Chapter 6: Keidoro

2021 Words
Jin hee open her eyes slowly. She even trying to get up slowly because of the side effects the sleeping gas, make her body sore. She a bit zone out when she looking around her, there's more people than her classmate, laying down on the floor. But then, she feel like out of mind and nearly to scream when suddenly her body being push down by someone. She looking back, it's Xian Yin. Xian Yin looking at her with worried face, he tried to speak out but he only use lip sync. Jin hee try to understand what he trying to say. "T...h...e...y...a...r...e...r...e...a...l...l...y...d...e...m...o...n.." said Xian Yian using lip sync. Jin hee studder. Not long after that Hae in and the others wake up. They all confuse and don't know what happened. They all wake up in different room. This is not a class room anymore. More like a hall. A big room that fill with human and a high ceiling. The room feel a bit cool, but there's no any air conditioning or a fan. Suddenly, the hall shaking with some voice out aloud. This time is not a voice from speaker but Infront of them. "Hye PIGS!" A young girl, with a giants creepy monster beside her. That girl wearing a lolita clothes with dark red colour. Her hair a bit messy and colour black but looks great in her appearance. Her hair tied a twin tail. She grinning with show her sharp teeth like a shark's teeth. That's lolita clothes is a big size than her originally size. Then she raise her both hand and said out a lot infront of them. "HUMANS! Bow your head to the floor and make as pathetic as filthy to beg for forgiven on ME! IF YOU WANT TO SURVIVE" "THE MOST STRONGEST DEMON IN THE UNIVERSES " Once she end her speech. The giants monster beside her start to roar aloud that make enough everyone fell down and begging for free. That girl just grinning and chuckle seeing all the humans there afraid of her and bow to her. This is really a horrible situation to make a stupid mistake. Well sure it is, there will some stupid people will trying to be hero and prove wrong or someone try to be hero to be a justice for human. "Wait! is this for real a kid like you is a strongest demon?" said another student out there. Not just that, one by one student stand up try to protest about it. "This is stupid let us go!" "Yeah let me go! i want to go home!" "Hic...hic I'm me!" Instantly karma come, when they, who tried to voice out they anger and justice get kill by a giants monster beside her. That giants monster grab them one by one and eat infront all of them. That's scene make everyone freak out and scared out it. Some of it screaming like histeria, standing and zone out, faints, run away trying to get out and others just silently bow with fear begging for pity. That time the class monitor feel his leg shaking. The fear he feel is not the same when he confront the first one yesterday. This child, the appearance of a child really a trap to make people easily be fool by it. The big guy then, pat the class monitor back body, to make the monitor class feel a bit better and whisper. "Bow...." That big guy then turn his face to Xian Yin, to make a signal while bowing his head. The class monitor seeing it, Xian Yin give a instruction using lip syn. Everyone in this class follow the instructions. They all bow down and doesn't move is actually a rule if you want to survive. When the whole class doing it. Some of it seeing them begin to follow. In such thirty five minutes later, the silent really hit deep out aloud in this hall. That girls grinning and laughing loudly that's make the hall shaking a bit. She even praise all the human who bow to her. She starting begin with her introduction and explanation of the game. "GOOD JOB! PIGS!. WE just in first starting but y'all already take my interest on you i like it. Especially THIS GROUP!" She pointed out her finger to them then claps her hand, she feel so satisfied with it. "I'M EARL LILLY. THE MOST STRONGEST DEMON. I'M NOT LIKE MY SISTER WHO HAVE SUCH A KIND HUMAN LIKE Flirty PIGS. SO, FOLLOW MY WORDS IF YOU WANT TO SURVIVE!" "The first game we gonna play KEIDORO. Also known as dorokei, this is very similar to playing ‘cops and robbers. The group divides into a police officer and thieves. The police officer must chase the thieves and, when tapped, they must go to a pre-assigned area deemed the prison. Courageous thieves on the loose can free their friends in prison by tapping them! The game is over when all the thieves have been caught!" "Each group have one chance to survive from penalty. If you lose in this game. You guys will been choose by me who be the police and the thieves. BUT IF YOU FAILED THIS GAME, YOU CAN CLAIM ONE CHANCE FOR ME TO SURVIVE, BUT IN EXCHANGE YOU GROUP WILL PLAY WITH MY GROUPS". That girl explain it with such a detail to them and begin the chosen of police and thieves for the games. At first everyone thinking it as a normal games, since is really such a normal kid game tradisional. They believe they can survived all through it. But not same as Xian Yin's class. They all believe in this game there will have some people die. The class monitor try to save everyone. but got stop by the big guy, and the big guy said. "Now is not a time to be a hero leader. I know right now what i, gonna said this s**t out is really that stupid selfish reason. But you know, this is about our life. Leader tried to save everyone, but how about us? you can't save everyone, in different groups, they will be our enemy when the games start. Isn't it?" "Then, this is such a situation where we as human began changed behavior. Some of us, that have kind heart can be such a back stab enemy. They be like that because they afraid to die. Don't you afraid it to?" Xian Yin continue the big guy words to make the class monitor understand the situation. Hae in and Jin hee holding hand together. They really afraid of losing each other. We don't know what is gonna happen in the next game if we can survive in this game. The class monitor adjusting his glass and looking into everyone face. "I'm sorry for my foolish behavior and reason. For now lets win the game!" Everyone looking to each other in such a motivation feeling they all shout together. "Yes!" Everyone were moved into some place. On a way to this placed, they were blinded with cloth tied around their eyes. After arriving there, the cloth that was tied was loose. The area they were in now looked like a forest. A rather creepy thick forest. The chirping of crows adds to the eeriness of the forest. Everyone is afraid, but most of them can only keep quiet. The big guy was rubbing his arm. He felt cold horror when he saw the atmosphere of the forest. Xi'an Yin looked around the forest area. His eyes widened as he looked around. That Demon girl earlier, came using the big monster earlier as her transport. The monster looked scared of that Demon girl. She spoke directly to the student while on her way to them. "Okay. Divided to your groups right now. Don't waste my time. HURRY UP!" Everyone hurriedly going to each position in class. they all thinking of using group two by each class. Xi'an Yin be a lead for group two. The first group consisted of Hae in as the leader and a few selected students. While the other group, such big guy, Jin hee, Xi'an Yin and class monitor in group two. They use paper scissors to divide students in their class. Each class usually have fifteen or twenty-five students. In each class they will be divided to two groups. Example, like group one have twelves students, and group two have thirteen students if the class have the twenty-five of students. Once they already, the demon girl sing a song. A song more like an old kid song. Which it will stop in which one group that gonna be the police, while for not stopping it will be the thief. The song stop on Xi'an Yin group. Which mean, they gonna be a police. It's mean all group two in each class gonna be police. While the group one are gonna be thief. The prison for the thief gonna be in the circle magic that been draw by demon girl. Once all ready. The game gonna start. First group verses second group from another class. The First group will run into the forest as a thief. While the group two will counted one until twenty as the police, than the chasing begin. "huff... huff, this scared the hell of me!-" Shouted the boy and run as fast as he could into the deep forest. He been chased by Big guy. The eyes on big guy giving a vibe like he gonna tearing the victim indeed. This game is include their life, they all giving out all they can to survive. They can't lose. The prison been guard by Jin hee and another female student. They already chased tenth already. Just three left. The one that been chased by the big guy, and another two left student in unknown positions. Xi'an Yin and the others student left to chased the thief searching all the areas. Xi'an Yin stop walking. It's such a sudden action that make several students at him stop to. He look into the lake Infront of him. Looks calm. Then, he ask one or two his members to stay with him. while the other hide their self around the bush, surrounded at the lake. He whispers to the other two students that stay beside him to started the chatting out loudly but not to obviously.While he checking the surface of the lake if there any movement. The big guy come to the prison with the victim that dragged by him. Everyone looking at him like a bear just satisfied with the food. The big guy then asking the girls there who are his members group. "Is Xi'an Yin not come yet?" Jin hee and her group mates shook their heads saying no to the big guy's question. The big guy sit down as he bragging down all the tiredness towards the on the ground. He kind of feel wanna rest a bit, since he been running a lot today. Jin hee giving the tissues from her right pocket skirt to the big guy. The big guy then just smile and say thanks to her kindness. On the other side, not long after the chatting acting begin, a bubble appear on the water after a minutes. Xi'an Yin tell the others everyone to standby by his hand gesture. Little by little the bubble on the surface begin a lot. Then appeared two students who struggling for an air because they were almost drowning. But, they both didn't have time to escape either and last they were already surrounded by Xi'an Yin group. They both had to surrender because there was no chance to escape. At the end, the Xi'an Yin group won this round. After that, there's continue the others team and fight until all left are a loser. The last, Hae in's group were lose not long after the games played. The demon girl asked the groups that all lost earlier. The opportunity she mentioned from the first event, do they want it or just become her food.
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