
Quadruplet's only mate

magical world



After encountering a tragic meeting between two wolves when Daisy was only eight years old, she and her mother are trapped in the current situation, where Daisy finds herself as a human slave in the world of werewolves.

Forced to work as an omega in the pack house, while getting bullied by everyone around, Daisy awaits the strike of the clock when she will finally turn 18 and can leave the horrible life she was forced into behind.

But at the third strike of the clock, secrets about herself unravelled one by one, making it harder to leave the world.

If that isn't shocking enough, who would have thought the moon goddess had other plans for her, by tying her fate to the notorious quadruplet alphas of the pack that holds reputations for many things.

Dominating, playboyish, intelligent, wealthy, and the leader of her numerous bullies.

Will she embrace them and let go of the past? And face life the moon goddess bestowed upon her? Will she accept and strengthen her bond with her mates enough to fight when tragedy strikes? Or let the storm take it all away. Will their bond be strong enough to fight the danger that lurks their pack, together?

Join the life of Daisy and her mates to find out~~

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Into the new world
I watched the frail form of my mom, laying in bed, too exhausted from working day and night, her body no longer bearing with her, her eyes filled with exhaustion from working so hard all these years. She is a hard-working human woman, struck in this werewolf world and suffering to live and take care of me and it's all because of me. Because of me, she worked around the pack house, scrubbing the tiles till they shined instead of sitting laid back in her office, going through documents and criminal files. Dripping in her sweat from working day and night restlessly, instead of sitting in the lounge, enjoying the feel of cool air in an air-conditioned room. Instead of living the life she worked so hard to earn, she cleaned every nook and corner of the entire pack house on her own, despite its the work of 10 werewolf omegas who dumbed their work on her and snickered at her doing it all on her own, The woman who once worked so hard to climb in status to give me a good life through her hard work, now worked like a machine, overworking herself to exhaustion. She no longer looks like what she looked before we came here, her forehead is filled with lines of worries, her huge forest green eyes look shallow and tired, her limps are too thin for her, definitely underweight for her age and height, but despite all that, she still looked young for her age, and as beautiful as ever, just too exhausted and worn out. She smiled warmly at me, but that didn't stop the guilt from infesting me. To think she lost everything and I'm the sole reason for it is eating me alive, her tired eyes killing me day and night, making me wish it never happened at all. I wish I never let go of her hand and ran from her, if that day never happened, she wouldn't be here, exhausted beyond her age. If it wasn't for that day, we would have never come to this pack and suffered like this. White moon pack. For others, it's heaven, a pack that is ruled into prosper by a fair alpha and luna, For every werewolf it's a dream to be part of this pack, I have heard many wishing for it, and I can see why too. The alpha and Luna treated everyone with courtesy and equality and ruled their pack fair and just but even their ruling has two exceptions and that is none other than me and my mom. This place has wronged us in so many ways, made a simple task as surviving nearly impossible, and I'm the only reason my mom got dragged in it too. That day, that one day, that will always stay embedded in my mind, giving me nightmares as guilt consumes me. ( Ten years ago ) I was eight at the time, my life wasn't what you call perfect but still beautiful. It was just me and Mom as far as I know, I have never seen or heard of my father and Mom never mentioned him to me, and if she ever did, only said good things about him so she wouldn't feed me the bad image for a father. Even though her words would only give me an image of what he was, she wanted it to be a good one. Despite missing a father figure in my life, my life and family were always full with my mother with me. She conceived of me at the very young age of 19, and she always said how she met my father in a bar it was love at first sight and she can never forget about him. My parents, at least my mom fell in love the moment they met each other, her love for him never swayed despite being abandoned by him all these years. He abandoned my mom and me the moment I was born, but she never held any animosity against him and she never forgot him, or let another man in her life, She accepted to live her life with just his memories, and she thought of me as the gift of her love and cherished me with everything she had. She had to drop out of school because of being pregnant with me, and no parents to have her back or anyone to take care of, She built everything on her own. She brought a trailer with the money she had saved all her life, to give me a roof over my head, She worked two shifts while continuing her studies, she worked in cycles, working 18 hours a day in the middle of taking care of me, she gave it her all to give me a better future. And she did it, graduated from school after a lot of difficulties, studied law, and managed to be a lawyer, She handled many cases and claimed her throne in the society in no time. Being a single mother at a young age, people always judged her character, doubted her ways of making money and insulted her at every turn, but mom never cared about them or their words, Her sole attention was on me and gave everything she could, and ran for us. She made everyone who looked down at us, look upon our growth. She brought a huge house for us both, our paradise, to treat me like a princess. ''You are my lucky charm'' She always tells me, kissing my forehead as if it's me who made her who she is today, even though it is her, it's all because of her hard work. My mom is the only soulmate of my life, my world and my everything, everything I have known, and we built our world within the walls of our home. And that's why the pain of what I did to her is as unbearable as it is. It was my eighth birthday and Mom was trying to give me a birthday surprise by taking me to a picnic spot, Her friend Brent who worked as her assistant was the one who drove us to the spot. It was in between mountains, I enjoyed the drive, feeling the wind blow in my face with the window down. The picnic was awesome, Mom and Brent gave me gifts and a huge cake as we spent the day with ourselves. Even though Brent was new, I loved playing with him, and I loved his pranks and atrocities, Mom always scolded him for being a bad influence but still loved him as her younger brother. We were enjoying the day watching the sunset and the moon rise to the middle of the dark sky, glowing majestically. Mom and Brent were packing the things to leave but I was reluctant to, loving the cool air of the mountains, Brent warned me of wild animals roaming as it's in the middle of a forest. But I was too playful to listen, refusing to leave, I yanked my hand from mom and ran into the forest, giggling as they both tried to catch me. I ran at my full speed, loving the feel of racing while they called on to me, I jumped over a log with my small legs, dodging leaves as I ran, but being grown-ups, it must have been hard for them to run in the forest like me. I didn't stop running till my leg tripped on the root of a tree making me stumble into a clearing. The moon was bright above my head, illuminating a glow down at the clearing. I was so engulfed by the moon when Mom caught up to me, she fell on her knees beside me, breathing hard from running after me, She hugged me to her as her chest rose and fell, panting hard. Her hard eyes turned to me, clearly showing me how pissed off she is, and I know I will be having it later but It was my birthday, she wouldn't hurt me, right?. She started her lecture, scolding me with so much anger, till tears streamed down my face, but that didn't stop her. She continued screaming at me when a loud growl made us both jerk, She stopped her scoldings midway before turning to search for the source of the sound. We were looking around in alert when a huge brown wolf jumped into the clearing out of nowhere. It didn't look like any ordinary wolf, cause it was as huge as my mom, and its face was so gore and bloody, and drool dripping out of its mouth that pulled up in a snarl at us. Mom instinctively pulled me behind her to shield me from its cruel eyes. Even at that age, I knew there was no way we could escape from something like that, It would tear both of us in a s***h but my mom would not let it touch me without going through her first. The wolf growled at us, taking a stalking step towards us, rounding us to attack, it bent its hind legs down to launch at our frozen forms when a huge grey wolf, even bigger than the brown one, jumped from behind, tackling the brown wolf to the ground, it both fought with each other. Mom turned to hug me to hide my sight from seeing the fight but I still saw everything over her shoulder. The grey wolf won as it bit into the brown wolf's neck with a sickening crunch, it growled so loud, piercing the air, Mom tried to block my ears from hearing it but I still heard it. I watched in horror at the wolves when the dead brown wolf's body started shrinking smaller and smaller till it completely turned into a human, even though mom was trying to not let me see it, in her horror, she too saw everything. We looked in horror at the man who was once a wolf lying motionless and naked on the ground The grey wolf tore his body to pieces till I couldn't be silent anymore as a scream slipped my lips at the gore in front of me. Mom tried to close my mouth but it already got the attention of the grey wolf. It looked back and forth at us and the shredded remains of the wolf man, clearly understanding we saw everything. It huffed before going over to the bushes as we both sat frozen to the spot. A sickening crunching sound of bones breaking came from behind the bushes before a man with dark hair walked out from behind. He sighed, coming over to us. He didn't say anything, just looking at us with an indescribable look on his face, his eyes boring into us but Mom blocked his view of me with her body. ''I'm sorry you had to see that'' He spoke for the first time but that didn't do anything to calm our hiking hearts. ''I'm sorry to say this, but you can no longer be in here, You have watched something that you shouldn't and against our law, by watching this you have become a threat to a secret that can dispute the order of nature'' He said, Mom stiffened. ''I can give you two choices, but please choose wisely '' He said. ''One, you both come with me to our world where you will be with our people so you cannot reveal our secret, 2, You will give me your blood oath of not saying a word about this to anyone, and leave your daughter with me since she is too young for a blood oath, '' He said, but mom crushed me to her. ''I promise, we will not utter a word to anyone about this, please let us go'' Mom begged, holding me close. He sighed, it was clear on his face he didn't like doing it too but being forced to. ''I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't do anything in this, it's either that or to kill you both '' He said, his voice hard and holding authority like he didn't want to give more time on to this, leaving no place for argument or begging. Mom hugged me to her, ''I'm scared Mommy'' I cried in her arms, I could feel how shaken she was but still held a warm smile on her face as she reassured me she would be with me no matter what. With no other choice, she chose to leave with him to the new world, as it's the only way she can keep me, the only way to protect me.

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