Chapter 7: Keidoro (Part 2)

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This time the winner will be decided by the survivors of the thief or if all the thief are get caught by the demon team.The only choices they have is to delay the appointed time and be a survivor. The thief were given random sticks that contains time for survival. Which is from one hour until five hour to escape or hide from being capture. But there were a blank sticks to. That's mean who got it will die, because there's no time limit to win. For class leader who got the blanks stick will be given three choices. First, all the members class will die together. Second, just the class leader will die. Third, the members will die while the leader given a chance to continue the next game.This choice only available to leader who will choose the sticks. The tense atmosphere made some of the losing teams begin nervous. Not only that, everyone in every class were given a pressure to hold the tittle leader. In addition, the police group are the demon group. If they get the empty sticks. They're will die. This time, each class that lose in the game earlier really afraid of it. Each member in the group doesn't want to take the responsibility in choosing the sticks. Because, the choice given to the leader is not informed at this time. So, those who are forced to be leaders by their class are given that choice. They will be told after knowing their fate at the end of the sticks. "Hey pig, now is your time to shine. Make sure you get one hour sticks or you will die". said one of the students in the first year class, grade one. Her name is Jay. Jay is a bully. She always bullies and insults weak students.The intended pig is a female student. The Long hair that is braided to make a bundle shows the neatness of the hair. Wear glasses with round frames. The student was called Song Ja in. An excellent and well-disciplined student in this class. Due of Song ja in's appearance, who looks like a nerd. She been bullied and constantly ignored by her classmates. But, there is a student in this class, who is willing to be friend with her. Since then, they have always been together. Therefore, Jay took her best friend as a hostage to force Song Ja in becoming a leader. That time, everyone thinks that, who will be a leader will die. They never thought that is upsidedown rule. "Jae in don't do it! do you care? care about me!. So you should value your life more than mine. If not. We are not friends anymore.". Song Ja in felt bad thinking her decision when hearing Boksu's words. But then, she silently thinking of the suitable solution. Song Jae in chooses to be the leader. "Okay. I take the lead." Boksu felt angry and furious at Song Ja in. If not because she became a hostage, her best friend would not be forced to be the leader. Especially at this time. A time where only life and death are the options to live. Normally, most people will choose to saving themselves. Normally, people will be selfish at this point. But, Song Ja in really sincerely be friends with her. Although it is likely that she will die. But She doesn't even care about her own life. In that confusion too, Boksu just silently cried and running to hug her best friend, Song Ja in. In that hug too, Boksu gently punched Song Ja in's chest to show signs of disapproval that cannot be directed verbally. She was too sick, angry because of Song Ja in chose to be the leader for her own sake. However, if the situation were reversed, She's, herself would not be able to be the leader. After this two finally calm themselves, Song Ja in came forward and standing to where the stick was. There were seven class that lost in first round. First years class have three type of grade. Which mean there were three class. In year two, there were only one class, is grade two. While in year three, there three class. The leader from each class choose the sticks that been placed on the table Infront of them.The result at the bottom of the sticks which is being hiding with white stickers. When the words roar by the Demon. They started to peel off the stickers. Some of it trembling, some of it crying, some of it feel betrayed and some of it feel the burden. Ha in feel so scared that make her breath feel heavy. She even try to calm down by focusing on something to breathe normally. But it's hard. All of the students, she the one choose the sticks. She feel so irritated, tired and scared. While others who win the game earlier, they were give a food , drinks and blanket. They all sit in arranging of each class and seeing everyone who loss playing second round. Jae hee grab her both hand, praying for Ha in safety. Xi'an Yin feel frustrated when seeing Ha in alone and handle the class that heavyweight. Each members in her class having problems attitude. Even before this game, that one student name, Sona. She's kind. She like teaching others who in trouble to doing homework and studies. But right now she in the edges of death or live. Sona turn into wicked woman. Ha in the one that people don't like to take a fight, right now been forced by Sona, to make their group out alive. Ha in peel off the white stickers slowly with her eyes close a bit. it's write One hour. Ha in fall with knee down first. She hug the sticks titely. Jin hee who been praying earlier begin to stand up seeing her best friend, Ha in's behaviour. Even others student been confused and looking Ha in. She cried with sticks hugging titely to her chest. Her class members stare to her, waiting the results. Meanwhile, others leader peel off the sticker, someone joy jumped, some cried, some petrified themselves and some even laughed in frustration. Then, Ha in looking into Jin hee's face. She smiled while gesturing her hand to make a peace. "I'm gonna win. Wait for me". Jin hee who felt extremely worried finally felt relieved to see Ha in's behavior. She was sure that Ha in managed to get the stick with the least amount of time. Jin hee also getting hype and shouted with great enthusiasm towards Ha in. When Xi'an Yin saw Ha in's sweet and beautiful smile. He also completely encouraged Ha in. Ha in was surprised for a moment to see Xi'an Yin encouraging her. It makes Ha in nostalgic for when they were little. The memories of that time were very beautiful before the Rin incident. The two of them, getting further away for the reason that they don't want Jin hee to remember the past. Things that are very stressful on Jin hee's heart, feelings, and mentality. Not only that, with cheers from her two best friends. Thus, all her classmates woke up to cheer her on. The class monitor, being the cheerleader, he make the cheerleading gesture but, it's really not matched with him that end with the funniest. The gloomy atmosphere turned into calm and relief for every student who was in tension. In addition to the big guy, joining to, becomes cheerleading which adds more relief time to those involved in the second round. Then, Hae in and the other students started to rise from the fall to fight in this round. There were seven class at first but five class will playing this round. The other two class will die. Which should happens if there are only two blank sticks. However, in one bottle there are ten or more than seven stick. Therefore, only four class will play in this round. Year one, grade two and grade three, led by Lee Yu Jin and Ha Dong In. Second year, second grade (Half class) led by Cha Ha in. Lastly, Third year, grade three led by Boa park. "Hee ... then, did you three get blank sticks? ,.. how cute! Well, you were first Song Ja.. In. What is your choice? number one~ two~ or three~". said the Loli demon which insult tone. Song Ja in in trembling thinking of her best friend in their class. There's no option to survive together, either her selfish wish to survive alone or only them survive. The option number one and three were already putting aways from her mind. She not even that sane to take all of her friends's lifes. Then, Song Ja in chooses number two, that is only the leader will die. The Loli Demon is not satisfied and tries to pull the string on Song Ja in towards the darkness with the option that everyone dies except the leader. "Eee~ it's a waste if that's the case, You can choose the second option to take revenge on those who forced you to choose these sticks. Yes. This is the power of whoever is the leader. They force you, you can punish them again". A soft but very poisonous whisper was whispered at Song Ja in's ear. The Loli Demon, holding Song Ja in's shoulders trying to persuade her to kill all the students in her class. Sweet words but very evils. It's easy for those who are always betrayed. Son Ja in, kept her head down. Not because of regret for her choice, but the sadness for her to part with Boksu. Confidently Song Ja in accepts her fate and choice. Let her die alone to save her best friend and others. "I wouldn't change the options. That's my choice". The Loli Demon was disappointed to hear Son Ja in's words. She was very bored with that choice. "Then any last words?". Song Ja in nodded and looked towards her class, seeing her best friend there. All the words she wanted to say. The others students started to hear her words, especially Boksu. Who dear to her, waiting her best friend last words. Not just that, everyone there's was moved to see the situation. They were given the opportunity to speak, to their heart's content. So they were all excited to see Song Ja in express her heart. Song Ja in is willing to die to save her best friend and classmate. Despite being bullied. "Boksu! Thank y-". Song Ja in didn't have time to finish speaking. Her head was cut off suddenly by one of the monsters belonging to Loli Demon. Then, being eaten in front of everyone. Her body was chewed greedily by the monster. Blood splattered out of her body when chewed. The monster chewed Song Ja in's body like chewing a passion fruit that had a lot of juice coming out of it. While the monster was chewing, some parts of hands or feet fell from that monster's mouth and fell on the ground. Then, the monster licked the ground, which was filled with blood and the pieces that were left behind. Boksu who was waiting for Song Ja in's words was shocked and fall down to see her friend being chewed greedily by the monster. Meanwhile, the Loli Demon giggled happily at their reaction. "Pftt HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! HOW AMUSING!!". Boksu sobbed as she hit the ground hard. That inhumane feeling no one can stop. The cruelty to her best friend before finishing her words. Not only that. Only one word was said before her friend was devoured voraciously by the monster. All she can do is only look. The feeling of empathy is extremely painful and extremely sad. Everyone started to feel scared and intimidated by the situation. Not killed using a knife, gun or poison. But died devoured by a monster without mercy. Jin hee only had time to see the situation where Song Ja in's head was cut off using the monster's mouth without realizing it. Then her eyes were closed by Xi'an Yin who was beside him. While Ha in closed her eyes, after the head was cut off. The class monitor felt sad and looked the other way. Justice that cannot be expressed by him, only able to see. The big guy feeling very scared and shocked by what happened just now. He can only sit and be quiet. Only the sound of Boksu's cry fills the space of time. The Loli Demon doesn't care about the feelings of all of them. The Loli Demon, continues with the next head of blanks sticks, Nanou. Nanou is an excellent student but she always busy with her life Vlog on YouTube. She is called Nanou because of the name of her Vlog. Her real name is Kang Ranna. She did it to get more and more money for her life to live leisure. Her mother died when she was in elementary school. She is an only child and lives with her father. But her father was irresponsible, always going gamble day and night, always in debt, until Nanou was almost get raped by a gangster because her father's debt. Therefore, for this round Nanou did not feel pity at all for anyone who blocked her way to live. "Then.. ,, how about you Ranna. Ehehaha!!". Nanou does not like when her real name is mentioned. She bravely and confident attitude towards The Loli Demon and choose. "I hate it when you say that name. First of all, I don't have anything left to say. I will take number three". That very selfish decision, and made all the students in her class rebel. Dissatisfaction towards Nanou was revealed one by one. Nanou just grinned at their reaction. To be honest, Nanou has known for a long time that her class only uses her because of her popularity. None of them have ever been sincere in being friends. Therefore, instead of letting Nanou herself die. She chose to survive and kill the others. "Huh.. Phew! I like you! You to cruel! honey~! HAHA!! ". The Loli Demon enjoyed seeing Nanou's cruelty. Without wasting time the two monsters devoured that one class. After The Loli Demon snaps her finger. The loud cries and screams filled the Loli Demon's feelings and the excitement that cannot be hidden was on her face. Most of the students who ran not wanting to die and be eaten spoke up against Nanou. But Nanou just ignored them all. Seeing Nanou's condition, many students cursed her. Nanou was just busy flipping her nails and saw the excitement on The Loli Demon's face. Nanou said before moving towards the first round students. "What a nasty face, Miss Loli". Most of the students who are not involved in that class can only keep quiet. Xi'an Yin continued to cover Jin hee's eyes from seeing the cruelty that was happening in front of her eyes. Nanou sat in the new row where the first round students were. After finishing the murder of the students. The Loli Demon continued with the last student, Mills Kayla. Students from abroad. Mills Kayla is a beautiful and charming student. The intelligence is still okay. But Kayla has an unusual hobby. Most students who are only acquaintances do not know about it. But those close to her know about it. There are three students who are close to her, they are like brothers and sisters too. In the same class there are two students, namely Junni and Hanna. Junni or his full name, Jang Jungkie. Junni is Kayla's boyfriend. He was with Kayla for a long time, and knew Kayla is insane. Therefore he believed, this time he would die with her. Kayla love doing something that is not normal. Like, seeing the moment of death of a creature, like a cat that has just been run over or an accident involving a soul. Kayla has a strong sense of curiosity. Because of that, Kayla became unconscious. Hanna her very close classmates. Hanna is sane. But sometimes she follows Kayla because Kayla always helps her instead of being bullied. Despite knowing Kayla insane hobby. While the other one in other class, The big guy. He knew when, suddenly Kayla came to help him in the street. At that time he just got run over by a motorcycle. Lucky is not serious, but his bones are broken. Kayla at that time was curious about the broken bone. Her eyes widen at The big Guy's feet. But because of her beauty, sometimes the big guy forget about her insane hobby. "Then Mills Kayla! What is your Choice!!" . Tell the Loli Demon seeing Kayla up forward her. Suddenly, without a warning Kayla touch the Loli Demon's face. Before she could touch it, her hand was cut off by the monster. The Loli Demon feeling angry with Kayla's attitude. While the other students were all surprised by Kayla's behavior. "What the f**k did you just doin, HUMANN!!". Everyone was shocked by that Loli Demon's angry scream. While Kayla just watching her cut hand. The gushing blood was ignored. Kayla was only interested in the flesh that was visible in the cut of her hand. The big guy saw the situation and Kayla's behavior made him nausea. "This girl is crazy. Why did I like her so much?" The big guy rethinks his behavior in the past. While Junnie, can only grin blandly thinking about his fate. "I shud not be friend with you, I shud not falling in love with you, Kayla". The burning anger of The Loli Demon made the class of third year, grade three worse. Seeing the Loli Demon's anger, made the surrounding atmosphere become hot and sultry. "I see. you already broken, Then, Accepted Your FATE". That Loli Demon begin to directed her monsters to attack Kayla and her class. Because of Kayla's behavior. Every student in their class was brutally devoured. Not only that, the Loli Demon to feeling uneasy with Kayla's behavior. Even though it was swallowed, chewed, and the contents of his body were taken care of. Not a single tear came out. Kayla's screams were not heard. Only laughter echoed. The Loli Demon is really disgusted by it. Then, she canceled the second round and continued for the next game after two days later. Everyone survived because of Kayla. But the students in his class could not be saved. After the departure of the Loli Demon. Ha in runs straight to Jin hee and hugs her. She started to cry a little bit. Tired, scared, nervous and anxious being alone. Jin hee started to cry heavily when hearing Ha in's cry. Xi'an Yin seeing both of them just pat their head. "I'm sorry...hic ..hic.. I'm not that strong Jin hee....". said Ha in in her frustration.
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