Chapter 11: Before the next game

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Seeing the other remaining students die one by one making the survivors feel guilty. They try hard to tell the timer to them. But their voice can't even reach into theirs ear. Just one person only who knows what they tried to tell. That person survived. He sat leaning against the wall thinking about his fate. In order to save himself, he sacrificed other students. He also wants to save them. However, due to the short time he chose to remain silent. Sometimes too, he thought if he told them about that time. Will others understand and be safe? His mind replayed the incident. Xi'an Yin came from behind patting him on the shoulder. Xi'an Yin shook his head, trying to convey that it wasn't that student fault they died. The incident happened too fast and the short time made the choice to save everyone are limited. While they all try to save the students who are still in the game. They try their best, with various ways to convey the information. Unfortunately, none of them could explain it except this student. Not long after that, the dark shadow earlier slowly disappeared from their insight. The game is finished for this round. Their wins. But the other remaining students are not as happy as it. There were two incidents that happened suddenly while they were playing. They plan carefully so that everyone is safe. Due to the impatience of some of the students. Two lives were lost. Not only that, to take revenge on someone. Almost seven students died. The female student who was with her two male friends was lucky because, his friend's large body can block the view of the dark shadow. She's sitting there crying alone. Soon, appeared the demon, George Dalm. “Well, well, well~ I didn't think you guys would win. With the remaining of this amount. I will release you all with the next game. Oh no! I shouldn't speak like that". George Dalm was excited and proud to see how many students were still alive. He spoke as normal as his true feelings flow. However, he continued to cover and try to remove the original voice tone to his rhyming voice. Thus, with all due respect and with his morals George Dalm said. "Congratulations! our village is finally freed. O'guest! our admirable guard truly lose the game. It's looks like he gonna be freed from his fate. THEN! I will pray on your next journey! If our red ties still tighten. We're will meet again...". George Dalm finished his words and continued to disappear. The students there could only contemplate their fate. The state of the school gym, which was quite dark, is now illuminated with bright lights. Jin hee felt relieved, her sigh was heard by the others. A very heavy sigh one, finally released. Ha in hugged her to calm her friend's soul. Even Xi'an Yin joined them. "The hell ...". One of the student there shocking seeing the bodies of the students who died earlier disappeared along with the blood that flowed when they were playing a while ago. Everyone looking at it after heard it.The condition of the school gym was as if nothing had happened before. For now is completely like a normal school gym. Then, everyone just silently resting on their phase. But suddenly they heard someone footsteps coming behind the exit door because of the sudden silent. The footsteps become clear and became loud. Then, a person there started to knocking the door as not to be rude to all of them. Who have just finish their death game. The sound of knocking made some students worry about their own safety. "What shud we do? ". the student there started to whispering to each other. "Shut up. I'm already tired out of it". said the tough guy there. "let's just it be". said a female students there. "What if they broke the door". said another female students. "I'm gonna open it". Said monji while standing infront of them. Everyone were pause for a second to rethink about it. "Are you out of your mind!?". Another student started to shouting but still in whispering stage. "What if they come to kill us? Would you take the responsibility?". The tough student try to convince Monji. "I do. I will. Just trust me". said monji in his confident. Then he start to walking towards the door. Before that, Lee Yu Jin held monji's hand to stop Monji for her worries. "Monji...". But, Monji held Yu jin's hand and released it as a sign that he was okay with it. Yu Jin accepted. But still feel worried about the situation. All the students are watching monji. Their worries are also multiplied due to their tiredness. Monji turned the door. At first he felt so nervous that his hands were shaking. Then he held his trembling hand with his other hand. Accordingly, he tried to control his breathing to. As for peace as he feel, he open the door. The door open slowly as a glimpse of someone is seen. He didn't expect it to be Dassy behind the door. He studder seeing her face. Suddenly his tiredness and worry disappeared out of somewhere. Then his body moved without realizing it, his body moved according to his heart and hugged Dassy tightly. He gasped as he tried to calm down. Dassy was quite surprised by the situation but try to stay still and leave it alone when hearing his breathing. It's was heard as he try to hold his tears back. She feel kind of soothing for her heart. Then, she hugged back. Everyone there's just watching it and feeling better about it. Dassy tilted her head to see the situation ahead. She make an eye contact with several students there to make sure others students that trust her still safe. Along with that, Jin hee waving her hand towards Dassy. They all feel relieved about it and try to rest as much as they can after it. While Yu jin at the back all student feeling a bit irritated seeing my monji and Dassy together. After several minutes past, Dassy and monji carry several boxes to the direction of the other students. One by one of the students who's seeing it started to helping out and they started to open the boxes one by one. "Just like last time". said sona checking it. Ha in feel a bit excited when she checking the other boxes that fill with cooking ingredients. Ha in the "spoiled princess" who never try to cook in her life time starting to curious what food will be cooked this time. "Sonaaa! ~ what's about this ingredient. What food will be cooked!". Ha in excited in asking Sona about it. Sona who heard and seeing the curious eyes of Ha in making her heart feel cringe about it. This is her first time seeing Ha in behaviour like that. "Ya! stop it. it's cringed you know!". Sona shouted at Ha in. "Anyway, this is normal you know. Most of people knew about it". Sona start to explain it. "But, I don't know. That's why I'm asking it". say Ha in in her innocent. Sona feel a bit irritated about it. "Aigoo, you such a spoiled brat you know. ..". The others students there who's heard it started to laugh at their behavior. Jin hee came to Sona to help. "You know, in the past. I tried to learn to cook and she come to learn it to". said Jin hee begin to tell the story about Ha in behaviour in past. "and then what happened? Wait- she tried to learn but she still doesn't know the ingredients it???". Sona kind of a shock thinking about it and try to know more about it. Jin hee laughed when she thought about it again. Even Xi'an Yin who near them started to laugh about it."She said that salt and sugar it's a same family. But there were separate due to the adoption". Sona heard it and laughed at it. "Pftt! What the heck. Girl! have you tried to taste it? Ha in...". Ha in answer and rebut arguments. "They are little cubes, same family". Sona studder with the answer. She kind of empty to argue with it. "Aa, forget it. I don't want to argue with a stupid brain like you". said Sona, then she looked back into Ha in's face. "Is okay, forget it". She sigh and take her to learn cooked. "Come here, i teach you how to cook delicious food". Ha in followed and just silently hear her explanation. Jin hee take the broom and scoop and give out to others. At first they swept the floor before put down the mat. Once done, they arranged the blanket and the pillow. While Sona and the others will cook on the stage. They divided the gym into three space. For sleeping, resting and cooking. Thank god for this time, they have a toilet in the gym. So, they can have a shower and popping comfortably. The last camping, they really need to saving the water for emergency toilet since the tissue were not giving to them. Not just that, they even can't shower. "Okay guys who want to shower who want to pooping need to say to me first okay? I will be the guard, as for safety for girls". said Yu jin. While Ha in who busier learn cooking with Sona, she shouted as for join about the guard. Since, she the one who know to fight as a girl. While Dassy bought another boxes with her and sit there. Monji who's with her, helped her with what she need. Dassy bought a bunch of thread and cloth for sewing. She thought of making a scarf for everyone, since at night is cool. The only pillow, blanket and mat not enough to confront the cool of night. Everyone were a bit happy even though they life is short. "It's been a while to have a shower ~". said Toshiro feel a bit soothing. "It's is. is much more like we recharged! Hahaha". said the big guys. As they chatting like nothing will happen tomorrow. "Chop chop, that's to long. The girls turn noww!". said Yu jin. "Okay okay, I know, chill girl". said the big guys. "Do want to die?". said Yu jin feel angry. The big guys felt challenged by Yu Jin's behavior. "Woah wah..Both of you stop it. Are you a kid? Ha?". said Xian Yin tried to stop the fight. The big guys listen to Xian Yin and just walk away with Toshiro. "Are you okay? I'm sorry about it. He's just like but he a good kind". said Xian Yin, say sorry for the bad guys side. "Shut up. Do i care? get lost". said Yu jin unsatisfied. Xi'an Yin just take it silently and walk away. Yu jin feel irritated and getting more and more hated when seeing Monji with Dassy. "Ouch!". Dassy surprised when the needle hit her finger. "Are you okay?, let me see". said Monji and take her hand to see the wound. "Is not that deep, don't worry". said Dassy. The both already developed love to each other. It's just they still unsure about their feeling. "Let's change, You knitted this one i sew that one". said Monji, worried is started to filling his heart. "Okay". said Dassy surrender. "Can i ask why? You're Demon, we're Humans". said Monji want a certainty. "It's just. I despise our kind, and I do want to help your guys to survive. I'm done being a Demon. I am indeed happy if i can sacrifice myself to saving all of you". said Dassy. Monji held Dassy hand, that make both of them stop working. She look into Monji's face."Don't talk like that. Even you sacrifice for us. I'm not happy with it". Monji getting serious when saying it. "Don't forget to move your hand". said the big guys who walk Infront of them and tease them. Monji feel irritated and chasing it.

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