Chapter 3: Xi'an Yin past.

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"When i was kid. I lost both my parent in a car crash. No one want to take care of me and at the end, i live in orphanage. When i was ten years old. There's someone who adopt me. I met him. He look old a bit. I think his age around 30s. He always smile. Even someone dear to him die. He still can smile at me like always. At that time i thought that he just like others but he different. He lost his wife and his son. He even said to me that, her wife have a wish before her last breath. That to stay together and be happy. But she no longer in this world. So he decided to make his late wife dream come true by adopt me. The longer i stay with him, the more i know about him. He my father now, even though he not my real father. He the best father I've have seen. One day, i travel to Japan with him. He said he wanted to see his dear brother in Japan. So we fly away just to meet his brother. When we arrive at his hometown. He tell me that they will have to walk a bit more because his house a bit far from the village. His dear brother live with his wife and his daughter. His daughter and i have same age. I play with her and stay in her house. I got new friends, the only one who always play with her. We both always play a games like hide and seek, run and tag, or green light and red light. Is a traditional game for japanese people. I learn how to play and that game already be my favorite games ever after that. Not long after, is already two months we spend a time. Suddenly, uncle said, that he need to return to China to deal his business. It's a emergency. So, we both packing up and get ready to fly back to China after three days. Is a good memory to be in there even i just live only two months in her house. I already satisfied with it. I never feel that happy before after my parent insiden. I return to China and go to school like always. The summer holidays already end. I write all the memories on one book that i got from Uncle. But then, something really bad happens to her. One day, i just back from school, and like always i just reading comic in living room. Suddenly, uncle open the door house roughly and runt towards me. He hugged me titely. His hug make me hard to breathe. I pat my uncle head and said to let me go. In a good way. But then uncle just hug it more titely and i hear sound from his breathing. His just try to hold it. He crying. I push my uncle roughly and looks at him with terrified. I'm tremble, uncle is crying right now. The person that lost his wife and daughter that time. That just smile always on my face. To make my worries gone. Now crying like a baby infront of me. His look at me with pityful face. He try to tell me something but is really hard since he cry non-stop and like he nearly die. Then he show me a mail from his phone. I take it and read it." From mail's phone: "Hello uncle, I'm Hae in. Uncle still remember me right?. I'm Rin's best friend. Rin right now live with me. After uncle back to China with Xi'an Yin. In half a months, I go to Rin's house to celebrate her birthday. But then, i see her house already burned out. I fall down because i afraid, there nothing left just a burned woods from the house. Not long after that, i see her faint while sit in front the burned house. I take her to my house and tell my parent about everything i see. Police and ambulance coming a half hour later. We go to hospital. My mom said. The insiden happen maybe from a self -neglect. About Rin's parent, both of them die in burning house. Only Rin saved from it. I tell uncle in case nobody contact you. I hope uncle understand about don't find Rin. Don't meet her, don't contact her. I want her to be released from her bad memory. We want her be happy. I'm sorry uncle, i hope you understand Rin feeling." "I lost my words to said anything after read it. This is horrible. Why would we both need to go through all these painful things. Uncle at that time still crying. Once he cool down after several hours pass, he still in deep thoughts thinking of worse thing. Start from that day, i been taking care uncle. He doesn't want to do anything, he lost his interest in his life, he don't even go to work, eating or shower. I feel bad and angry at the same time. I thought that i can hold it until he come back to his sense. But it's already been 2 month. I already lost my patience and feeling. I talk to uncle, to change. Don't hang in one things. I know is hurt. Is hurts but it more hurt seeing you like this. I know this is selfish to, but have uncle think of my feeling?. It's hurt. Uncle that time only seeing me without any consent but he stand up from his bed. He talk to me. That's the first think ever happen after the incident. Uncle said." "Would you mind to take care our Rin. I dont care what that child said. I don't want Rin forget about us, about her own parent. Like you said boy, it's hurt seeing people you love in bad shape and take a wrong decision. So, i give you my final request and wish. Go to Korea and take back our Rin from that child. Take care our Rin. The only one my family that left from my dear brother." Start that day, Xian yin have been through all the hardwork to learn everything as he can to go to Korea. Until he graduated from his middle school. He transfer to Korea. Study and learn there, until he can take Rin to their hometown. Since that the final request from his foster father who lost his goal and future after that incident. When Xian yin arrived in Korea, he find a job to earn some pocket money to rent a flat, or room. Luck come suddenly that make him non stop pray to the god when his foster father's friend help him. That uncle name is Ghou xie. This uncle always taking care his foster father, even now when he transfer school in Korea, Uncle Ghou always helping them. He decided to thanks back when all the problem have been settled. On his first day in Korea, he go to the school that he saw in the feed social app Hae in upload it. He try to apply that school, and pretend to be a normal transfer student. He try his best to overcome all the challenge and difficulty to enter the school. Until the day he got a call from school that he's request have been approved. The day he enrolled in the school, is a day where the his uncle wish and request have been hold in his heart. He come to school meet the teacher to go to where his class is. Just one step into the class, Xian Yin saw Rin and Hae in in the class as well. He felt very happy, and tried to follow his original plan. During the introductory session, Xian yin looked at Rin and Hae in while thinking about the next plan. Meanwhile, Rin saw Xian Yin as well while smiling. Hae In was distracted with the book in her hand. The teacher who had previously explained about his presence continued to ask Xian Yin to introduce himself. Xian Yin was too focused on his planning by just telling his name. After that, he made eye contact with Hae in who had been busy reading the book in his hand. He know that she knows, and she know who he is. But then, they just pretend like they don't know each others. After the introduction, he go to the sit where the teacher telling him. The sit literally beside Hae in. (After a few hours lesson) He decide to ask Rin for a tour in the school, and a chances to get close to her to know her situation. But get stop by Hae in, she sure know what he try to do. It's look like Rin really don't remember who he is. From her behavior, Rin still looks kind like she used to be. But with empty shell. She look lonely and sad at the same time. Thank god with the causes from student council who coming to tell to Hae in to come to the meeting, and the kind heart of Rin. He got a chance to go tour with her. Hae in feel a bit frustrated and text someone before she leaves. While Rin give a positive words to her to get on her spirit. Then she look into Xian Yin face and tell him to go, before the rest time over with her bright smile. They go to all around place until they arrived on the roof. On there, Rin suddenly said sorry to him, about Hae in behavior. She explained about Hae in in one phase. Xian Yin look into her face. Her bright smile, with her adult body still looks same as they were kid. His face feel kind hot, and his heart pounding the longer the faster looking at Rin's face. Then, he just turned his face to the sky, and reach out his hand like he try to hold something up there, but can't reach it. He to observed try to calm himself, that make him feel the stare from Rin. Is not like her stare make him scared of something, but her stare like she admire of him make Xian yin feel more flustered. Then he said something to her to make her stop staring him. Then, he looking into her face, because of the light from the sun he stare for a while earlier make him hard to see Rin clearly. His mad reaction from the sun make a misunderstanding when he saw Rin afraid of him. He try to calm her by said one sentence. But then she just cover it all. They talk to each other for a bit, then go to the canteen before the rest time over. (Several hours later) At home, after taking a bath, he laying on the sofa and looking into the ceiling. Time fly quickly that make him studder for a moment. He spend his life and time for a rest of the day with both of them like usual. He just transfer today, but they just hanging out like usual when there were kid. Suddenly he remembers, Hae in kindness helping him to find way home. Even thought, he actually know how to go home. Well, is part from his plan to try get close to Rin. He take a deep breath and thinking for his next plan. He changed his posture from layind down, into sit properly and thinking. He close his eyes and face with his hands. What should he do tomorrow to make a bit more close relationship with Rin. (Next day) A peaceful morning, there was the chirping of birds and the faint sound of a clock. Xian yin wake up from his sleep on the sofa. He woke up with a wondering face, how could he be on the couch. He look into his phone. It's already late one hours from his usually time to prepare himself for school. Quickly, Xian Yin took a towel and took a shower . Soon, the front door of his house was quickly twisted and slammed and locked. Xian Yin ran towards the station to take the train to school. After a few minutes, he arrives at the next station. Then he ran quickly up the stairs there, and continued towards the road to school. Xian Yin managed to stop by a grocery store to buy some items for Hae in and the others, with the help of yesterday. He safely arrive without been consoles by the teacher. The school gate was about to be closed by the school guard. When he arrived at the front door of the classroom, he saw Hae in was busy reading comics. Xian Yin passed behind Hae in, and placed a bag containing a school book -sized bear teddy bear and some keychains in it. The reaction given by Hae in makes Xian Yin give a signal about that's a gift. Hae in calls Jin hee to give her the keychain bought by Xian Yin. Their reaction and behavior made Xian Yin laugh a little at them. Hae in was puzzled and came towards Xian Yin. Her face getting closer made Xian Yin nervous. Ever since he entered this school yesterday, he was determined to make a blank face until his plan succeeded .However, Hae in gets closer and tries to see Xian Yin's face make they both fall from the chair. Xian Yin quickly hugged Hae in and held her head so as not to hit the floor. The whole class was surprised to see and examine what was happening near them. Jin hee reaches out his hand to help, but been ignored by them. But she doesn't take it into her heart, since it's her first time seeing Hae in blushing like that. They both frozen for one minute then Hae in rashly stand up and go to her sit. Though, is not long she stand up again and ran as fast as she could from there. Xian Yin startled and try to maintain his reaction so that no one will see it. After he cool down, he want to ask Jin hee to find her, but suddenly the teacher already come into the class. They both continue the class and decided in rest time. (Restime) They both go searching Hae in in various place such as toilet, canteen, gym, library and lastly the roof. At there, Jin hee asking to Xi'an Yin why they go to the roof. Xi'an Yin reaction changed, is look like he remembers something that make him ask Jin hee a question that he should not ask in the first plan. "Are you really don't know me and uncle? Even though i tell my name you and Hae in doesn't feel anything?" Is just a normal sentence that already make his heart fall shattered. Jin hee just said no to him with unchanged face. He let his anger out shouting about her past and punch the door behind Jin hee She startled a bit, though she try to stay calm by soothing his heart wih touching his cheek and give it a pitiful face yet a bitter smile to him. "I'm sorry, don't cry ..." After that, Jin hee just give a bitter smile and back to the class. While Xi'an Yin try to calm down and continue searching Hae in. He looking around and spot Hae in a bit far from the building his stand in. Hae in looking into his face at that time. She stands near the fence on other building's roof. She saw something that make her face frustrated see him. He look back to her then whisper. "Damn. Why must this day be my bad day." He want to go to her, but she just give a deep stare and make a bit gestures using her hands. "f**k off" That what she mean. Xi'an Yin release a big sigh and sit down there. He just don't know what would he do after this. What plan should he make to make this things calm down. He just hoping that she doesn't heard anything. Hae in leave after give a bad impression to him. She back to her class. Xi'an Yin just continue sit there thinking deep until dawn.
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