yin behavior. Her lips moved but don't have any sounds out from it. She really wants to ask more about Xi'an Yin but she afraid. Maybe, she make Xi'an Yin uncomfortable. While she still looking into Xi'an Yin's face. Suddenly Xi'an Yin talk a bit. "Don't stare." His voice somehow kind a deep that time make Jin hee flustered. She got caught for observing someone's face. Xi'an Yin face change to slightly serious a bit when looking into Jin hee's face. She startled and make her feet move backwards a little by little. Xi'an Yin's face can't be seen clearly because of the light from the sun behind him make her eyes closed a bit. "Don't afraid. I'm not going to eat you." After she heard Xi'an Yin words. She feel so embrassed and try to cover it up.  "I'm, I'm not. Sorry, i just, you know that sun behind you the bright light is make my eyes kind of hurt to see your face clearly, that why i moved a back for a bit." She can't speak clearly. She feel so embrassed about the misunderstanding. But then, Xi'an Yin look back into the sky. He speak again. "Hae in." "I don't mad on her don't worry." Jin hee feel better after hear it. Then she smile brightly while looking at Xi'an Yin. He look into her face back for a moment. Then, he turn back her face towards the sky.  *Smile "Hehe, thanks." "Ah, by the way. Want to eat together? Let's get something before our rest time over." "Shall we continue back tomorrow?" Said Jin hee. Then Xi'an Yin turn back to her and said. "Let's it." "Sure tomorrow.. Let's do it after school." Jin hee nodded. Then she take Xi'an Yin hands and run a bit to go to the canteen.  (Canteen school, at the table) "How was the food" "Isn't is good?" *Smile Jin hee said it with a big smile.  "Ramen here are so tasty~" "Their half boiled egg when u eat it, it melt into the mouth, is so smooth~" She began talking about the tastiness of the food here. Xi'an Yin just eat it like normal and see her behavior. While they were busy eating. Suddenly someone come and sit beside her with frustrated face. "Why are you eating so happy with this guy?." *Pissed Is Hae in, who been call for meeting earlier. She look into Xi'an Yin's face then started to question him about what they do while she not by Jin hee's side. "Then, you." "What are you want with Jin hee?" "If you had interested in her, please forget it. She already have boyfriend." "Or if you have bad intent to her. Stop it, you gonna- " Suddenly Jin hee cover Hae in's mouth with her both hand. She feel a bit shy when Hae in said about boyfriend. She flustered and said what ever she tried to cover it. "I, i don't have any boy, boyfriend." "Seohyun just a friend. Yeah the friend like, like best friend. Well, he, he our childhood friend and-" Hae in held Jin hee's hand that covered her mouth. Jin hee stopped talking and looked into Hae in's face and Hae in said in low volume  "I'm sorry..." *Smile Jin hee smiled too and continued with hugging Hae in. Hae in returned the hug as well. While they are busy entertaining feelings of themselves. Xi'an Yin said something to Hae in in low volume. "You don't need worried." "I don't intent to do something bad to her." *Smug Hae in speechless. "So u can talk?" "I see...." Hae in closed Jin hee's eyes and gave Xi'an Yin a sharp look. Xi'an Yin relply back the stare. Then, they both gave the same sharp glance together. (Several hours later) School time is over. Everyone rushed back to the their house. Hae in and Jin hee walk together as usual. Then, Ji hee saw Xian Yin standing by the school fence, looking for someone. She even told Hae in to say hello to Xi'an Yin. After that, they go together.  "Hello Xi'an Yin. Who are you waiting for?" "Are you okay? Do you need help?" Xi'an Yin looking at her and start talking. "I'm not waiting anyone." Jin hee feel a bit odd. She trying to ask back but were interrupted by Hae in. "Then, go home. Why are you standing here like you waiting for someone?" Xi'an Yin give a strange reaction to them. He stare to them and suddenly face the fence while his finger moving like he wanna draw something on the wall.  "Ah, that's.. i don't know how to go home." He said with a dull face while turn his face back to them. Hae in and Jin hee speechless. After that Hae in frustrated and complained it. Then she asked Xi'an Yin to give his home address. While Jin hee looking into her face and smile brightly. Hae in noticed that Jin hee was observing her behavior. So she tried to rectify the situation by saying. "I'm not doing for him." "I just feel a bit pleasant if he ask for help from Jin hee only." Jin hee still smile and said. "I know. Hae in are kind after all." Hae in feel a bit shy and cover it. After that, she search the address location after Xi'an Yin give it to her earlier. She whisper. "I'm not kind.." Xi'an Yin looking at them with dull face as always. But his mind thinking different from what his face show it.  "They both close enough that can be easy enough to break the tears" (Half an hours later) "Here is your house right?" Xi'an Yin nodded. Then he bowed respectfully while thanking to them. He also offered to accompany them home. But was rejected by Hae in.  "No need. You don't ever know where your house. Then how you can accompany we two?" *Smug Jin hee laughed a little. Then, they went home. Xi'an Yin watched their back from behind with a dull face. However, facial reactions and thoughts do not reflect the same.  "She look healthy for now. I hope that's person request will be granted. "

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