Chapter 8: A day before next game

3180 Words
During a beautiful night, the sky stretches wide with dots of stars decorating it. Heard the voices of people in this forest. It's the voice of students. Everyone who is saved in the game "Keidoro". After the game, they were given several boxes containing ingredients to cook. Some also contain blankets and towels. Sona and Ha in, checking the items. After that, they started to work together to prepare the bed and dinner. "A potatoes, onion, carrots, fillets and rice? Ah! some spices?". said Ha in. Sona who checking the ingredients to, moved to the spices. "Then, curry". Said Sona. Ha in who heard it, excited to hear it. "But how do you know the ingredients for curry?". asked Ha in. Sona was studder by Ha in's question. But what can she do, Ha in is a daughter of The strongest right-wing person in politics. In other words, "a spoiled princess". She just sighed about it. After a few hours they all were abandoned in the forest by Loli Demon. The very first demon that is, Earl Dassy appears Infront of everyone. "Hello Humans. How's your days?". They were all surprised by the Demon's presence. Thus, they were all simultaneously alert to the presence of this Demon. Especially for male students. They try to defend others who are not good in defense especially the girls. Dassy who's not to tall but not to short. Her long hair with bright red colour, is to sparkly and looks like a silky smooth thread. The colour blues of her eyes, look like the ocean with her horn both side, making everyone nearly to fall in love with her. This time, Xi'an Yin come Infront everyone to confront the demon. While Jin hee will stay with Ha in and others member class, like the class monitor and the big guy. Xi'an Yin asked. "We were good for now. May i ask you some questions, Dassy? ". The Demon was shocked to hear her name was mentioned by Xi'an Yin. The demon didn't think there were students who would remember her name. "Sure. Say it". Xi'an Yin felt relieved when he was finally able to ask the question that, he had been holding back for a long time. He took a breath to calm himself before asking. "Thank you for the opportunity. Then, how many games do we have to play?". The Demon was expecting the first question that was asked. Dassy sighed, then said it without hesitation. "The originally, the games have five type of games. The first one, Keidoro. The second one, Red Light and green light, next.. Hide and Seek. Lastly, Kagome kagome. Before that, We all came to earth at someone's request. A request from a broken human heart. That's person to is one of yours people. But this is usually things that they are not aware of it. KAYLA, that human is one of example of the broken human. Then, why is it broken? ". Xi'an Yin who heard it began to think. However, a student appeared walking from behind Xi'an Yin. The student, trying to answer the questions asked by Dassy. "Because humans have feelings and thoughts. Humans are also easy to be used, mistreated, deceived and things related to it. Therefore, a broken human being is a human being whose thoughts and feelings are no longer functioning. In other words, those who have past trauma. The trauma is also not from as far as a trauma such as a phobia. But, regrets, mistakes or shame that the heart and mind cannot accept. Isn't that right, Miss Dassy?". Explanation given by the class monitor. While Xi'an Yin, who was listening, nodded in agreement. All the students who were also diligently listening, began to think about themselves. Their past, their memories that irritated with their hearts and mind. As Demon's Dassy said, this game happened at someone's request. So the person asking for it is also a student who plays the games and broken to. "But, the broken student to, doesn't know about it. Because? ". Ask Dassy waiting for the students answer. All students think about it. One of them raised a hand from the group of students sitting together. It's Sona. "There's to many students in this school. Not only that, we all even doesn't know how the request been granted. The hints alr- ". Jin hee suddenly interrupted without intention. She was busy thinking, and then she heard Sona's speech about the hint from the game, making Jin hee speak it out without realizing it. "Japanese game..". Ha in look at Jin hee's face when she heard her voice. Ha in begins to think that it is possible that Jin hee begins to suspect herself. Then Ha In held Jin Hee's hand to ease her confusion. Not only that, Sona stop talking as what Jin hee said. Everyone was puzzled by Sona's actions. Even, Xi'an Yin saw the situation. He felt worried when he heard Jin hee's words coming out. Then, she coming forward and standing Infront all the students. Sona threw her hand forward and said. "Then, please stand up, if you are Japanese" . After hearing Sona's words, they all looked at each other. The whispering was heard from inside the area where the students were sitting together. Sona just silently waiting. But in her waiting to, she begin feel irritated a bit by bit. Minutes apart, one by one standing up in the cloud of students. Is not only one, but more than five people. Since their school is international school many students from aboard coming and studying here. Sona observed the behavior of the students who got up one by one. Then ask the students to separate themselves for a while and make a new line so that it looks neat. Sona also scolded those who were sitting randomly and unorganized. "Please behave and sit in your class lineeeee! Why are you so careless? please get in line to go to class, this sitting it's look mess. Didn't you learn discipline? How many times do you need to be teach? You wake up quickly, sit here! Ha, and you to sitting at a group of ladies! come here, ha you too , ha here... here... sit there... here.. ". In the confusion as well, Sona suddenly turned into a A cyborg gorilla in their eyes. Those who know Sona's personality, can only smile, or giggle blandly. The students who were told to sit here and there by Sona, were confused and awkward with the situation. "PFTTT HAHAHAHAHA!!" . The sudden laugh by Dassy makin all of them studder in a moment. Everyone looking into Dassy who laugh non stop, like hysteria. Then she wipe her eyes, who come out a bit tears of joy. "Hiya . ,,, Sorry about that. it's just that, even though it's critical now, you guys can still behave like this. I haven't laughed like this in a long time. Thanks pfft hahahaha!". Dassy begin to smile while thanking to them, but then continued laughing. While Sona, murmured softly about her attitude. "Who's? making a joke!? I'm mad at know". For her, as a Demon she can't even feel happy or laughing like this. They can laugh or insane only doing evil things. Well that's how Demon's life. Dassy born as demon but, she doesn't like violence. Like Lilly said, her elder sister really a kind demon. Seeing Dassy who's laughing at their life attitude make's they heart feel a bit ease. Then Xi'an Yin continue asking back about topic earlier. They already far from topic for now. "Then, Dassy. How can we stop the game?. Is there any chance to stop the game? ". This sudden question makes all the students hoping the same and positive answer for it. Even Sona stopped on her own way to discipline other students to hear the answer. Dassy hear it, and stop the laughing immediately. She looking into everyone face and making a serious face when starting to talk about it. "Stop the game. Is really easy and you have the chance for it". Everyone who heard the answer for it, jump in joy. They begin celebrate it and really happy. The sudden joy make everyone forget that Dassy doesn't said about "How" it's worked. Even The class monitor and the big guy hugging in joy. Later they looking into each other, the both of them push each other a little roughly. The class monitor adjust his spect and saying. "Sorry. I'm straight. So forgive me, my friend". Everyone heard it begin laughter together. That's unexpended rejection one. The big guy smack the monitor class's head. "I AM STRAIGHT TO!". They all begin laughter seeing both of them unexpected drama scene. The class monitor rub his head, feel a bit hurt. But the laughter stop once Dassy words come out. "You need to kill the caster". Xi'an Yin ask back. "Caster. The broker human who requested this game?". Dassy rub her both hands, like is feel a little freezing out here. She turn her head away from them. In a low voice, "Yes ....". They all just silently heard it. Looking into Japanese students face. One student at there standing up immediately and shouted to them once they all looking at them. "I don't want to die!". A female student, who's have long hair straight starting to cry. Both her hands are held tight left and right. "I don't want... to die. I came all the way here to study here because of my dream. I'm not the one who created this stupid game. So, please don't kill me. ...". She fall down and sitting at there, crying alone. After that, another student standing up to and shouted to them. Starting that, everyone at that group begin to show their unfairness in life. Why they should die, even though they didn't want this. "WHY ME!?". said another one of male student standing up and comes directly to Dassy to hit her. Seeing that, Xi'an Yin grab that student hand. "What the heck did you thinking right know? ". Everyone there in shock phase, most of it just petrified looking at the scene. Some of it screaming, others close the eyes, and others just watched it in scared. But in another hand, comes forward two students from that group to try to hit Dassy to. Ha in hugged Jin hee, and close Jin hee's eyes with her hand. But her fingers did not close enough to avoid it, through the hole between Ha in's fingers. Jin hee saw what happened even though not clear enough. That's students lost mind, and started to fight Xi'an Yin. His hand that being grab by Xi'an Yin earlier, make his thinking to grab back and pull Xi'an Yin forward to him. In that speed, he throw his fist into Xi'an Yin's face. But got stopped once Xi'an Yin try to bend over backwards. However, Xi'an Yin lost his balance and fell to the ground. At the same time, that student stepped on and kicked Xi'an Yin's stomach continuously. Seeing such a situation, the big guy ran towards them to save Xi'an Yin. While the class monitor who is near them is trying to protect Dassy from others two students to. They both been hit continuously. The big guy shouted to others male students who seeing them. "WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT! COME HELP ME!". The loud voice hit each other's ears. Quickly, the other male students came and try to break up the fight. The class monitor hugging Dassy in protect her. He being hit by one of the students there with thick branch. The blood flowing down from his head looking fresh and thick. Dassy tears started to fall down when she saw the condition of the Class monitor. When the rescue come, finally he and Dassy save. While Xi'an Yin that getting beaten, still in fight because the hard grip from that student makes his hand hurt. The big guy smack that student face with his bare hand. That's make that student fall down a bit. It's look a bit hassle to beat Xi'an Yin when the big guy come forward. Then that student let go of Xi'an Yin's hand. The two of them acted to fight each other, due to their large bodies, some other students did not dare to interfere. Jin hee pushed away Ha in's hand that covered her eyes earlier. When she seeing Xi'an Yin getting beaten, through the hole between Ha in's hand. It's take times, because of she can't see in clear through it. So, she need to focus and seeing it. She ran towards Xi'an Yin. While the other two students who beat the monitor class and Dassy, getting locked down by others students. The blood that rushing down his face, make Dassy using her sleeve to wipe the blood. In her way to wipe the blood, her tears suddenly fall little by little. "I .. really sorry. Forgive me ..hic... forgive me ...hic". Seeing Dassy crying over the class monitor's wound. Student near them feel bad about it. Even the class monitor hold Dassy's face with his both hand. "Why? You are demon, Miss Dassy. Isn't it?. Why did you cry over my head like this?. It's just a little scratch, I won't die". Dassy look into his face. Her both cheek near the eyes blushes because of her tears flowing nonstop. The redness shows that Dassy is not pretending. She try to stopped it. But still the tears doesn't stop the flow. Jin hee looking at them. While she hugged Xi'an Yin that still half conscious. Her heart was touched. Her eyes started to glaze over. Her tears dripped down into Xi'an Yin's forehead. Xi'an Yin, who was half conscious, began to fully realize when Jin hee's tears dropped by drop down to his face. Xi'an Yin try to get up, while Jin hee tries to help him. "You, don't you think your actions are worse than demons?". The male student stopped fighting with the big guy. Big guy also stopped and stepped towards Xi'an Yin. While Xi'an Yin continue his conversation. "Try to see Dassy now. If she is a evilness demon? Why is she cries over the wound of human? and how about you?". The male student was confused by Xi'an Yin's question. While looking at Dassy's condition. "WHAT are you so proud to say?". Xi'an Yin sneered at the student's words. "What i just said is, you are Demon and she's not". That student feel irritated but he lastly try to calm down after Jin hee suddenly interfered with the tension between the student and Xi'an Yin. "Please, can we stop this fight. We should work together to survive in this game". He signed. Jin hee right, his stupidity become overwhelmed because of his life in treat. His existence is important for his family. His mother in bed ill. His little sister still school, and he the one who take care the finances and welfare of his family. That's why he afraid of losing his life here. "Heh, Sorry. Really, I'm sorry dude, is just ya, you know. My mother is sick, my sister still in primary school. They only have me". That student apologize for his behavior. He said as he walked towards Xi'an Yin. The big guy there, seeing it tried to protect Xi'an Yin. But got stopped back by Xi'an Yin. "It's okay, buddy". His smile made the big guy move a bit to the right. The student just extended his hand to shake hands as a sign of peace. While Xi'an Yin welcomed the handshake. "it's okay, everyone has their own reason for it". said Xi'an Yin. They both smiled. "Ah, I'm Toshiro. Hanagisawa Toshiro, I'm in your care". said that student. Xi'an Yin then replied back with his sweet smile. "Me to, let's survive all together. I'm Xi'an Yin." In the morning, the sunrise light fill the dark in the forest. The glare of the light made Jin hee wake up from her sleep. Seeing the bright sky, gave some hope in the anxiety of the heart. Soon one student after another student woke up from sleep and continued watching the sun rise. Late at the night yesterday, Dassy take her leave after everyone finally calmed. She even said thanking to their support for her, being a weak Demon. She disappeared in the darkness of the night behind the gaps in the trees there. The way, Dassy's disappearance sometimes gives all the students a fright, eerie. Ha in covering Jin hee's body with the blanket prepared yesterday. It was a bright and cold morning, they didn't expect to see the sun rise during on the third day. Maybe this will be the last day they see the sunrise. "Next will be the second game". said the monitor class. The big guy stood beside him, together with Han in, Jin hee and others. They all gulped thinking about the next game. There will definitely be death. Game paid with life. Xi'an Yin who was sitting at there was planning something. He wrote some strategies on the ground with branches. Then, Toshiro came and sat next to him. "What should we do now?". asked Toshiro. Xi'an Yin explain about the games. If they want to survive, They need to know the rules and tips for playing it. Suddenly Jin hee said about the games while coming to them. "Red light , green light". The other student who cry first, being a Japanese students yesterday, come together to tell more about it. Since it's Japanese games. " I think is the most a common games. But, maybe their name sound different in each countries?". Sona come to, she heard they talking about the strategy and try to join in. "Red light? Green light what's dat?". asked Sona. Hearing that question from sona, that girl, the Japanese student starting to explained it. "Starting with everyone along at the starting line, When the person say 'Green Light' We all will move towards to the finishing line. But, when the person say 'Red Light' we all must immediately stop. If some of us are still moving when the person call 'Red Light', they must go back to the starting line. That's how the games work". They started to think about it. Then Ha in suddenly interrupted. "Isn't that like Mugunghwa Flower has bloomed?". "Ah! it is!". said Sona. "Then, we need plan. But.." . Spoke out of his mind. But still thinking. The class monitor to feel something off. I think, the games maybe changed..?". said the class monitor in question. While they are busy thinking about their next plan. The other students, began to folding the messy blankets and towels at their beds. Some of them start preparing ingredients for cooking. The ingredients given last night are still left. They use it to make a breakfast. How struggled it is, they need to fill the stomach before going to the war.
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