Fight that changed fate

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All four of the alphas sat behind their desk, but they looked nothing like someone who came to train the students. Each of them had a woman on their lap, making out so blatantly like they had no care in the world who saw them. Except for Darius who was ignoring his girlfriend while scrolling his phone. I don't know what's more disgusting here, them making out like this? or the fact that the girls that they with, three of them are students and one of them is a teacher? I resisted the urge to cringe at them and silently moved to place the papers on the desk and turned around when Dean, the eldest alpha let out a growl freezing me to the spot. ''Urg, some privacy, please! '' Erin, Darius's current b***h said, rolling her eyes at me. ''Knock the door before you come inside!'' Ms Theo, a red-haired beauty who teaches us science, didn't surprise me one bit she is one of the alpha's hook partners now. I did knock on the door before entering but I can't argue against her, Right now being in the alphas's arms means they are almost Luna. The quads are yet to find their mates, and as impatient as they are, it will be no wonder if they make anyone that they are with as their Luna. ''I'm sorry, Mrs.Taylor wanted me to give these to the alphas'' I said softly keeping my head down. For some reason, anytime I see them with someone else, my heart hurts like someone is roasting it over volcano lava, and I did not want them to see the inexplicable burning rage I had for the bitches on their laps. I squirmed in my place as I felt the alphas' eyes pierce through me, roving around my body as if they were examining me with their eyes. "Leave," As I waited to be excused, Daniel said. I scurried away from them, almost tripping on my way out before closing the door, Estella and Esther Declan and Daniel's sluts snickered at me. But their laughter didn't make me feel as embarrassed and hurt as seeing those girls with them, it shouldn't hurt me like this as I already know how they are, but for some reason, they have this weird effect on me. The school didn't go any smoothly either, I got picked for my patched-up clothes, and almost falling-apart shoes. Well, what do they expect from me? The pack paid for omegas but not us because according to them. 'we are earning our stay with our work'. So whatever we work the money will be for compensating for our food and shelter accommodations, even though, those they provided wouldn't even cover half the work my mom and I did, but who do we ask? I sighed, running to the bus before it could leave me. It's almost an hour's walk from the school to pack house, and only one bus is there, if we miss it, then our legs are our only hope. For others they have their wolves and parents to help them get home, but for me?. Even though the alphas and I are living in houses next to next, they never let me get in their car or give me a lift. But then again, my history with the alphas is a reason for their hate of me. I still remember the quads growing up, always mischievous and up to no good, pranking everyone they met, they even once added laxatives to welcome drink at a party and slashed the tire of an alpha's car for calling them pipsqueak when they were 12, they have always been handful. We used to play now and then but Luna never allowed them to play with me, she would give me extra work if I ever happened to get some free time to play. As time went by, their harmless mischiefs made them twisted and they took complete turns from what I knew of them, Their pranks became cruel and they turned from my friends to my bullies. I didn't have this kind of attention and bullying in school before that. It all started when I was 11 and the alphas were 14, They completely stopped playing with me a long while ago and completely forgot about me from all the alpha training they were taking, it reduced their evil side but it didn't take it completely away. It was winter at that time, and the alpha and Luna were throwing a party in the back garden. Even in that cold the party was at full swing and if there was a party, that only meant loads of work for us. I wanted to see the party but the mistress said I could only leave if I finished all the dishes. The party was huge so the cooking was endless and so were the dishes, It took me forever but still couldn't complete it as the dishes kept coming, the mistress only let me go when I started crying for missing the party. I was super excited and ran to the party, My clothes were soaked from washing and the cold made it unbearable, but I didn't want to leave. I have been to these kinds of parties back home, I enjoyed it a lot back then, I was small and people always praised me as cute in all those expensive dresses mom brought for me, I had everyone's attention and everyone played with me, but now, I just watched from the side, wearing a dirty dress, trying to be invisible to others. The kids my age wearing expensive clothes, holding their parent's hands wondered me, made me long for my home back with my mom. I was caught up in the beauty of the lights and people dancing when Luna saw me standing there, She didn't care that I was standing in the snow without any winter clothes or it might affect my heath in that cold but just said to be somewhere where no one can see me. I didn't understand it then, just happy that I could still be at the party, just not in their sight. I wandered off to the garden but in the distance, I still saw the lights of the party, I liked the beat of the music and the happy vibe people had, it was so much different from the always broody mood of the pack house. I stood under a tree, hugging myself, trembling in the cold as I watched the party, too captured by it when I heard voices behind me, kind of slurred. I looked behind to see three of the quads, Darius, Daniel and Declan standing behind, Dean nowhere in sight, only when I saw their face did I realise they were talking to me. They have grown a lot since I last saw them, they no longer looked like young boys I know of but grown men with bulk arms and muscles. It's clear from their face they were drunk, they were just 14 but still they were drunk, perks of being alpha's sons I guess. ''What? lost your hearing?'' Declan snapped at me, making me look at him, his words were slurred and barely knowledgeable, I stood there not knowing what to say. ''Ugh, these disgusting humans'' Danial spat, annoyed at me, I don't know what I did wrong. ''Do you smell that brother?'' Declan asked, sniffing the air. ''Yeah, smells like drainage '' Danial said with his face scrunched up in disgust. I looked down at the soaked-up dress I was wearing, I wanted to change to something but that was the only dress I had, the other dress had just been washed, and it was even wetter than this one, I didn't have many dresses, just these two, I wear one while I cleaned and washed other. I hugged myself, trying to leave when Darius blocked me. ''Don't mind them, they are just drunk'' He said, his words and face were weird and was drunk himself. ''You should change your clothes'' He said, and I looked down again. ''I don't have any'' I said sadly, my voice was small and embarrassed when Danial snorted, choking on his laughter at what I said. ''What? your mommy didn't buy you dresses?'' He mocked. ''We don't get paid'' I said, hugging myself, wanting to leave. "Oh, then what about the money she gets from sleeping around? '' He asked, shocking me. There were rumours back then, that Mom was working as a w***e in the pack house, I don't know how or who spread something like that, but it spoilt my mom's name a lot, she was accused of doing p**********n in the pack house but the alpha himself confirmed it wasn't true, but the rumours already did the damage. I can't believe the quad thought it was true. ''That's not true'' I said, taking a step back. ''What?, you think I'm lying? I have heard so much about your mother'' He said, a smirk on his face, taking a step towards me. ''I have heard she was so good in bed too, '' He taunts. I blocked my ears, and tried to get away from them, trying to get away from their cruel words, w***e, b***h, cunt, the words they threw were too painful to hear. ''You will see she will put you in too, or, are you already in it?'' Declan asked, making Danial scoff and Darius groan. I know they were just drunk and talking about rumours but that didn't mean it did any less damage. Tears sprung to my eyes but not one of sadness but one of anger, I was too angry at them, too pissed off that I couldn't control myself. *Slap
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