Chapter 4: Unknown system appears

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A neat bedroom and simple design. Jin hee open the door and close it back. Then she put the bag on the floor. She let her body fall on her bed without thinking. Just let it fall like a leaves that fell from the branch. She sighed. "What the hell...just happen..." She feel so tired with everything that make herself like a lazy bum. She doesn't waking up to take shower or even to change her clothes. Time fly fast, she still in the same position as she fall her body earlier. She not asleep, jin hee just laying down looking the ceiling. Not long after that, heard Hae in voice with knocked on her door room. She feel so tired that make it hard to get up but then she just waking up by force. She looking into her clothes. "Ah.. this is troublesome" She take the blanket on the bed and cover up herslef. She cover her school uniform. Then said to Hae in to coming instead of going to the door. "Coming" Hae in open the door. She saw Jin hee who cover up herself with blanket. The temperature in her room is not that cool though. But then, Hae in just ignore it. She more worried about what Xi'an Yin said to her earlier. "Are you okay?" Jin hee smile and said she fine. She ask back to Hae in why asking her situation. Hae in tell her that she saw Xi'an Yin punch the door behind her. "I thought you guys have a fight.." "I heard Xi'an Yin shout and loud sound. Actually i on the roof in the next building." Jin hee just smile and said is okay. It's just a misunderstanding. "Don't worry. Xi'an Yin just misunderstood me with someone else." "He .. just scared searching for you but still not found." "Well, I'm not eating this night, I'm on diet!, Hehe" Jin hee said it like what she feel earlier doesn't happen. Hae in nodded and said good night to her while trying to maintain her worries. "Then, good night. Sleep tight." "See you tomorrow" Hae in smile abit and close the door. Sound of her step walk away make Jin hee roll back on her bed. She just let herself sleep with her school uniform. (Next day, in the class) "She not here..." Said Hae in with scared face. Hae in been searching for Jin hee since they don't go to school together, having breakfast together like always. Last night, Jin hee just smile and talk like nothing bad happen at school. It's make Hae in more worried about it. Then, she skip the lesson to find Jin hee. Thought, Jin hee just come to the class and sit down when Hae in go to other way. "Something not right..." Said Jin hee. Something wrong in her mind wild appear that make her thinking in deep in the whole lesson in class. Is not about what Xi'an Yin said something to her yesterday. But something else that mess up with her mind. After the class end, she get up and get going on the roof to take some fresh air. She thought maybe she thinking to much that make her mind broke out. On her way to the roof, somehow on the corridor is to silent. She stop walking and standing there. "Is to silent." "Where's everyone..?" She started looking around searching any student in that corridor. Still no one there. She started trembling and feel nausea. She run away and go to the stairs where the roof is. Once she arrives there, she going to the fence there and seeing from up there. "They still here.." Students wandering around the school. "Maybe .. it's a break time now. .." "Haha..." She laughed a bit to make her heart feel ease. The corridor to silent and no one there make her scared of it. Maybe she just overthinking. That what's she thought. Lately she feel a bit weird. Sometimes she heard someone calling her name from behind. Sometimes, she can feel someone touch her hand and shoulder. In the meantime, Xi'an Yin searching for Jin hee to. He thought about yesterday. He want to apologize to her. While Hae in on her way searching Jin hee to. They both meet each other on the hallway to the roof, Hae in who was tired and full of worries some on her face turned angry and fierce looking at Xi'an Yin. Meanwhile, Xi'an Yin just look away without saying anything. "Tch. This annoying bastard. Don't tell me you search Jin hee to?" Hae in said it without refrain herself than getting annoyed. Xi'an Yin just nodded without said anything. When Hae in just about to burst up to shout on Xi'an Yin. They both shocked hearing a voice that they been searching all day. Jin hee who just standing on the stairs. "What are you guys doing?" She ask them and continue to go down and stand between them. "Don't tell me you guys just fight?" Hae in release a big sigh and hug Jin hee. She even crying a bit. "Don't leave me. Where are you going..?" "I've been searching you for the whole day. What happen to you..?" "It's my fault? I'm sorry... Hic...hic.." Jin hee chuckle a bit and pat her head. "Haha, calm down Hae in. I'm just having some fresh air on he roof. The lesson today kind hard for me, especially math!" "You the one who missing, think back I'm not skipping the class" Hae in look to her face. She don't know what to say when she the one who skip he class and saying all that. She feel a bit embarrassed for it. While Jin hee just smile and saying something to calm them down. "Why you guys look gloomy today?" "Cheer up! Anyway Xi'an Yin, you to! Cheer up. I know you your feeling yesterday so don't worry" Jin hee smile make Xi'an yin smile back. He even said sorry to her. They all calm down and settle down on what happen. The bell ring the break time is end. They all get going to the class. Hae in nagging on Xi'an Yin about yesterday while they two walking in front Jin hee , Jin hee just chuckle about it. Thought of it, suddenly Jin hee stop walking when she hear someone calling her name like she heard in the morning. "Rin.." She looking behind her. No one else there. She looking back to Hae in and Xi'an Yin. They don't have any reaction about what she hear. Not long after it, someone hold her shoulder and stoping her to walk. She looking back behind her. Is a girl her face not clearly seen Her front hair kind long that cover her eyes. But,, the girl said something to Jin hee. "The game will start. Be prepare." "The end of humanity will come. The world will perish, the time will stop " A girl smile. A creepy smile with a creepy laugh that make Jin hee afraid and got shocked when Hae in shout calling her name because of they distance a bit far. "Jin hee! What are you doing?" Jin hee looking Hae in and shout back. "Ah, nothing! Wait i come later..-" She just about to said about a girl earlier, but when she look back that girl not there anymore. The girl disappear like no one else at there. Jin hee feel chilly down her body. She runs a little to Hae in nd Xi'an Yin. When she just beside them. Hae in ask what were she doing back there. Jin hee just cover up it since Hae in didn't said about a girl there, which mean only Jin hee saw and heard it. Then, they just go into the class like usual. In the class, like always students talking, play games like they do usually. Jin hee still feel uneasy about it. She thinking about it, should she tell Hae in or just let it go. On that time, Hae in still nagging on Xi'an Yin. Jin hee feel abit scared thinking of it. She feel uneasy, she still can't let it go, beacuse what she heard and what she saw, seriously is clear thing. She does not take any medicine. Usually she take in some medicine to make her head feel better in past. But now she decide it to not take it anymore since the medicine doesn't give an effect for her anymore. Finally Jin hee decide to tell Hae in and Xi'an Yin about it, she just about two step to go to them. Suddenly, a voice heard loudly on the speaker. The voice is a bit high, sound like a girl that like a child voice but sometimes sound a bit creepy when she laugh. "(Cough) test test" ".....HELLO EVERYONE!" "MY NAME IS Earl Dassy. Nice to meet you all! Starting today all of you will not having any lesson, go back home! Or any activity from school!" "Why? BECAUSE!! We will play some games until one of you win OR! Our people win the games will end!" "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Everyone just standing heard it. Some of it laughing, make a fun of it, other than it just is ignore and half of it include Jin hee trembling in scared. Hae in seeing her best friend Jin hee trembling in fear starting to come close to her and hug her, same with Xi'an Yin. They both trying to make Jin hee calm down. But then they heard something more worried and in fear when they heard what Jin hee said. "It's true. What that girl said it's true. I should tell you guys sooner. But now it's to late. What should i do?.." That voice said again. While Hae in nd Xi'an Yin in confused. "...Well then, .. GAME STARTED!!" Suddenly out of nowhere, some gas leaking out and spreading fast in whole class. The gas that leaking out is a sleeping gas. All the student faint and fall down. Even Hae in who try to protect Jin hee with Xi'an Yin fall down while hugging three of them together. The voice earlier start to laughing over and over again. Jin hee heard it until she fall asleep. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!"
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