Chapter 5: Chaos

2139 Words
"Good Morning EVERYONE!" Shout the unknown voice suddenly that's make everyone wake up. They still in their class room but not as cheerful as they think it. This classroom mess up and eerie to see. It's looks like a crime place. There's some hand print blood on the ceiling and wall. The table and chairs still in good arrangements but it's eerie. Jin hee and two her best friend wake up while protecting her. "What do you want with us?" said one of the student there. The student looks like a class monitor. He's appearance really like the top student which clever brain. Black hair that doesn't looks like a gangster style. He stand up proudly and saying it without a fear. Most of the student there afraid and some is crying begging to go home . "WELL ISN'T THIS IS Honourable!!" "HAHAHAHAHA!!" "YOU SO LUCKY THAT I'M THE ONE WHO'S TALKING IT! IF MY SISTER, YOU WILL DEAD!!" Everyone just filled which fear and anxiety that make it's hard to move in inch. Xian Yin looking around seeing if there any where out. While Hae in try to calm down Jin hee in her embrace to make Jin hee less scared. The class monitor ealier trying to speak out again in such a rational mind. He believe if he can talk through it they can get out from here. but it's really such a stupid way actually. "What is your motive?" "Is there any benefit for you to do this? please tell me." The unknown voice just brush it with creepy laughing. Then that voice talk back. "HUMAN, do you know who your talking actually?" "Be PROUD HUMAN. I'm the one of the HIGH RANKING DEMON IN THIS WORLD!" "Unfortunately, once you know all it you will dead. Still want to continue it?" Everyone there started feel more scared when seeing what the monitor class trying to do it. One of the other student stand up and give out some punch to that class monitor. That guy look a big hassle because his body size a big different from the class monitor. Everyone shocking seeing the scene. That big guy grab class monitor's collar and he shout to him with high voice and rough. "LOOKS AROUND YOU LEADER! EVERYONE IS SCARED OUT OF IT! NO ONE WANT TO DIE TODAY BECAUSE OF YOU!" " I KNOW YOU SUCH AN INTELLIGENT STUDENT FREAK BUT DUDE. THIS IS REALITY YOU KNOW. I EVEN DON'T WANT TO DIE FOR YOU! I HAVE MY MOM AT HOME WHO SICK WAITING FOR ME YOU KNOW!" That's class monitor hold the big guy hand while seeing with pathetic face. "Do you think i want to die to? I just talk it out since is my role as class monitor. You guys all just sick down scared out and crying without doing anything. I'M the one who's trying out to make us get out from here you know." The big guy loose the grip that make the class monitor fall down. Then he just go back from where he sat and whisper for forgiven. The unknown voice that's just watching the scene just laugh it out. Then, the unknown voice just explain out the game rule. "HAHAHAHA!! HOW AMUSINGLY! THAT'S WHAT Friendship IS! human really INTERESTING!!" "WELL~WELL~ THAT'S DOESN'T STOP US THOUGH. HAHAHAHA!" "HERE HUMAN, I GIVE IT OUT SOME WAY TO SURVIVE! First you guys will play in five games for five stages. One games we calling as one stages. Once you WIN IT! Until the Judgment DAY! Your FREEDOM WILL BE GIVE OUT. SO, stay alive fight for it. THE FIRST GAME WILL Announced ONCE YOU ALL READY. WE WILL MEET AGAIN! if you still alive...Hahahaha!" Everyone just silenced and thinking in deep about it. Hae in looking into Xian Yin's face. She don't know what to say in this situation. They all doesn't think is this real or not. Since their still in shock phase. Things happen to fast that's make them hard to process it out. They all just silenced and let it calm down. One hour later... "Everyone, i think we should thinking it together to survive this, through the game until the end. Have you guys thought about it. It is just us? or is there any people there who have the same fate as us?. I don't know what the host talk about demon things is real or not but at least we need to plan it together to survive it. We can't always depend on outside people to help us. maybe they struggle to to trying helping us? isn't it? how about it my dear classmates?" said Xian Yian standing up and try to help everyone out throught this fate. Ha in standing up to and raise her hand up. " I agree. If you guys agree what the Xian Yin said hand up". Jin hee hands up to. Both of them looking her unexpected reaction. She just smiled it a way to make them feel relieved. Everyone looking to each others while thinking about Xian Yin words. then, the big guy ealier raise his hand to and saying. "Daheck, are y'all just want to let yourself beaten by that damn demon? is not like i agree to it since that new student saying right things. Plus, i want to go home and stay with my mom not that damn demon". "Well , me to. I need to study alot to go to University". Said the class monitor to after the big guy and raise his hand to. He adjusting the glasses while saying so. The big guy felt strange seeing the actions of the class leader. The big guys smirk on it and say. "Who cares about University. You such a freak studies. The hell people take it as reason to survive in this damn place...." The class monitor just brush it out with a sarcastic laugh. "I'm not having any homesick like someone, who desperately shout out to go home sleeping with mom like a BIG BABY". The big guy then grab the class monitor collar again. "HUH? DID you pick a FIGHT right now, DAMN FREAK?". The class monitor just smirk and saying back. "Then isn't we same? you homesick, I'm freak studies". The big guys shocked out same with others. the class monitor just accept that's he a freak studies. Ha in burst into laugh out aloud. She can't hold it anymore in that situation. Everyone seeing it feel kind off less scared and laugh it out together. They all teasing the big guy and the class monitor to. That's make them both laugh it to while teasing each other along with it. Jin hee seeing Ha in behavior make her heart feel relieve a bit and follow the flow to. While Xian Yin smiled as relieve as others to. They all feel to scared ealier all the air fill with negative vibe and anxieties and now the feeling relieve comfortable fill the air. In the middle of the night. "Yow new student". said the big guy. He call Xian Yin out to talk about something. they just sit beside the window. Xian Yin look at him like always with the blank face. "...Your face sometimes doesn't work together with your mind ha. What a freak..." the big guy give a sigh seeing it. Suddenly the class monitor come and take the chair sit between them. "Creep out leader. daheck you come here to. GO studies like you always do". said the big guy feeling scared suddenly with the class monitor. The class monitor just smirk it and looking at Xian Yin. "Xian Yin. Why did you suddenly volunteer yourself like that. this is the first time you talk alot and give out that face reaction. i don't think you do it for yourself right?" said the class monitor. "What the hell are you talking about leader? isn't is normal things to do even you just stand up asking damn question to that damn demon". say the big guy. The class monitor just sigh it out and saying "I'm just speak it as a clever student not like you homesick". The big guy trying to stand up and grab the class monitor collar again but got stop by Xian Yin. "Stop it". Is just a short sentence and the big guy stop his behaviour right a way. The big guy feel irritated and he bragging about his name to both of them. "Hey leader, if you that clever why don'tcha saying my name instead that name ha". The class monitor and Xian Yin looking the big guys with unbelievable reaction. But then, the class monitor just reply it with a bit harsh words. "Then isn't you the same to? don't call me leader. Even thought I'm class monitor. I still a person with name to. That's leader is just a role". The big guy studder and just cover it up with nonsense things, and the class monitor reply back to make the big guy more embrasse about it. While Xian Yin look at them. He suddenly remember about past. When he was kid, he play with Hae in and Rin. He and Hae in always fight alot and the one who stop the fight is, Rin. In past.. Xian Yin and Hae in playing the games PlayStation together in Rin's bedroom. they both sit on bed since the playstation on the desk beside the bed. While Rin that time helping her mother making cookies at kitchen . "Hey Xian Yin. that's not fair! why you always win all the time!?, you just cheated doesn't you. Uncle said no cheating is a bad things" said Hae in doesn't feel satisfied with the result. "That's because you to stupid to understand the games and rule". said Xian Yin protest about it. "Wha....WHATTT!". Hae in stand up and grab Xian Yin hair feel unsatisfied with it. She feel so angry with him. Xian Yin always kind to Rin and not her. Xian Yin unguarded and fell on the floor. they both fighting on the floor grabbing each others hair. The present... Xian Yin chuckle a bit seeing them. The big guy and the class monitor was surprised to seeing him. This is the first time they seeing Xian Yin laugh like that. The big guy then said "you know how to laugh ha naughty boy. isn't that's good?" He laugh to but with loud laughing that make everyone look at them. When seeing how funny and happy it is they all laugh it together that night. Today they all just rest and collect some energy to themselves as to prepare their self to fight it tomorrow. They all chatting and try to calm down. Food and drinks were given out in the boxes infront the door. There were many various flavour breads and bottles water. While the others student there found blankets under the teacher's table. They're eating and resting for this night. While Xian Yin, he thinking in deep to planning how can he saves not just Jin hee and Hae in but the whole his classmates to. Next Day... Everyone wake up like a normal day for them. At first Jin hee wake up and thought that she have a bad dream. But seeing the classroom right now make her head fill with anxiety. She looking around and see Xian Yin writing something on paper. She feel like to come closure and tryin to standing up. But she just hold herself when she seeing Hae in beside him. Not long after, one by one students waking up. They eat bread and drinks the water that left in the boxes they find yesterday. several hours later, suddenly aloud voice on the speaker make all the students shocked. But it is not the same voice like yesterday, more of it it's really sound rough and rude. "YOUR PIGS! HAVING YOUR GUYS SLEEP WITH NICE BLANKET THERE AND HAVING THE BOXES FILLED WITH FOOD YOUR DAMN HUMAN Really LUCKY HUH!" "MY DEAR SISTER REALLY HAVE THAT HUMAN HEART DATS! MAKE ME SICK OF IT! HOW DARE YOUR Filthy PIGS!" "WELL, SHE ALWAYS BE LIKE ... I SHOULD KILL HER SOONER........." "...........Okay". The voice disappear after that. Everyone looking to each other thinking what's is going on right now. Some of it thought maybe that one feel give up so they tring to soothing each other heart. That time, Hae in already runs to Jin hee. She really worried about her that make her not thinking twice about it. Suddenly, the classroom filled with gas like yesterday make them fall asleep without unguarded. Xian Yin pullout the handkerchief from his poket and go fast towards his two best friends. They all then fell down again into deep sleep.
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